Proof that CO2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change

"Truth be told, LaDexter's claim of an ice-covered Greenland and an unfrozen North America accomplishes nothing in the way of refuting the greenhouse effect"

Indeed, I'll just take this one, because the rest of the post is so pathetic, so dishonest, so silly, so laughable.

Crick parrots the tippys, who claim CO2 is what causes climate change. Since Co2 and only Co2 causes climate change, Crick has a very hard time explaining the past 1 million years of Earth climate history, where North America thawed while Greenland froze, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. So what did CO2 have to do with NA thawing and Greenland freezing??


Crick really hates that indisputable truth, because it outs Crick as a total moron who doesn't think, who doesn't have the ability to think, but rather is just a pathetic excuse of a left wing parrot/liar/ideological bigot.
Your own posts out you as a sociopathic liar. I have never done any of the things of which you've just accused me. If you disagree, feel free to quote my posts. Since LaDexter doesn't seem able to get the hang of the board's quoting function, perhaps one of his buddies here could help him with it. Quote posts of mine in which I "parrot the tippys", claim that CO2 is the sole cause of climate change or make any attempt to correlate CO2 and the still unidentified period in Earth's history to which LaDexter like to refer.
Your own posts out you as a sociopathic liar. I have never done any of the things of which you've just accused me. If you disagree, feel free to quote my posts. Since LaDexter doesn't seem able to get the hang of the board's quoting function, perhaps one of his buddies here could help him with it. Quote posts of mine in which I "parrot the tippys", claim that CO2 is the sole cause of climate change or make any attempt to correlate CO2 and the still unidentified period in Earth's history to which LaDexter like to refer.
fine, then settle the first issue, do you believe that CO2 causes climate change?

And in the face of too much truth, the warmers huff, puff, and run run run away... Notice MAmoooooo's absence since she got busted believing the Earth is FLAT...


CO2 has nothing to do with Earth Climate Change. Crick has experienced what a true Christian would feel like today if he was 3300 light years away with a very good telescope, and observed what really happened on top of Mt. Sinai...

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