Zone1 Proof That God Still Communicates With Us

Unless you think I'm lying of course. I reassure you that I'm not, but of course it's completely up to you whether or not you want to take this story as fact.

Last night God came to me (like many of you on here already know this happens rather frequently) and He told me that I had to text my fiancee to let the dog out.

At first he questioned me because he had already let her out twenty minutes prior, but I told him that he needed to again because I could sense that something was wrong with her and so he did. It turns out that she had diarrhea.

That's what happens when you trust God instead of your doubts and I'm so glad that I did and I plan on doing it for the rest of my life. I've come to accept that I'm not a freak, I'm just special because I choose to listen. 😊
If you talk to god, you're spiritual. If god talks to you, you're schizophrenic.
Maybe not, but it's not about the carpet. It's about taking care of animal. A living being. That's what you don't seem to grasp.
Bottom line is: did you get a laugh from the clip? That is my intent. I do not wish to attack your faith. The man is the son of a preacher, and is religious himself.
How interesting that God shows up to save your carpeting from canine excrement, but somehow can’t be bothered to stop the poverty in Africa.

You don't think God punishes those who disobey Him? ... stand in front of a speeding train and test God's resolve to punish those who sin against Him ...

God wants white people dead, and all their creations ground up back into the dust it was made from originally ... and until we kill all the white people, and grind up their works into dust, there will be poverty in all the non-white places in the world ... that's how Satan operates, and how his perversion of white skin help the devil destroy humanity ...

... or so the voices tell me ...

God only punishes those He loves ... and He loves the Jews the most ... can't you tell? ... ask Israel, do they want peace or prosperity? ... they'll never have both ...
Unless you think I'm lying of course. I reassure you that I'm not, but of course it's completely up to you whether or not you want to take this story as fact.

Last night God came to me (like many of you on here already know this happens rather frequently) and He told me that I had to text my fiancee to let the dog out.

At first he questioned me because he had already let her out twenty minutes prior, but I told him that he needed to again because I could sense that something was wrong with her and so he did. It turns out that she had diarrhea.

That's what happens when you trust God instead of your doubts and I'm so glad that I did and I plan on doing it for the rest of my life. I've come to accept that I'm not a freak, I'm just special because I choose to listen. 😊

I am game. Is there a method to get God's attention or does he just choose the ones He talks to? I "pray" I guess is what you call it. Perhaps I do it wrong. 44 years and nothing. Although i did ask God to pick my spouse for me. I know people say this to be funny all the time but she does seem like the only one that would put up with me. I can be a horror at times. She doesn't even seem to be phased by it. We have been married 21 years. I hate it but she seems happy as can be for some reason. Once I prayed and asked God to show me what he wanted me to do because i was upset that i failed to show up on time for an obligation. Minutes later I met a guy that I have been friends with ever since. He's not even a good guy but sometimes I am able to benefit him in some small way. That was about a year before my wife and I married. I have a few stories like that but God never spoke to me. These could have been coincidences. It could be argued either way. I envy your confidence. I was much happier when I believed in God. To be honest i don't believe God spoke to you. I find it inconvenient that you are the only one that knows for sure one way of the other. I bet if i interrogated you enough you would eventually admit that He actually didn't. By virtue religious people are usually honest. So you would eventually admit it was a feeling or a thought that just coincidentally produced a positive outcome. If that is how God talks then He doesn't talk. Either way, good job on the dog diarrhea.
I am game. Is there a method to get God's attention or does he just choose the ones He talks to? I "pray" I guess is what you call it. Perhaps I do it wrong. 44 years and nothing. Although i did ask God to pick my spouse for me. I know people say this to be funny all the time but she does seem like the only one that would put up with me. I can be a horror at times. She doesn't even seem to be phased by it. We have been married 21 years. I hate it but she seems happy as can be for some reason. Once I prayed and asked God to show me what he wanted me to do because i was upset that i failed to show up on time for an obligation. Minutes later I met a guy that I have been friends with ever since. He's not even a good guy but sometimes I am able to benefit him in some small way. That was about a year before my wife and I married. I have a few stories like that but God never spoke to me. These could have been coincidences. It could be argued either way. I envy your confidence. I was much happier when I believed in God. To be honest i don't believe God spoke to you. I find it inconvenient that you are the only one that knows for sure one way of the other. I bet if i interrogated you enough you would eventually admit that He actually didn't. By virtue religious people are usually honest. So you would eventually admit it was a feeling or a thought that just coincidentally produced a positive outcome. If that is how God talks then He doesn't talk. Either way, good job on the dog diarrhea.
Why would a feeling or thought not come from God?
Why would a feeling or thought not come from God?

It can but that isn't speech. God by definition is omnipotent. He could communicate this way if He chose this method. People shouldn't exaggerate their encounters with God. Just say, "God gave me a thought." or "God gave me a feeling." Don't be a liar about it and say He spoke to you when He didn't. In this situation it doesn't matter but if someone told me God said I should do this or that then I will be very hostile towards a claim like that. People use God's name to manipulate people quite often and more often than that they use God's name to justify making a foolish decision. I know somebody like that in my life. I have to avoid this person as much as possible to keep my eyes from popping out from rolling them so much.
It can but that isn't speech. God by definition is omnipotent. He could communicate this way if He chose this method. People shouldn't exaggerate their encounters with God. Just say, "God gave me a thought." or "God gave me a feeling." Don't be a liar about it and say He spoke to you when He didn't. In this situation it doesn't matter but if someone told me God said I should do this or that then I will be very hostile towards a claim like that. People use God's name to manipulate people quite often and more often than that they use God's name to justify making a foolish decision. I know somebody like that in my life. I have to avoid this person as much as possible to keep my eyes from popping out from rolling them so much.
He gives me pictures of things before they happen. I used to be afraid of seeing things about people because some churches thought it was evil I even prayed for it to go away but ever since I can remember this is how my experience is.
I maintain that God has no concern for carpet.

Is it a carpet made of mixed fabrics?

(If anybody gets this joke give yourself 5 points. If you don't, then don't worry. I will probably be cajoled into explaining it later.)
This is not the topic. Communication with God is the topic.

No. If we are to accept that God spoke then we can't help but receive Revelation about God's priorities. Some people prayer for years only to be ignored. Some people pray to find their car keys, or to help their dog with diarrhea and God is right there to intervene. This is a valid theology study if you honestly expect us to believe God spoke to someone. All of us already personally know examples when God ignored us. So are we to take this dog diarrhea story seriously? If so, there is a bounty of information in this story that reveals the character of God.
No. If we are to accept that God spoke then we can't help but receive Revelation about God's priorities. Some people prayer for years only to be ignored. Some people pray to find their car keys, or to help their dog with diarrhea and God is right there to intervene. This is a valid theology study if you honestly expect us to believe God spoke to someone. All of us already personally know examples when God ignored us. So are we to take this dog diarrhea story seriously? If so, there is a bounty of information in this story that reveals the character of God.
To me ignored is subjective. I cannot know God's thoughts I can only be receptive to understanding what God wants for me to understand. I am no religious expert so I want to make sure you understand that. Because I am only giving my opinion based on my life experiences and observations as well as how I interpret it and the religious studies I have looked into. I don't hear God as a voice myself but others might I can't know what their personal relationship with God is like.
This is not the topic. Communication with God is the topic.

True, but it's still funny and btw, why aren't thoughts and feelings considered God's speech? That's the way that He (mostly) talks to me so I consider it His speech. Especially since thoughts from Him are in words. The exact definition of speech.

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