Zone1 Proof That God Still Communicates With Us

Unless you think I'm lying of course. I reassure you that I'm not, but of course it's completely up to you whether or not you want to take this story as fact.

Last night God came to me (like many of you on here already know this happens rather frequently) and He told me that I had to text my fiancee to let the dog out.

At first he questioned me because he had already let her out twenty minutes prior, but I told him that he needed to again because I could sense that something was wrong with her and so he did. It turns out that she had diarrhea.

That's what happens when you trust God instead of your doubts and I'm so glad that I did and I plan on doing it for the rest of my life. I've come to accept that I'm not a freak, I'm just special because I choose to listen. 😊

I have an experience when I was young that makes me think God probably does exist but that experience is personal. I am unable to lay out the facts of the event and prove them to anybody. You incorrectly titled this discussion as proof. Proof would be information that you could transfer to others. You haven't given us any proof that you have a fiance or that this fiance has a dog or even that you weren't passed out drunk when this event allegedly happened. If God spoke you probably conveniently didn't record it so I don't think you have proof. All you have is a personal story that others can believe. That doesn't constitute proof.
I have an experience when I was young that makes me think God probably does exist but that experience is personal. I am unable to lay out the facts of the event and prove them to anybody. You incorrectly titled this discussion as proof. Proof would be information that you could transfer to others. You haven't given us any proof that you have a fiance or that this fiance has a dog or even that you weren't passed out drunk when this event allegedly happened. If God spoke you probably conveniently didn't record it so I don't think you have proof. All you have is a personal story that others can believe. That doesn't constitute proof.

Believe it or not that's your choice. I already stated that in the OP.
To me ignored is subjective. I cannot know God's thoughts I can only be receptive to understanding what God wants for me to understand. I am no religious expert so I want to make sure you understand that. Because I am only giving my opinion based on my life experiences and observations as well as how I interpret it and the religious studies I have looked into. I don't hear God as a voice myself but others might I can't know what their personal relationship with God is like.

What about those pictures?
I cannot believe that there are Christians who believe that God doesn't communicate with us. What about it happening in the Bible then?
Believe it or not that's your choice. I already stated that in the OP.

Fair enough. You were overly zealous and titled this thread dishonestly. Just for the record. Are you a psychology student that made this up to prove how easy it is to invoke conversation? If so, A+. If not, A+. This thread is a true winner. It is just that I desperately crave to hear from God and know His will. It is offensive to consider someone is being deliberately dishonest about God speaking. It is 100 times more offensive if the person doesn't even know they are being dishonest about it. A thought or feeling can be derived from God, Satan, something your neighbor said, something you heard in a tv show, a childhood experience, or a trillion other possibilities. Even you yourself cannot tell where this thought or feeling came from. If it was from God then He didn't want you to know it and He certainly didn't want you to prove it. Either way, I like this thread a lot.
What about those pictures?
I don't like to go deep into it. If I talk about it too much they happen more frequently. I don't really like it at all. I only like it when the pictures are good and comforting. But just as an example I saw a picture of a relative of mine and then the thought told me they were sick and I felt like I needed to pray for them to plead for their life. This struggle is ongoing as 6 months later they told me they have a terminal illness. I don't know why this came to me and it upsets me I am not sure what to do with this when I see it before it happens. What's the point of being shown that ahead of time?
I don't like to go deep into it. If I talk about it too much they happen more frequently. I don't really like it at all. I only like it when the pictures are good and comforting. But just as an example I saw a picture of a relative of mine and then the thought told me they were sick and I felt like I needed to pray for them to plead for their life. This struggle is ongoing as 6 months later they told me they have a terminal illness. I don't know why this came to me and it upsets me I am not sure what to do with this when I see it before it happens. What's the point of being shown that ahead of time?

You mean you get premonitions too? Yeah, you're one hundred percent like me.
I don't like to go deep into it. If I talk about it too much they happen more frequently. I don't really like it at all. I only like it when the pictures are good and comforting. But just as an example I saw a picture of a relative of mine and then the thought told me they were sick and I felt like I needed to pray for them to plead for their life. This struggle is ongoing as 6 months later they told me they have a terminal illness. I don't know why this came to me and it upsets me I am not sure what to do with this when I see it before it happens. What's the point of being shown that ahead of time?

I had an experience when I was 14. I have mentioned it here before on USMessageBoard in the past. It was a very insignificant experience, did not change my life, it didn't give me any correction, guidance, or anything that seemed to matter. If it was God, and that is likely, it didn't seem to matter. I didn't see the point.
I had an experience when I was 14. I have mentioned here before on USMessageBoard in the past. It was a very insignificant experience, did not change my life, it didn't give me any correction, guidance, or anything that seemed to matter. If it was God, and that is likely, it didn't seem to matter. I didn't see the point.
It is confusing for me at times. But I know God is communicating. There are very personal things that happen that make my experience feel it is a confirmation. I've posted it before but after my sister died people in my family myself included will get randomly shaped hearts usually 2 together anytime we are thinking of her they appear for each relative.
It is confusing for me at times. But I know God is communicating. There are very personal things that happen that make my experience feel it is a confirmation. I've posted it before but after my sister died people in my family myself included will get randomly shaped hearts usually 2 together anytime we are thinking of her they appear for each relative.

I had a pastor tell me that life is confusing and chaotic. It wouldn't make sense for a God who loved us to put everything in a beautiful neat little package. That was this pastor's explanation for why the Bible is confusing and chaotic. God wrote it for us to teach us to live here in this confusing and chaotic world. It would only make sense for communication from God directly to be the same. This thread is making me feel a lot of love that I haven't felt in years. My faith has been a struggle ever since I was 17. This thread has made me feel things I haven't felt in many many years.
Unless you think I'm lying of course. I reassure you that I'm not, but of course it's completely up to you whether or not you want to take this story as fact.

Last night God came to me (like many of you on here already know this happens rather frequently) and He told me that I had to text my fiancee to let the dog out.

At first he questioned me because he had already let her out twenty minutes prior, but I told him that he needed to again because I could sense that something was wrong with her and so he did. It turns out that she had diarrhea.

That's what happens when you trust God instead of your doubts and I'm so glad that I did and I plan on doing it for the rest of my life. I've come to accept that I'm not a freak, I'm just special because I choose to listen. 😊
If God had told you to go out and kill gays, would you do it?
That doesn't answer my question. You said God communicates with us, not the other way around.

Does He communicate with all creation or just parts of it?
God communicates with the church. The church then communicates God's gospel message to everyone else.

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