Proof that the media and education are lying !!!

The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

I don't think that's how it works. To some extent people might become or appear to at least become more conservative. However what I think is actually happening is that each younger generation being raised in a more socially liberal environment move further left of the previous generation. People don't really get more conservative, they are just more conservative than the generation that comes after them.

Gay rights, social security, medicare, alternative energy, interracial marriage...these things are here to stay, you're not going to find millennials griping about the colored kid on their lawn like one might imagine the silent generation would maybe be more prone to do.

Also, your thread title is weird.


This is universal Consistant this is indeed based on wisdom. Nothing else

This has the same pattern with gender
The more logical male is the more Conservative

The more wise race is
More conservative

The less wise race is less conservative than any

This goes exactly with wisdom

The higher the wisdom the more conservative

This is universal Consistant

And this proves just how crooked the media and education is
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

Some educator certainly lied to you.

Do you have eyeballs to see the direction of the change from low experience to high experience

Your response is to further my point?
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

The fact that they are lying about almost everything is proof enough to me that they are lying.
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

The fact that they are lying about almost everything is proof enough to me that they are lying.

And their lying proves they are con artists and crooks and quilty of treason

The democracy of the highest wisdom group white men has judged this to be true
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

Some educator certainly lied to you.

Do you have eyeballs to see the direction of the change from low experience to high experience

Your response is to further my point?

Wrong dead wrong You failed the logic test clearly by not understanding what the direction in polls prove by age. By gender. By might makes right by net worth over degrees by balance over out of balance insane greed and wealth which are the RINOS

By race also has the same direction proving who are the wise

Is science racist?
Is history rscist ??

If science and history is racists who will lose or win when screaming racism ?

Are educators screaming racism covering up universal laws of science and history

Who is about to lose in a big way ?

History tells you the answers
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

I don't think that's how it works. To some extent people might become or appear to at least become more conservative. However what I think is actually happening is that each younger generation being raised in a more socially liberal environment move further left of the previous generation. People don't really get more conservative, they are just more conservative than the generation that comes after them.

Gay rights, social security, medicare, alternative energy, interracial marriage...these things are here to stay, you're not going to find millennials griping about the colored kid on their lawn like one might imagine the silent generation would maybe be more prone to do.

Also, your thread title is weird.


This is universal Consistant this is indeed based on wisdom. Nothing else

This has the same pattern with gender
The more logical male is the more Conservative

The more wise race is
More conservative

The less wise race is less conservative than any

This goes exactly with wisdom

The higher the wisdom the more conservative

This is universal Consistant

And this proves just how crooked the media and education is

Oh, so now it's about race and not age? you need to make up your mind. You addressed absolutely nothing about my post. Do you expect things like gay marriage or social security to fall out of favor as millennials age? There is no evidence that is happening.

Here is a link, I suggest you check it out, it shows trends of all generations and what you find is that as a whole everyone is moving left. Younger more so but even older generations.

New Survey Shows Young People Are Staying Liberal, Conservatives Are Dying Off

How do we feel about immigration?


Racism, you'll see that across all generations the views are moving leftward.

Millenials will never be as conservative as generation x or baby boomers or the silent majority. Each generation is becoming more liberal and staying to the left of the previous generation. The trends of this country are moving leftward even if there are momentary dips.

Anyway, your thread title said something about proof and you've provided nothing but your opinion, I'm sure and old white male sage would know the difference.

I get it, you have an opinion and you really, really, really want it to be true, so much so that you think your opinion is proof. I freely admit that I am only providing my opinion but at least I came to the table with something.
Wrong. Dead wrong

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Trump has these most wise with the most power on his side in a landslide

All western democracies have the women in danger of losing their freedom rights because their views are opposite the more logical male

China's success has come the last 20 years by stopping women's freedom rights
Wrong. Dead wrong

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Trump has these most wise with the most power on his side in a landslide

All western democracies have the women in danger of losing their freedom rights because their views are opposite the more logical male

China's success has come the last 20 years by stopping women's freedom rights


Look at this sentence structure and grammar:

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Enough said.
Wrong. Dead wrong

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Trump has these most wise with the most power on his side in a landslide

All western democracies have the women in danger of losing their freedom rights because their views are opposite the more logical male

China's success has come the last 20 years by stopping women's freedom rights


Look at this sentence structure and grammar:

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Enough said.
Read what Einstein said about grammar warriors
I must agree with the OP. He's got a unique way of making complex subjects seem simple and has
clearly thought about this deeply.

Older people are wiser. They tend to be more conservative. So wise people are conservative.

Makes perfect sense.
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men
When they they say grammar they don’t mean your grandpa and grammar.
Einstein explained all this stupidity by grammar experts

Go read

And he said people read too many books because that stops inventions

Logjc brings inventions
Memory intellect just remembers a book like a parrot

Logjc will tell you which book is good or bad

Wake up fraud educators you have lied to your students about success and who has the real wisdom

Lock em up!!! The educators
Wrong. Dead wrong

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Trump has these most wise with the most power on his side in a landslide

All western democracies have the women in danger of losing their freedom rights because their views are opposite the more logical male

China's success has come the last 20 years by stopping women's freedom rights


Look at this sentence structure and grammar:

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Enough said.
Read what Einstein said about grammar warriors

You should read Einstein's incoherent screeds demeaning the intelligence of people based on their age and genetic make up.

Oh, wait, you can't.

EDIT: Here's an article about the rather educated Einstein and racism
How Albert Einstein Used His Fame to Denounce American Racism | Science | Smithsonian
Last edited:
Wrong. Dead wrong

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Trump has these most wise with the most power on his side in a landslide

All western democracies have the women in danger of losing their freedom rights because their views are opposite the more logical male

China's success has come the last 20 years by stopping women's freedom rights


Look at this sentence structure and grammar:

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Enough said.
Read what Einstein said about grammar warriors

You should read Einstein's incoherent screeds demeaning the intelligence of people based on their age and genetic make up.

Oh, wait, you can't.

EDIT: Here's an article about the rather educated Einstein and racism
How Albert Einstein Used His Fame to Denounce American Racism | Science | Smithsonian

Read more

Einstein intentionally was a poor student at first in order to think way beyond what lower logic people had brought to books. He was only working to teach for his increased money

Read his quotes

On books and knowledge that comes from remembering like a parrot

He horse laughed at these people thinking they are wise. Same as the higher logic people that don't need degrees they horse laugh at educators who think they are wise

Nope the wise are inventors and selects balance life over out of balance life and when these goes to war their great logic invents and wins the wars

And then back to their built great fsmily and their balanced life

The most wise are the phrophets

Trump has this power on his side
science and history is racist

That is a fact. The data proves racies have different abilities and success comes from doing the good abilities

Doing an ability one don't have brings destruction for a nation

Learn history
Educators must be locked up to stop this brainwash of crazy racism stuff to students
Wrong. Dead wrong

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Trump has these most wise with the most power on his side in a landslide

All western democracies have the women in danger of losing their freedom rights because their views are opposite the more logical male

China's success has come the last 20 years by stopping women's freedom rights


Look at this sentence structure and grammar:

This is about all being universally Consistant in proving white makes have the highest wisdom and success and prower

Enough said.
Read what Einstein said about grammar warriors

You should read Einstein's incoherent screeds demeaning the intelligence of people based on their age and genetic make up.

Oh, wait, you can't.

EDIT: Here's an article about the rather educated Einstein and racism
How Albert Einstein Used His Fame to Denounce American Racism | Science | Smithsonian

Read more

Einstein intentionally was a poor student at first in order to think way beyond what lower logic people had brought to books. He was only working to teach for his increased money

Read his quotes

On books and knowledge that comes from remembering like a parrot

He horse laughed at these people thinking they are wise. Same as the higher logic people that don't need degrees they horse laugh at educators who think they are wise

Nope the wise are inventors and selects balance life over out of balance life and when these goes to war their great logic invents and wins the wars

And then back to their built great fsmily and their balanced life

The most wise are the phrophets

Trump has this power on his side

Einstein earned a Ph.d from the University of Zurich. I mean it's not Liberty University but the man had an education. He was also an educator himself, did you know that? He was one of those people you want to throw in jail. oddly enough Hitler wanted to throw people like Einstein in jail as well.

He also fought against racism, you seem to ignore that part too. How come?
Einstein was an inventor not educator

He went WiTH science

Science is indeed racist.

Different abilities makes humanity a racist group.

It is against science to make vote equal when IQs are not equal

Again Einstein goes with science

Wrong understanding of racism covers up science and history and brings destruction for all

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