Proof that the media and education are lying !!!

Einstein was an inventor not educator

He went WiTH science

Science is indeed racist.

Different abilities makes humanity a racist group.

It is against science to make vote equal when IQs are not equal

Again Einstein goes with science

Wrong understanding of racism covers up science and history and brings destruction for all

Well put. You are a genius.
Einstein was an inventor not educator

He went WiTH science

Science is indeed racist.

Different abilities makes humanity a racist group.

It is against science to make vote equal when IQs are not equal

Again Einstein goes with science

Wrong understanding of racism covers up science and history and brings destruction for all


Einstein taught, hate to break it to you but people are capable of doing multiple things.

Einstein the man of science was also not a racist and spoke out against it, I showed it to you.

My god, take the blinders off.
Hitler was wrong about what science and history taught

He did not understand that the most wise chooses a balanced lifestyle over all others

He at the end admitted many of his errors.

And was asked what would he want to come back as .. He said a Plummer. Because he could have had a more balanced life and family
Hitler was wrong about what science and history taught

He did not understand that the most wise chooses a balanced lifestyle over all others

He at the end admitted many of his errors.

And was asked what would he want to come back as .. He said a Plummer. Because he could have had a more balanced life and family

That's what this world needs, more racist plummers.

Anyway, another winner you got there.
Wrong science is racist

Science shows the different IQs and are rscist

Einstein was a scientist. He does not go against science
Wrong science is racist

Science shows the different IQs and are rscist

Einstein was a scientist. He does not go against science

You're not a scientist, you're obviously not an English major or philosopher which is OK, I'm not either. But what is it you do exactly?
Science is how the creator makes things move and happen

Einstein use to horse laugh educators who thought they are wise

Remembering like a parrot is not true wisdom
Wrong science is racist

Science shows the different IQs and are rscist

Einstein was a scientist. He does not go against science

You're not a scientist, you're obviously not an English major or philosopher which is OK, I'm not either. But what is it you do exactly?
A predictor is the inventor with the highest logic and can predict success or failure.
That's the highest wisdom

Prophets are these
I was liberal. Course liberalism is now dead, its been replaced by progs. I'm conservative because I wised up, and I recognize that prog thought and behavior is mass derangement.

There are many differences between conservatives and progs. One being conservatives appreciate basic horse sense while progs react to fabrications. Look who progs attract:

A. Non-English speaking immigrants. They have more challenges than just determining progs are dangerous and deranged.

B. Youth. Youth are un-wise, it should go without saying. It's worse now because they're being indoctrinated in our schools, and their exposure to propaganda runs 24/7 due to smart phones.

C. Blacks, who have been told by progs that conservatives are racist. Meanwhile, Democrats have done nothing for them. It's all appearances.

D. Feminists who believe they're unhappy because they've been victimized by conservative males.

E. The mega wealthy who desire to control you (e.g., Google, Facebook, Twitter).

F. Hollywood. They live in the abstract on and off the camera. It's worth mentioning the more irrelevant they become the more deranged and vocal.

G. LGBT who play a tricks on science, normal behavior and families.

In summary, the primary make-up of prog is those who lead by emotion as opposed rational thought. Most live in the abstract, and there are those with bad intentions.
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One can predict white males will win in wars. If you cannot predict that you will lose
Wrong science is racist

Science shows the different IQs and are rscist

Einstein was a scientist. He does not go against science

You're not a scientist, you're obviously not an English major or philosopher which is OK, I'm not either. But what is it you do exactly?
A predictor is the inventor with the highest logic and can predict success or failure.
That's the highest wisdom

Prophets are these

So you're unemployed then?
A nation that Hollars racism will lose

Why because the nation is going against science and history
what are your thoughts on climate cha.....nah, too easy.
I was liberal. Course liberalism is now dead, its been replaced by progs. I'm conservative because I wised up, and I recognize that prog thought and behavior is mass derangement.

There are many differences between conservatives and progs. One being conservatives appreciate basic horse sense while progs react to fabrications. Look who progs attract:

A. Non-English speaking immigrants. They have more challenges than to just determine progs are dangerous and deranged.

B. Youth, who are often indoctrinated in our schools. They're also victims of propaganda because they're on their phones 24/7.

C. Blacks who have been told by progs that conservatives are racist. Meanwhile, Democrats have done nothing for them. It's all appearances.

D. Feminists who believe they're victims of conservative males.

E. The mega wealthy who desire they control you.

F. Hollywood. They live in the abstract on and off camera. It's worth mentioning the more irrelevant they become the more vocal.

G. LGBT who play a trick on science, normal behavior and families.

In summary, the primary make-up of prog is those who lead by emotion as opposed rational thought. Most live in the abstract, and there are those with bad intentions.
The high logic knows the problems with the unwise and limits interactions

The low logic gets the best help if their voting is stopped and freedoms are limited. The low logics must be worked like 8 yr olds

If not the crooks will brainwash and destroy them
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

Net worth proves wisdom? That is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Donald Trump inherited his money and is dumber than a box of rocks. Have you not listened to him talk, maybe a fourth grade vocabulary. Of course, I guess that means George Soros is wiser than Donald Trump and Jeff Bezos is the wisest man on the planet.

Net worth proves wise enough to not get fooled by the non attraction of worthless degrees and high student debt and high costs cities.

The wise chooses net worth over lower net worth

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