Proof that the media and education are lying !!!

Half of Americans refused to vote in the last presidential election, proving they are the wisest of all.
It's all simple if you have logic

Logic is simple? Really? What is Modus Ponens vis a vis Modus Tellens (don't peek, you claimed logic is simple).

Logic is the ability to know good or bad. True or false and value or non value

This ability are the predictors and inventors

They are the winners of wars

They are the prophets !!!!

Making a high wisdom test for voting will get prophets as voters and the best prosperity
"The education is lying".

What the...?
Yes big time liars

All approval polls shows that conservatives are the most wise. The direction of an 18 yr old voter going to become a 50 yr old voter becomes less liberal and more conservative . That proves conservatives more wise than liberals

Yet the education and media does not point that out

Proving they intentionally lie on who is most wise and they cover up that data that proves its the conservatives
It's all simple if you have logic

Logic is simple? Really? What is Modus Ponens vis a vis Modus Tellens (don't peek, you claimed logic is simple).

Logic is the ability to know good or bad. True or false and value or non value

This ability are the predictors and inventors

They are the winners of wars

They are the prophets !!!!

Making a high wisdom test for voting will get prophets as voters and the best prosperity

Thank you so much for providing more evidence to support my theory, from your first post I assumed you were another nut with nothing to offer, and now you've provided probative evidence.
It's all simple if you have logic

Logic is simple? Really? What is Modus Ponens vis a vis Modus Tellens (don't peek, you claimed logic is simple).

Logic is the ability to know good or bad. True or false and value or non value

This ability are the predictors and inventors

They are the winners of wars

They are the prophets !!!!

Making a high wisdom test for voting will get prophets as voters and the best prosperity

Thank you so much for providing more evidence to support my theory, from your first post I assumed you were another nut with nothing to offer, and now you've provided probative evidence.

This DIRECTION is 100% proof who is the most wise

This direction can be seen in many ways other than age

The age way Is solid and 100% proof
And might makes right is the another

age means more experience so that proves this easily

Might makes rights direction also proves completely

Follow history to know conservatives are indeed the most wise
I was liberal. Course liberalism is now dead, its been replaced by progs. I'm conservative because I wised up, and I recognize that prog thought and behavior is mass derangement.

There are many differences between conservatives and progs. One being conservatives appreciate basic horse sense while progs react to fabrications. Look who progs attract:

A. Non-English speaking immigrants. They have more challenges than just determining progs are dangerous and deranged.

B. Youth. Youth are un-wise, it should go without saying. It's worse now because they're being indoctrinated in our schools, and their exposure to propaganda runs 24/7 due to smart phones.

C. Blacks, who have been told by progs that conservatives are racist. Meanwhile, Democrats have done nothing for them. It's all appearances.

D. Feminists who believe they're unhappy because they've been victimized by conservative males.

E. The mega wealthy who desire to control you (e.g., Google, Facebook, Twitter).

F. Hollywood. They live in the abstract on and off the camera. It's worth mentioning the more irrelevant they become the more deranged and vocal.

G. LGBT who play a tricks on science, normal behavior and families.

In summary, the primary make-up of prog is those who lead by emotion as opposed rational thought. Most live in the abstract, and there are those with bad intentions.
A good post
I must agree with the OP. He's got a unique way of making complex subjects seem simple and has
clearly thought about this deeply.

Older people are wiser. They tend to be more conservative. So wise people are conservative.

Makes perfect sense.

This person would score high on a logic ability test. And to save America from the cycles bringing destruction to correct. We must make those tests now for voters . If they cannot pass they cannot vote . This protects the nation from electing crooks

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