Proof! The Left is Psychotic

What do you call someone who embraces the following belief system:

So they hate Trump but what are these protestors and their media enablers for?

As far as I can tell they are for children but also for killing unborn ones with no restriction, no apology, and no need for a fee. They are for LBGT and women's "rights," but ally themselves with Muslims who practice FGM, oppose abortion, treat women like cattle, and promote and engage in honor killings, and advocate death for LBGT people. They are for women's rights, but want men who think they are women to use women's washrooms. They are for free speech, but shut down anybody who disagrees with them, and, of course, ally themselves with Muslims who oppose freedom of speech and thought as part of their core dogma. They are against racism but try to stir up old racial animosities and conflicts that had long been resolved, buried, and forgotten. They are for poor working people, but oppose the tax and the regulatory structures that create jobs. They are for poor working people but favor unrestricted immigration that drives down wages, crowds out jobs, and absorbs the funds of public welfare schemes. They want free education for all, but oppose letting poor and middle class people have the right to choose their schools, unlike the rich people who do. They shout "Love Trumps Hate!" as they bash opponents with bricks and poles. They have spent decades denouncing the military, the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI as oppressors of the people, but now want those agencies to sabotage an elected president. The wealthy ones denounce gun ownership and walls but live behind protective shields of men with guns and walls around their exclusive properties. Hollywood stars who made millions living in the land of make-believe denounce non-existent Trumpian "brownshirts" and bravely proclaim their resistance! They are for the environment and prove it by flying to environmental rallies in their private jets. They, well . . . you can go on with this sad litany.

I think when all is said and done we have to conclude that there is a large element of mental disturbance. Facts don't matter. Logic is absent and even abhorred and shouted down. The emotion is the thing. The posturing is the thing. The slogan is the thing.

They are crazy.

They are psychotic....

The DiploMad 2.0: Madness and Chaos: the Left in the Time of Trump

The fact that the Left believes in things that are simultaneously in opposition to one another confirms that they are cognitively impaired to the point of being truly psychotic.

Case closed.

^^^^*^ whoever this dude is, HE NAILED IT!

Indeed. He's DIPLOMAD!

Blogger: User Profile: DiploMad

If he graduated from the George S. Patton School of diplomacy, he's one solid dude in my book!

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