Proof vaccines do little or no good at all, Cali counties with highest vax rates see highest covid numbers!


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

....yes..I was just going to mention it.....humans [especially some Americans ] are not disciplined enough to do everything possible not to get C19
This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

I say you have no answers and neither does Fauci so you are both at the same level of ability.
I say you have no answers and neither does Fauci so you are both at the same level of ability.

The difference? I don't claim to be a virologist. What happened to defending Fakey Fauci? You finally admitting this dude don't know what the fuck he's talking about?

I DO have an answer, a logical one. Let everyone catch it, get over and then we get herd immunity like we do with everything else.
This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

Why are you picking on Dr. Fauci, its that what you do when tramp doesn't not like him.
The difference? I don't claim to be a virologist. What happened to defending Fakey Fauci? You finally admitting this dude don't know what the fuck he's talking about?

I DO have an answer, a logical one. Let everyone catch it, get over and then we get herd immunity like we do with everything else.
No, you just claim to know everything yet have no answers because you are putting down someone who is trying...Want everyone to catch it and get immune, wow too bad that doesn't work either or we'd already be over this, as far as Fauci there is no way I can support him because I have no need to trust him, he is just as clueless as you are.
This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

Highest taxes? That also means that they dem controlled areas.............Hey dems, your stupidity is a threat to everyone else.
This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

LOL. Nice try, I'll give you that. But still misdirection.
The counties with the largest number of vaccinated are the most densely populated.

IE - this article, doesn't imply what you are trying to imply. :auiqs.jpg:
The difference? I don't claim to be a virologist. What happened to defending Fakey Fauci? You finally admitting this dude don't know what the fuck he's talking about?

I DO have an answer, a logical one. Let everyone catch it, get over and then we get herd immunity like we do with everything else.
Herd immunity can be achieved only with vaccines. Unless of course you are willing to kill a couple million more Rump voters.
This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

Most of the people dying are unvaccinated.
This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

It’s because of the masks and unvaccinated. Vaccines only work when everyone is vaccinated and triple masks.

But then vaccines are going to lose its efficiency so we’ll all need a few more booster shots.

If that doesn’t work, then maybe another masks or 2 along with a face shield.

But by all means, do not take any vitamins, because they could kill you
This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

What does the VAX really do?

It allows DEEP STATE to decide whether shot #2 is life or death.... depending on whether or not you believe the official version of 911 and that Low IQ Joe was a better candidate than Reagan and Clinton summed together....
This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

This is unbelievable.

Not only is Florida losing out to Cali in covid numbers, but the counties in CA that are having the biggest spike have the largest numbers of vaccinated individuals.

What say you, fakey Fauci?

The vaccine is only 95% effective. CA is the most populous state. Florida hides it's number, as well as Texas.

However, UCSF infectious disease expert Dr. Phillip Norris clarifies that the data doesn’t mean the vaccine is not working.

He notes, first, the counties referenced with higher vaccination and case rates are more densely populated.

from your link.
The difference? I don't claim to be a virologist. What happened to defending Fakey Fauci? You finally admitting this dude don't know what the fuck he's talking about?

I DO have an answer, a logical one. Let everyone catch it, get over and then we get herd immunity like we do with everything else.
Phillip--the infectious disease expert contradicted EVERY point that he made in that story. "It is more infectious" but maybe not. If you are vaccinated you are safe---but maybe not. Blah blah blah. Also when did the US start following China's lead when it comes to anything. Maybe that is the problem as well. Fauci is following China instead of leading the way with studies that we can trust.

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