Prop 8 in California

Churches can go to hell.

They do not have precedent over the civil liberties of Americans .. and that is the REAL separation of church and state.

How about a compromise?

Win on the ballot.
Make marriage legal for same sex couples.
Don't force churches to marry them.
Same benefits.

That way you keep separation from church and state. Keep freedom of religion. And if you can win on the ballot...keep your gay 'marriage'.

You can go down to the courthouse to get your certificate...but not the churches that don't want to.

That would be democracy.

But first you have to win on the official ballot...not appeal 30 million times.

Also.. imo...all this controversy leads to more hate...don't expect people to be different.
How about a compromise?

Win on the ballot.
Make marriage legal for same sex couples.
Don't force churches to marry them.
Same benefits.

That way you keep separation from church and state. Keep freedom of religion. And if you can win on the ballot...keep your gay 'marriage'.

You can go down to the courthouse to get your certificate...but not the churches that don't want to.

That would be democracy.

But first you have to win on the official ballot...not appeal 30 million times.

Also.. imo...all this controversy leads to more hate...don't expect people to be different.

Now almost all of that I can agree with. Except make civil unions the only type of union the government recognizes and the only union extended what are currently known as marriage rights. Marriages happen in church but if that married couple wants what are currently marriage rights then they have to also get a civil union, just like a homosexual couple.

Why this doesn't happen is ridiculous. I think some left wing activists are too stuck on the word "marriage" and too many right wing activists are scared of homosexuality actually being ok.
Exactly, and its embarrassing that inequality is still going on today. For the past thousand years, it was religion that went out of their way to poison our morality. And today, it is religious conservatives that went out of their way with nothing to lose at all, that voted to strike down gay marriage. Imagine all the people who had everything to lose when they voted? Looking of at the jackass laughing about voting yes on 8 because he himself would not be effected no matter the outcome. That, is explicit injustice.....when a proposition is passed by people who are literally not affected personally by gay marriage in any way, and have nothing to lose......the people who are affected who went to the polling both to vote had EVERYTHING to vote for, everything to fight for. Thats the sad part. Its the embarrassing part about this state, they go out of their way to ruin the quality of someone elses life while not risking the quality of their own in any way. Oh and they go out of their way to vote for a 40 billion dollar train instead of voting for two propositions toward energy independence......why? I guess they felt they had to spend tax dollars on important things like high speed trains right? While in the process, they ruin everyones chance at renewable energy for a fucking tourist joke of a high speed train. That lets you know how uniformed Californians were this election year. At least other states were consistently conservative with their tax dollars.

Exactly and still most of the intolerance today comes from so-called "christian conservatives"
How about a compromise?

Win on the ballot.
Make marriage legal for same sex couples.
Don't force churches to marry them.
Same benefits.

That way you keep separation from church and state. Keep freedom of religion. And if you can win on the ballot...keep your gay 'marriage'.

You can go down to the courthouse to get your certificate...but not the churches that don't want to.

That would be democracy.

But first you have to win on the official ballot...not appeal 30 million times.

Also.. imo...all this controversy leads to more hate...don't expect people to be different.

I'm cool with that or any compromise that allows every American the same liberties and freedoms that every other American enjoys.
Exactly and still most of the intolerance today comes from so-called "christian conservatives"

Try to get the GOP to really get that: to understand that social conservative values can be and many times are discriminatory. Are at least, get them to care.
Why cant we call marriage marriage and classify lesbian and homosexual as civil unions. As long as they take care of property rights for people in civil unions then what does it really matter. A gay couple can still find a church to get married in, doesnt matter what the state says.
I support polygamy.

There is nothing wrong with it.

It is still a man and woman relationship.

Dude .. more than one wife?

... may Allah be with you.

But seriously .. more than one wife? :eek:

You support polygamy and at the same time are absolutely lunatic about gays .. there is no logic having both positions.
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Try to get the GOP to really get that: to understand that social conservative values can be and many times are discriminatory. Are at least, get them to care.

Not me brother. I have no intention of throwing a life preserver to Dracula while he drowns. Let that bastard drown.

The positions they take condemns them to oblivion.

Gays ain't going anywhere and their polituical and social power is growing. Let conservatives bask in their own ignorance and drown in the dynamics of an evolving society.

In fact, encourage them to greater heights of stupidity.

Let that bastard drown.
Dude .. more than one wife?

... may Allah be with you.

But seriously .. more than one wife? :eek:
My wife asked me before we got married if I was going to take another wife after we were wed. She said that it was Ok if I wanted to.

I told her No, I wasn't going to take a second wife.

She smiled.

I know that secretly, she wanted me all to herself. But in Islam it is up to the man whether to take another wife or not. The wife has No say in the matter.
My wife asked me before we got married if I was going to take another wife after we were wed. She said that it was Ok if I wanted to.

I told her No, I wasn't going to take a second wife.

She smiled.

I know that secretly, she wanted me all to herself. But in Islam it is up to the man whether to take another wife or not. The wife has No say in the matter.

Legally you can not have a second wife in this country.
My wife asked me before we got married if I was going to take another wife after we were wed. She said that it was Ok if I wanted to.

I told her No, I wasn't going to take a second wife.

She smiled.

I know that secretly, she wanted me all to herself. But in Islam it is up to the man whether to take another wife or not. The wife has No say in the matter.

Only confirms my belief that religion is for broken people. Islam is chock full of contradictions between what it preaches and it's practical application .. but I don't single out Islam for that .. all religion is a mindfuck.
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Why the hell would anyone want more than one wife, my wife talks enough for 3 women, I dont think I could handle it.
Even the Prophet Muhammad had troubles with his wives.

Once he even moved out of the house for a month and threatened to divorce all of them.

This caused a huge uproar in the community. Because many marriages were for tribal and political reasons. A mass divorce could have destroyed the fragile peace between tribes in the community.
oh really?
i'm a christian conservative

that kinda blows your statement
but thats typical of most on the left

Doesn't blow anything sir.

Arguing that christain conservatives aren't intolerent is like arguing shit don't stank (eb)
Legally you can not have a second wife in this country.
I have several friends with multiple wives. Islam allows up to 4

Your first wife is who you are legally married to and regstered at the court house.

Wives 2, 3, or 4 are not legally registered. But you still have the same religious ceremony as with the first. And any children will carry you last name.

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