Prop 8 in California

oh really?
i'm a christian conservative

that kinda blows your statement
but thats typical of most on the left

Back you argument.

Here's mine:

Abortion ban = reduced right to choose for women

Gay Marriage ban = reduced rights for homosexuals

Gay rights ban = reduced rights for homosexuals

Presidents (unofficially) have to believe in a Christian God = reduced rights for non-believers or people of other faiths or philosophies.

(unofficial)Contraceptive ban = equals more abortions and more unwanted children or more children in an already overpopulated world

forcing children to say "under God" in the pledge of allegiance = disrespects other faiths

fighting against sex education = equals increased spread of STDs, and see above (contraceptive ban)

teaching creationism in schools = indoctrinates children in unscientific belief system and disrespects other faiths

believing that you live in righteousness = invalidates and increases discrimination of other faiths

Just to name a few.
yes it does
it shows YOU to be the intolerant one

You're right .. I don't like dumb people .. not calling you dumb .. but it is dumb to believe that nobody can see what christian conservatives are

Ralph Reed
Oral Roberts

and a whole host of putrid others.

Are you somehow under the illusion that nobody recognizes what these people stand for or who they don't have tolerance for .. not that I'm suggesting tolerance is a virtue.

Planet earth files these asshols under "Intolerance" .. but I'm cool with you thinking nobody knows.
Back you argument.

Here's mine:

Abortion ban = reduced right to choose for women

Gay Marriage ban = reduced rights for homosexuals

Gay rights ban = reduced rights for homosexuals

Presidents (unofficially) have to believe in a Christian God = reduced rights for non-believers or people of other faiths or philosophies.

(unofficial)Contraceptive ban = equals more abortions and more unwanted children or more children in an already overpopulated world

forcing children to say "under God" in the pledge of allegiance = disrespects other faiths

fighting against sex education = equals increased spread of STDs, and see above (contraceptive ban)

teaching creationism in schools = indoctrinates children in unscientific belief system and disrespects other faiths

believing that you live in righteousness = invalidates and increases discrimination of other faiths

Just to name a few.

.. just a few

No telling how much bandwidth you would have used listing them all.
You're right .. I don't like dumb people .. not calling you dumb .. but it is dumb to believe that nobody can see what christian conservatives are

Ralph Reed
Oral Roberts

and a whole host of putrid others.

Are you somehow under the illusion that nobody recognizes what these people stand for or who they don't have tolerance for .. not that I'm suggesting tolerance is a virtue.

Planet earth files these asshols under "Intolerance" .. but I'm cool with you thinking nobody knows.

Not too mention:

Pat Roberts
Dr. Dobson
Focus on the Family
The Church of Latter Day Saints
and many others...
Majority rules. And the Gays have themselves to blame for the efforts to change the State Constitutions. Rather then accept Civil Unions they have pushed for what a majority of the Country does not want. Using Courts to illegally create legislation through Judical action.

And now they are trying to go to the Courts to remove the power of the people to change the Constitution. You understand where that will lead?
If gays are allowed to marry, what is to stop a brother and sister from marrying?
Here's a news flash. African American and Hispanic voters are very traditional in their value systems. These groups are the groups who more than likely voted down legalizing gay marriage.

No No, somehow in a State that is majority liberal the evil Republican conservatives managed to out vote the majority, they surely cheated.
Here's a news flash. African American and Hispanic voters are very traditional in their value systems. These groups are the groups who more than likely voted down legalizing gay marriage.
it wont matter, its all those intolerant consevative christians
such bastards they are
No No, somehow in a State that is majority liberal the evil Republican conservatives managed to out vote the majority, they surely cheated.

Exactly, there are many Obama supporters like myself that sit middle and we are not comfortable with passing this law, I live in Florida and this state went blue but didnt approve the bill.
Exactly, there are many Obama supporters like myself that sit middle and we are not comfortable with passing this law, I live in Florida and this state went blue but didnt approve the bill.

what part of Fla?

I'm in the Panhandle

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