Prop 8 in California

3 states voted to ban gay Marriage...Florida, California and Arizona...they joined 27 other states that already do:

North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota

and from what I understand the following states have laws that ban gay marriage and limit marriage to one man and one woman (but it is not in their constitutions):

New Hampshire
North Carolina
West Virginia

But I might be wrong
Domestic partnership in Maine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not "marriage" but legally the same thing
Discriminating against anyone goes against the very ideals of this nation: freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

My suggestion was removal of marriage from the political sphere completely. In other words- instead of extending government recognition of marriage to gay people, lets retract government recognition of marriage for straight people. Everyone, straight or gay, is eligible for civil unions. Let marriage be confined to religious settings like baptism, that way, everyone's different beliefs about what should consititute marriage can be satisfied within the context of their own belief.
Incest is not illegal between two consenting adults. And hate to break it to you all but in some States Brothers and Sisters CAN marry. And there used to be laws against Gay sex.

It personally effects me cause it is a further erosion of this Countries morals and standards. It brings us closer and closer To Sodom and Gamora. It is of course an inevitable slide though, I just don't have to be happy about it.
hate to break it to you ain't going to stop them from having sex anytime soon and I don't see how the erosion of the countries morals personally effects you. It isn't going to hurt you in anyway!
hate to break it to you ain't going to stop them from having sex anytime soon and I don't see how the erosion of the countries morals personally effects you. It isn't going to hurt you in anyway!
That's why we need to criminalize sodomite behavior.

Then we can lock these perverts up and rid society of these sick degenerates.
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My suggestion was removal of marriage from the political sphere completely. In other words- instead of extending government recognition of marriage to gay people, lets retract government recognition of marriage for straight people. Everyone, straight or gay, is eligible for civil unions. Let marriage be confined to religious settings like baptism, that way, everyone's different beliefs about what should consititute marriage can be satisfied within the context of their own belief.

I agree with that 100%. Why don't we do this? People on the left are too hung up on the word marriage, and people on the right are too afraid of homosexuals.
My suggestion was removal of marriage from the political sphere completely. In other words- instead of extending government recognition of marriage to gay people, lets retract government recognition of marriage for straight people. Everyone, straight or gay, is eligible for civil unions. Let marriage be confined to religious settings like baptism, that way, everyone's different beliefs about what should consititute marriage can be satisfied within the context of their own belief.
There is no where in the US Constitution that even defines marriage so I don't see why the government feels the need to get involved. But if they did they could say the US Constitution overrides the State Constitution. Plus the state of California should have to recognize any marriage that happens in say Maine under Article 4 Section 2, they might already do this. They can ban it all they want but a couple can still get married in another state or have a civil union and I believe they have to recognize that union.
I agree with that 100%. Why don't we do this? People on the left are too hung up on the word marriage, and people on the right are too afraid of homosexuals.
I also agree, they just want the rights of marriage. I think that is more important then being able to get married to them.
Conversation here is way out of hand... Extreme views are being taken on both sides of the issue. I am personally glad the proposition passed. Its not because I am scared of homosexuals or because I am some right-wing nut trying to control everyones lives. Exactly opposite.

I think this is a religious issue, not a states, but if judges legalize it with the anti-discrimination laws that exist in California, then it is now a religious and state problem. This is what I would call the tyranny of tolerance. In order to provide "equality" the state then must subject its will overbearingly upon religions. Californian churches would have been just as discriminated as homosexuals are claiming now. Also lawsuits would be flying off the handle right now against tons of churches if it didn't pass about getting married in their churches, synagogues, or temples. Taking tolerance and political correctness to the extreme means that Free Speech overthrows the Freedom of Religious liberty. Both are principles this country was founded upon.

For another example as well, it is absurd the rioting and violence that has occurred during the campaign and now post election. Peoples houses are being attacked, cars, signs, children, and even the church buildings. Vandalism has been out of control and it is all in the name of freedom, equality, and free speech? Sounds like the slogan "No on 8, no on hate" is backwards... Hate is all that I am seeing now from no on 8 supporters.
Conversation here is way out of hand... Extreme views are being taken on both sides of the issue. I am personally glad the proposition passed. Its not because I am scared of homosexuals or because I am some right-wing nut trying to control everyones lives. Exactly opposite.

I think this is a religious issue, not a states, but if judges legalize it with the anti-discrimination laws that exist in California, then it is now a religious and state problem. This is what I would call the tyranny of tolerance. In order to provide "equality" the state then must subject its will overbearingly upon religions. Californian churches would have been just as discriminated as homosexuals are claiming now. Also lawsuits would be flying off the handle right now against tons of churches if it didn't pass about getting married in their churches, synagogues, or temples. Taking tolerance and political correctness to the extreme means that Free Speech overthrows the Freedom of Religious liberty. Both are principles this country was founded upon.

For another example as well, it is absurd the rioting and violence that has occurred during the campaign and now post election. Peoples houses are being attacked, cars, signs, children, and even the church buildings. Vandalism has been out of control and it is all in the name of freedom, equality, and free speech? Sounds like the slogan "No on 8, no on hate" is backwards... Hate is all that I am seeing now from no on 8 supporters.

Not only that.. but if it were ever to go would only see more hate crimes, more violence, more separation.

People will be pissed that their vote is silenced by 30 million appeals...

All this controversy just spurs more hate. Those against prop 8 should realize it will only cause more hate and separation.

And yes, back to the No on 8 supporters who are being violent (not all of them)...when someone answers back with violence...don't be screaming "Waaahhh Hate Crime!" when someone bashes your face in for rioting on the wrong street.. :lol:
My suggestion was removal of marriage from the political sphere completely. In other words- instead of extending government recognition of marriage to gay people, lets retract government recognition of marriage for straight people. Everyone, straight or gay, is eligible for civil unions. Let marriage be confined to religious settings like baptism, that way, everyone's different beliefs about what should consititute marriage can be satisfied within the context of their own belief.


And if gay people say no to this, just so they can say they are married, then they are hypocrites too.

Although, I gotta admit it might be weird to adjust to socially. Is that your girlfriend? No, that's my wife - we're unionized(?). We have to throw Tom a great bachelor party - he's getting unionized tomorrow!
I for one, don't give a rat's ass if they called it "marriage", civil union or a kumquat.

I think some gays are too hung up on the terminology.
(And I say this being quite the dyke)

Hell, I'd probably still call it a marriage, even if the government didn't.
I just want the chance to have the same legal rights afforded me and my GF that a straight couple has.

I don't wanna invalidate any straight couples marriage, I just want my own chance at it please.
(with a woman Sunni, with a woman.)
I think Straight & Gay Couples should have the exact same legal rights, if it is States that decide on Legality of Marriage or Federal on the legality of marriage I support exactly the same legal marriage rights for gay & straight couples in marriage. If religion is in charge of marriage and not the government, then I support equal rights for gay & straight couples to practice there religious beliefs on marriage.

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