Prop 8 in California

Its not about rights for God's sake, that point is moot, its about not defiling and changing the institution of marriage to suit people's sexual lifestyle.

First of all what about marriage being an "institution" makes it special? Slavery was an institution for a large part of american history. Institutions are not sacred. The only time they are "sacred" is when they're tied to specific moral doctrine. In other words, no one has ever articulated a good reason for preserving "marriage" outside the context of their specific moral/theological views. In which case, the state should have no part in it. Baptism is sacred, but we are not going to legislate the proper way to baptise someone- or what counts as baptism and what doesn't. (I can guarantee that many southern baptists would say that what Catholics do is not "baptism"). If you want to consider marriage some "holy" cultural artifact, then let it be something private in your faith to be exercised as you see fit. After all, it's the vows (often before god) and ceremony that usually hold meaning for those committed to maintaining the "purity" of marriage. So simply limit state involvement to a simple contract. A civil union certificate which is a contract between two individuals. Anyone who wants to go further and say that they consider themselves "married" is free to follow whatever path makes them happy. And if you want to personally consider gay marriage as invalid when seen through the eyes of your own faith, no one is going to stop you. This would solve the major contentions surrounding this issue and the debate would be no more than debates about baptism or communion or any other theological difference.
No church forced this issue on the people. It was a measure brought by individuals and voted on by individuals. I can't believe that I have to explain what is meant by the separation of church and state. The founding fathers were fleeing countries that were run by monarchies who were the heads of churches. Churches dictated government because they held the office of king and high priest or church ruler as well. Simple history. I don't need to explain this further. I just did your homework for you. Another nugget of simple history. Look what happened to great and powerful nations of the earth who have embraced homosexuality. Greece, wiped out, Romans, leveled, Tenochitlan of the Aztec Empire, wiped out by Cortez, Hitlers Germany, yes check your history, decimated. Oh yeah, Sodom, Gomorrah, consumed by fire.
Our country would be next. People are so concerned with getting their next orgasm, gay and straight that they won't be able to see the armies closing in all around us. Radical Islam is licking it's chops right now.
A no vote on prop 8 would be guaranteed to lead to the removal of religious rights talked about in the first amendment.
Please come stronger than that
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I just did your homework for you. Another nugget of simple history. Look what happened to great and powerful nations of the earth who have embraced homosexuality. Greece, wiped out, Romans, leveled, Tenochitlan of the Aztec Empire, wiped out by Cortez, Hitlers Germany, yes check your history, decimated. Oh yeah, Sodom, Gomorrah, consumed by fire.

First of all: Those other countries/nations did not have America’s history. They did not have the same exact history as had America. To do an appropriate study, one would have to control all other variables.

Second of all: There are many theories as to why Rome fell. It was not simply because Adam and Steve engaged in sex.

Thirdly: The historical existence of Sodom and Gomorrah is still in dispute by archaeologists.
Greece, wiped out, Romans, leveled, Tenochitlan of the Aztec Empire, wiped out by Cortez, Hitlers Germany, yes check your history, decimated.

HA! Yea, dude.. it was FAGS and not an allied military force that killed nazi germany!


dogma junkies never were all that interested in facts when it comes to insisting on bullshit.
Greece, wiped out, Romans, leveled, Tenochitlan of the Aztec Empire, wiped out by Cortez, Hitlers Germany, yes check your history, decimated.

HA! Yea, dude.. it was FAGS and not an allied military force that killed nazi germany!


dogma junkies never were all that interested in facts when it comes to insisting on bullshit.

Isn’t this like the “God Hates Fags” chants that blame 9-11 and the death of soldiers on the fact that America is becoming more accepting of gay relationships?
Isn’t this like the “God Hates Fags” chants that blame 9-11 and the death of soldiers on the fact that America is becoming more accepting of gay relationships?

sounds like it.. As if every disaster in the course of human events is the direct product of how accepting the culture is of homosexuality. Can't find Atlantis? Well, OBVIOUSLY they were all fudge packing queers!

Hey smart guy,
God isn't going to come down personally and step on cities with his giant foot. You are so blind. He uses people or elements to do the job. And I never said homosexuality was the only reason, just a big one. Stop fighting the truth and just admit you don't believe in God. Then we can go our separate ways as religious wackos:eek: and mentally retarded liberals:confused:.
Ya and the 19 MUSLIMS that carried out the attacks were God's messengers RIGHT?
First of all, there were NO muslims involved in the attack.

The attack was carried out by the Israeli Mossad to get the US into a war in the Middle East.

But yes, God can and will use people and nations to bring about the events he desires to happen.
First of all, there were NO muslims involved in the attack.

The attack was carried out by the Israeli Mossad to get the US into a war in the Middle East.

But yes, God can and will use people and nations to bring about the events he desires to happen.

You are a fucking retard. Please give us examples in the past where Jews committed suicide to further their plans. I can give you LOTS of examples of Muslims that readily commit suicide to murder women and children.
Sunni Man, though I like most of what you say, I don't think 9/11 was God's judgment specifically. I do think that Radical Islam is licking it's chops though. Let's not go:offtopic:too much. wasn't this originally about blacks being blamed. they still seem to have their heads on straight.
as for Mormons. They don't deserve all the praise either, every normal person in California who said,"Gee,:eusa_think: I don't want my kids being taught any more sexual stuff in school. I think I'd like to do that myself." is to be thanked as well.
As for being called a Dogmatic. Let's talk about that. What exactly is so dogmatic about believing in God and the scriptures. Just because our Obamanite over here can't see something with his sign seeking :eusa_shifty:eyes, doesn't mean that religion doesn't count. By they way, nobody refuted my historical argument. I am still waiting for a legit argument:udaman:.
God can use any individual, organization, group, or nation, to bring about his will.

They can be good, bad, evil, or indifferent.

God is in control of everything. Whether we like it or not.
I slightly disagree with you in that God lets a lot of things happen so that we can deal with situations ourselves. But I think you and I both agree that God is in control of everthing by way of supervision.
Greece, wiped out, Romans, leveled, Tenochitlan of the Aztec Empire, wiped out by Cortez, Hitlers Germany, yes check your history, decimated. Oh yeah, Sodom, Gomorrah, consumed by fire.
Our country would be next.

I don't even think you can name any empire that was around the time of the ancient greeks and romans that still exists today. Empires fall throughout history hell Britain has shrunk considerably since then. But if you want we can talk about the correlation equals causation fallacy. There are many many factors that could cause a country to collapse or lose a war. The fact that they all embraced homosexuality could easily be a coincidence, and you haven't exactly proved otherwise.

People are so concerned with getting their next orgasm, gay and straight that they won't be able to see the armies closing in all around us. Radical Islam is licking it's chops right now.

You really think people will get so distracted that they won't defend their country? Come on if we really had to defend our shore people will change.

A no vote on prop 8 would be guaranteed to lead to the removal of religious rights talked about in the first amendment.
Please come stronger than that

Oh yes the slippery slope fallacy, sorry it still doesn't work. If marraige is a religious right than the government controlling it clearly violates seperation of church and state (there are some religions that think marrying gays is ok and they should be allowed to do so).

If it's not religious then logically it doesn't take away any religious freedoms.

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