Property Taxes will go way up in the Blue Wall After the Election

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Two or more forces in play:

Bribes to major employers to prevent moves decreases job creation by reducing the incentives for creation of small businesses.

Homes and rental units have been overbuilt in the northeast while fires and soon landslides are happening on the left coast.

Short form population and GDP growth in the Blue Wall is lagging behind the national average so the poor increase as a percentage of the population but land can always be taxed to make up for the shortfall.
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Homes and rental units have been overbuilt in the northeast while fires and soon landslides are happening on the left coast.

Overbuilt? At least over here, many can't find a decent rent. I've been a landlord for 25 years, and I've never seen demand this high before.
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Insatiable desire for money?
Republicans are looting the country. Talk about insatiable.
NYC is the worst spot according to CNBC. If your rentals are in lower tax parts of PA, DE or anywhere in NH adjoining higher tax states you should be doing well. DC and suburbs have a lot of variance and I'm not touching that market(s) with a fork on the end of a barge pole.
Two or more forces in play:

Bribes to major employers to prevent moves decreases job creation by reducing the incentives for creation of small businesses.

Homes and rental units have been overbuilt in the northeast while fires and soon landslides are happening on the left coast.

Short form population and GDP growth in the Blue Wall is lagging behind the national average so the poor increase as a percentage of the population but land can always be taxed to make up for the shortfall.

You are seriously out to lunch.
NYC is the worst spot according to CNBC. If your rentals are in lower tax parts of PA, DE or anywhere in NH adjoining higher tax states you should be doing well. DC and suburbs have a lot of variance and I'm not touching that market(s) with a fork on the end of a barge pole.

I didn't follow the story very closely, but in California, legislation was introduced to have rent caps. Rent was getting so out of hand that people were begging the government to stop rental price increases.

I don't know whatever happened to that, but my opinion is that today, younger people don't want the responsibility of ownership. They rent everything: their car, their apartment, their furniture, their appliances and television sets. Many people who suffered the housing collapse feel the same way.

This is great for us landlords, but I'm old school with the belief that home ownership is desirable and the only way to go.
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.
Ahh the "little people". Republicans see them as nothing. Inconsequential. Not worth the crumbs they live on. They don't even deserve healthcare.

But, keep them scared and they will always vote GOP.
I think the meltdown is casting a long shadow on the housing market but beyond that I just write puts or if I have the underlying I write straddles. I have not seen any type of real estate that provides better yields.
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.
The source you cite is incredibly disingenuous it is filled with reportedly, is reported, apparently and other non facts. Did you read the article or were you hoping no one else would? Another fool happily diseminating fake news.
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.
The source you cite is incredibly disingenuous it is filled with reportedly, is reported, apparently and other non facts. Did you read the article or were you hoping no one else would? Another fool happily diseminating fake news.
The hill is just citing a washington post report that was distributed by chicago tribune. All reputable sources. Chicago tribune actually has a right-center bias.

Actually Trump's company is suing towns everywhere:
Trump’s business arguing its properties are worth just a fraction of what Trump has claimed they are on his own financial disclosures
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.
The source you cite is incredibly disingenuous it is filled with reportedly, is reported, apparently and other non facts. Did you read the article or were you hoping no one else would? Another fool happily diseminating fake news.
The hill is just citing a washington post report that was distributed by chicago tribune. All reputable sources. Chicago tribune actually has a right-center bias.

Actually Trump's company is suing towns everywhere:
Trump’s business arguing its properties are worth just a fraction of what Trump has claimed they are on his own financial disclosures

They aren’t reputable. They are enemies of the people. Even so they had to admit that the taxes were paid if late. They “didn’t get the 4% discount”.
But you lied. I guess you assumed nobody would read the article. Trump paid his taxes.( So did Romney by the way). And you and deanrd lied about it. And now you are caught.
If you had any character you would pause and think “if I have to lie could I be on the wrong side”?
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.
The source you cite is incredibly disingenuous it is filled with reportedly, is reported, apparently and other non facts. Did you read the article or were you hoping no one else would? Another fool happily diseminating fake news.
The hill is just citing a washington post report that was distributed by chicago tribune. All reputable sources. Chicago tribune actually has a right-center bias.

Actually Trump's company is suing towns everywhere:
Trump’s business arguing its properties are worth just a fraction of what Trump has claimed they are on his own financial disclosures

Cite the source with the facts not some slip slod schlock.
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.
Ahh the "little people". Republicans see them as nothing. Inconsequential. Not worth the crumbs they live on. They don't even deserve healthcare.

But, keep them scared and they will always vote GOP.

The little people are who put Trump in. And the little people are who kept him in. I’ve proven this to you time and again.
Yours is the party of Silicon Valley billionaires, celebrity multimillionaires, big corporations (over 200 corporate boards have written statements opposing Trump), of Google and Facebook , and Nike and Comcast and Amazon and Cloudflare, of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. Yours is the party the entrenched, wealthy media corporations support. ABC CNN NBC MSNBC New York Times The Washington Post is owned by one of the richest men the world has ever seen and they have declared war on Trump and his America.
Yours is the party of a presidential candidate who said being worth 130 million wasn’t “really rich” and who won every millionaire enclave from the Hampton’s to Beverly Hills. The one who gave speechs to Wall Street for millions of dollars and told them “don’t worry I have a public and a private position on Wall Street wink wink”.
Your party is the party crushing citizens by breaking their laws and importing their replacements.
Are you stupid or do you think Americans are?

Refute anything I just posted you boot licking celebrity ass kisser. Shouldn’t you be off demanding that Canada get a better trade deal or explaining how Mexico is not benefitting enough at the expense of Americans?
Go turn on Conedy Central. Some air headed skank from the Upper West Side will be on there giving you your marching orders. She’ll tell you what to think. That’s why you are the class clown here. You were educated by Saturday Night Live.
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Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.

It’s not hard when you lie about Trumps taxes and then raise property taxes and say “look Trump did that”.
You think it’s clever to fool ignorant liberals. And maybe it is. But it is the act of a man with no soul.
I can hear the conversation now.

Citizen:“Hey why did you raise my property taxes New Jersey Democrats. “

Democrat:”We didn’t do it er uh Trump did. Yeah that’s the ticket. Trump.”

Citizen:”Uh no... only state legislatures can raise property taxes and you just did. I saw you vote do it”

Democrat: “Well uh...well er let’s see you see ahem....HEY LOOK AT THIS HEADLINE TRUMP DIDNT PAY HIS TAXES SEE SEE (*click* hangs up and goes to lunch)
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.
The source you cite is incredibly disingenuous it is filled with reportedly, is reported, apparently and other non facts. Did you read the article or were you hoping no one else would? Another fool happily diseminating fake news.
The hill is just citing a washington post report that was distributed by chicago tribune. All reputable sources. Chicago tribune actually has a right-center bias.

Actually Trump's company is suing towns everywhere:
Trump’s business arguing its properties are worth just a fraction of what Trump has claimed they are on his own financial disclosures

They aren’t reputable. They are enemies of the people. Even so they had to admit that the taxes were paid if late. They “didn’t get the 4% discount”.
But you lied. I guess you assumed nobody would read the article. Trump paid his taxes.( So did Romney by the way). And you and deanrd lied about it. And now you are caught.
If you had any character you would pause and think “if I have to lie could I be on the wrong side”?
They are reputable. chicago trubine factual reporting: HIGH.
Reality is that Trump is suing Ossining.
Trump put 45 million of work into golf course, and now its just worth 1.4 million?
Its impossible to lie, when every claim is a reference to the source. But you guys are providing no references or links; youre just pulling it out of your ass.
the Dems have moved so far to the left that Pocahontas is now considered a conservative
Homes and rental units have been overbuilt in the northeast while fires and soon landslides are happening on the left coast.

Overbuilt? At least over here, many can't find a decent rent. I've been a landlord for 25 years, and I've never seen demand this high before.
/——/ We just sold our rental property in NC for $300k. We paid $30k 15 years ago. They paid the asking price without batting an eye. They are rehabbing the two units and doubling the rent. We aged out of the business and are collecting our profits.
Im sure they will be going up very soon. Two things...the coastal liberals have an insatiable desire for money and spending. Thats just the normal upwards prssure.
But more importantly, in normal times tax hikes are a drag on election prospects. But given the current situation, and the intelligence of liberals, now they can raise their citizens property taxes and blame Trump. People like Lesh do fall for it. I have witnessed it.
Its not hard to blame Trump when he doesnt pay his property taxes.
Only the little people pay taxes.
The source you cite is incredibly disingenuous it is filled with reportedly, is reported, apparently and other non facts. Did you read the article or were you hoping no one else would? Another fool happily diseminating fake news.
The hill is just citing a washington post report that was distributed by chicago tribune. All reputable sources. Chicago tribune actually has a right-center bias.

Actually Trump's company is suing towns everywhere:
Trump’s business arguing its properties are worth just a fraction of what Trump has claimed they are on his own financial disclosures

They aren’t reputable. They are enemies of the people. Even so they had to admit that the taxes were paid if late. They “didn’t get the 4% discount”.
But you lied. I guess you assumed nobody would read the article. Trump paid his taxes.( So did Romney by the way). And you and deanrd lied about it. And now you are caught.
If you had any character you would pause and think “if I have to lie could I be on the wrong side”?
They are reputable. chicago trubine factual reporting: HIGH.
Reality is that Trump is suing Ossining.
Trump put 45 million of work into golf course, and now its just worth 1.4 million?
Its impossible to lie, when every claim is a reference to the source. But you guys are providing no references or links; youre just pulling it out of your ass.

I dont care who he sues. Especially the rich liberals of Briarcliff Manor.

"The 2015 ACS estimated median household income at $141,170 and median family income was $183,047. Males had a median income of $124,000, with $82,660 for females; per capita income was $76,256. About 1.3 percent of families and 2.2 percent of the overall population were below the poverty line, along with 0.9 percent for those under 18 and 4.8 percent for those 65 or over."

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