Property Taxes will go way up in the Blue Wall After the Election

Major apartment developer: 'There is an acute crisis headed our way'

The luxury market is largely overbuilt, while there is a shortage of affordable rental housing.

In fact, multifamily construction is now at a 40-year high; the trouble is, developers are putting up the wrong kinds of buildings. The luxury market is largely overbuilt, while there is a shortage of affordable rental housing, and developers are hamstrung by the now record-high cost of construction.

Translation: "im going to make a fortune from building for the rich and another fortune from campaigning for the government to pay me to build "affordable housing":
Two or more forces in play:

Bribes to major employers to prevent moves decreases job creation by reducing the incentives for creation of small businesses.

Homes and rental units have been overbuilt in the northeast while fires and soon landslides are happening on the left coast.

Short form population and GDP growth in the Blue Wall is lagging behind the national average so the poor increase as a percentage of the population but land can always be taxed to make up for the shortfall.
All the desperate, reprehensible right has are lies and demagoguery.
higher paid labor creates more in demand.

Then why dont you greedy assholes demand a minimum wage of 500.00 per hour? Really kick start that demand.
How about canning the ridiculous hyperbole and consider what is a fair minimum wage? The The equivalent of 1968's minimum wage would be about $11. Why is the richest country in the world the only developed one without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training and good vacations and infrastructure? That would be the scumbag brainwashing thieving GOP and silly dupes like you...
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Two or more forces in play:

Bribes to major employers to prevent moves decreases job creation by reducing the incentives for creation of small businesses.

Homes and rental units have been overbuilt in the northeast while fires and soon landslides are happening on the left coast.

Short form population and GDP growth in the Blue Wall is lagging behind the national average so the poor increase as a percentage of the population but land can always be taxed to make up for the shortfall.
All the desperate, reprehensible right has are lies and demagoguery.
Anything to avoid taxing the rich their fair share and investing in America and Americans...
Two or more forces in play:

Bribes to major employers to prevent moves decreases job creation by reducing the incentives for creation of small businesses.

Homes and rental units have been overbuilt in the northeast while fires and soon landslides are happening on the left coast.

Short form population and GDP growth in the Blue Wall is lagging behind the national average so the poor increase as a percentage of the population but land can always be taxed to make up for the shortfall.
A good reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; to help fund local governments.

vote Blue not Red!

How can you fund local government with no jobs?


whats the unemployment rate again ?

Could it be because the national minimum wage is $7.25 an hour?
what about Seattle and San Francisco?
Two or more forces in play:

Bribes to major employers to prevent moves decreases job creation by reducing the incentives for creation of small businesses.

Homes and rental units have been overbuilt in the northeast while fires and soon landslides are happening on the left coast.

Short form population and GDP growth in the Blue Wall is lagging behind the national average so the poor increase as a percentage of the population but land can always be taxed to make up for the shortfall.
A good reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; to help fund local governments.

vote Blue not Red!

How can you fund local government with no jobs?


Great question with no answer.
anybody can gossip.
A good reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; to help fund local governments.

vote Blue not Red!

How can you fund local government with no jobs?

higher paid labor creates more in demand.

So I see people are flocking to Detroit
the left is for equality and equal protection of the law, in Order to fulfill the federalist mission statement, not anarchy and chaos.

Since when does the right let Illegals vote and have sanctuary states?

since when does the right wing care about natural rights, instead of simply helping the rich get richer faster?
Two or more forces in play:

Bribes to major employers to prevent moves decreases job creation by reducing the incentives for creation of small businesses.

Homes and rental units have been overbuilt in the northeast while fires and soon landslides are happening on the left coast.

Short form population and GDP growth in the Blue Wall is lagging behind the national average so the poor increase as a percentage of the population but land can always be taxed to make up for the shortfall.
I do not knbow how it works where you live but we vote on real estate taxes around here. So if they do go up it will be the vote of the people! I highly doubt we will see significant change in taxes here. Your premise does not hold water! Further more you fucking idiot real estate taxes are based on the value of your property. Your value goes up so does your real estate taxes. Your rise in population that you quote will raise the demand in your area and should raise value of the real estate and there fore raise your tax burden.
NYC is the worst spot according to CNBC. If your rentals are in lower tax parts of PA, DE or anywhere in NH adjoining higher tax states you should be doing well. DC and suburbs have a lot of variance and I'm not touching that market(s) with a fork on the end of a barge pole.

I didn't follow the story very closely, but in California, legislation was introduced to have rent caps. Rent was getting so out of hand that people were begging the government to stop rental price increases.

I don't know whatever happened to that, but my opinion is that today, younger people don't want the responsibility of ownership. They rent everything: their car, their apartment, their furniture, their appliances and television sets. Many people who suffered the housing collapse feel the same way.

This is great for us landlords, but I'm old school with the belief that home ownership is desirable and the only way to go.

No doubt about it, to pay ridiculous high rents and have nothing to show for it down the line seems stupid to me.
NYC is the worst spot according to CNBC. If your rentals are in lower tax parts of PA, DE or anywhere in NH adjoining higher tax states you should be doing well. DC and suburbs have a lot of variance and I'm not touching that market(s) with a fork on the end of a barge pole.

I didn't follow the story very closely, but in California, legislation was introduced to have rent caps. Rent was getting so out of hand that people were begging the government to stop rental price increases.

I don't know whatever happened to that, but my opinion is that today, younger people don't want the responsibility of ownership. They rent everything: their car, their apartment, their furniture, their appliances and television sets. Many people who suffered the housing collapse feel the same way.

The median home price in many california markets is just too high to buy. In SF for example, the median home price is 1.6 million.

I don't know many young people that can afford that.
higher paid labor creates more in demand.

Then why dont you greedy assholes demand a minimum wage of 500.00 per hour? Really kick start that demand.
why not zero taxes to prove tax cut economics don't work.

Good try. Well not really. I’m with you on redistributive taxes. I’ll take a zero rate please.
it doesn't work any better than a five hundred dollar an hour minimum wage; why be for failure instead of against failure.
Obviously you cant read that Trump is suing cities so he doesnt have to pay.

Obviously your reading comprehension is even worse than I thought. I read the article and decided...

I dont care who he sues. Especially the rich liberals of Briarcliff Manor.
It'll be exposed with Showtime's new documentary.

Showtime to air documentary on NYT Trump tax story

Are you kidding me? You mean another 20 billion dollar corporation is going to go after Trump a few weeks before the mid terms? Shades of George H Bush/Mitt Romney/John Mccain/George W Bush! I dont believe it.
Obviously you cant read that Trump is suing cities so he doesnt have to pay.

Obviously your reading comprehension is even worse than I thought. I read the article and decided...

I dont care who he sues. Especially the rich liberals of Briarcliff Manor.
It'll be exposed with Showtime's new documentary.

Showtime to air documentary on NYT Trump tax story

When is it? I am going to skip work and watch it in case it changes my mind about Trump. See what old (((David Nevins))) has to say :)
higher paid labor creates more in demand.

Then why dont you greedy assholes demand a minimum wage of 500.00 per hour? Really kick start that demand.
why not zero taxes to prove tax cut economics don't work.

Good try. Well not really. I’m with you on redistributive taxes. I’ll take a zero rate please.
it doesn't work any better than a five hundred dollar an hour minimum wage; why be for failure instead of against failure.

Because your failure ALWAYS involve you losing somebody else's hard earned money. If raisng the minimum wage caused demand then please...why not to 500.00 an hour?

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