Proposed Law means fines and jail for elected officials aiding illegal immigrants


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
You know how Gun Grabbers like to throw around the term "Common Sense" ?

Well here's a great "Common Sense" piece of legislation that I REALLY hopes can get through and passed into law. It would impose heavy fines and significant jail time to those elected officials convicted of harboring, aiding and abetting illegal immigrants.

In light of the rising number of Americans, injured, killed or made victims of crime by people here illegally each year and often with no recourse for justice, it is not common sense to go after those law breaking elected officials? I say it's about damned time some common sense legislation is proposed to combat this.

I would recommend that every patriot who loves their country and is sick and tired of those celebrating the breaking of laws and illegal immigrants contact their senators and representatives to urge them to pass this much needed legislation. Your voice counts. Don't be silenced any longer.

After Steinle verdict, rep unveils bill to imprison officials who shelter illegal immigrants
We as a nation need to decide to either enforce immigration law or not.
We as a nation need to decide to either enforce immigration law or not.

Pretty simple.....
If we don't have and enforce immigration Laws, we are no longer a nation.
Instead, we become a support conduit and resource pool for the world and our resources will eventually dwindle to nothing.
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It is completely UnConstitutional to harbor Illegal Immigrants and interfere with Federal efforts to enforce those laws.

As it stands now, there should be numerous indictments already filed.

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