Proposed lawsuit to compel corrections to Media misrepresentation of Masks, Vaccines and Constitutional rights


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Back to the original issue of "changing policies" on Masks that has caused REJECTION of
any more reports that are going through liberal media and politics,
now that BLM has made the political distrust of media reporting even worse,
the confusion and rejection of masks reducing risks of greater viral load exposure and reactions
has reached the point of risking worse violations of rights by forced mandates being threatened.

When the REASON for rejection is largely due to the ongoing media bias
and the changing reports that made this distrust worse and worse.

Thus, I propose a lawsuit and request for support from AG and Governors of States
that support the right of citizens not to be forced under any more shutdowns or unconstitutional mandates.

The THREE points I argue are actionable
(1) misrepresenting in the media that "masks don't do any good"
which was intended for saving N95 for medical professionals with
higher demand and with ability to fit these and use these property so the
limited supplies don't go to waste used improperly while hospitals are still short of supplies

(2) misrepresenting the notion that federal authority has the
right or the duty to mandate vaccines and/or other individual health
care choices INSTEAD OF seeking the LEAST RESTRICTIVE measures,
and supporting the Constitutional choice of citizens to fund alternatives
that don't force them to violate their beliefs, conscience or consent.

(3) misrepresenting the critical benefit of early treatment with
symptom reduction, such as through Hydroxychloroquine with
added supplements, within the first few days of symptoms,
instead of delaying treatment until symptoms become more urgent.

All these were dangerous misrepresentation and fraud, which risk
depriving citizens of Constitutional freedoms and rights -- because
the rejection of precautions, due to the above fraud,
increases threats of govt mandates.

Instead I will ask Governors, Attorneys General, Senators and
the White House counsel and Surgeon General to demand corrections,
such as:

(1) instead of mandating requirements or penalties regarding masks,
ordering all district, all party precincts and civic, business or neighborhood
associations to ALLOW members and citizens to DEMOCRATIZE their
districts, and RESOLVE CONFLICTS over policy dispute by mutual consent.
So the residents and businesses in each district AGREE to LOCAL policies by fully informed
consent and voluntary compliance, instead of forcing or punishing any for objecting to policies.

This is in protection of "no taxation without representation," respect for "consent of the
governed," and protection of liberty and individual beliefs from either discrimination
by creed or deprivation without due process, that otherwise violate equal protections of the laws.

(2) implementing the choice of, access to and/or medical research of
Spiritual Healing methods to both increase effectiveness of medical response
AND to resolve political disputes obstructing relations, communication, and information.

I notice the cause of more obstructive biases correlates with the knowledge of spiritual healing
methods and medical research. Where people who are more knowledgeable, experienced or
open to spiritual healing have a critical impact on health, natural healing and immunity,
and relationships have an advantage in resolving conflicts and confirming informed solutions.
While people who either lack or reject spiritual healing methods and medical research
tend to suffer worse rejection and inability to resolve conflicting information including political biases.

Thus, supporting medical research and development of natural Spiritual Healing
would benefit both the fields of medical treatment of mental and physical diseases and disorders,
as well as reduce political conflicts and media bias,
which prevent correct medical information and treatment to be accessed equally by all populations.

(3) instead of denying treatment and support to communities (thus threatening or subjecting them
under more pressure by and dependence on govt), investing restitution for the above misrepresentation and fraud by:
(a) informing the public that health care beliefs are individual rights
that govt cannot regulate, establish or prohibit, or punish by laws that discriminate against creed,
but CAN be authorized by CONSENT of the citizens governed in order to protect their beliefs equally.
(b) promoting the equal choice and implementation of health care cooperatives and benefits
in order to give ALL districts equal access and protection of their rights to democratic
ownership and management of their own health care resources, benefits and terms of services.
(c) requiring all political parties and precincts to address and resolve grievances of their immediate
constituents and to invest resources into CONSENSUAL solutions, so that no more BIASED or
FALSE statements, misinformation or misrepresentation is distributed to violate the right of
VOTERS, residents and citizens to FULLY INFORMED representation and consent in public policy.

Medical Research on Spiritual Healing:
Proper use of HCQ with added supplements to reduce worse escalations, hospitalization and intubation:
Dr. Joseph Varon in Houston and Dr. Zelenko in NY
Public Education on Constitutional rights and govt ethics:
Nonprofit Cooperative model and free training to democratize districts:

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