Prosecuting An Officer For Slapping A Juvenile Is Insane!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
What a terrible misuse of the criminal justice system in Camden County New Jersey where a Judge sentenced a former police officer John Finn to four years in state prison for slapping a 13 year old girl twice who was resisting when the officer was trying to place handcuffs on her. The incident was caught on video the thirteen year old girl was a big girl and the slaps were not like Officer Finn wound up and really struck her it was more like a smack a parent would give to a child who was misbehaving and the girl was not hurt. This is insane that this case even saw the inside of a criminal courtroom, both the District Attorney who allowed this case to proceed and the Judge who either found the officer guilty or took the plea should be super ashamed of themselves, the juvenile was misbehaving that was the real bad action here yes the officer should not have slapped the girl society doesn't want officers striking people they are arresting unless it is a matter of self defense but the maximum penalty the officer should have received is being suspended from his job for a few days this matter should never have been brought into the criminal justice system. If people want to see someone penalized four years over this matter the top manager in the Camden Country District Attorney's Office that approved this case to be prosecuted should be put on job probation for "four" years over this terrible judgment to prosecute. I am sure Camden County like most American relatively large cities has murders and robberies and narcotics trafficking crimes going unsolved the authorities in the system should be using the criminal justice system for these serious matters not for an acting out juvenile who a police officer got a little physical with when he had to arrest her for her disorderly conduct. If need be Governor Murphy should pardon this former officer and the Gloucester County Police Department should give this man his job back with their deepest apologies for everything Mr. Finn and his family had to go through this past three years!
What a terrible misuse of the criminal justice system in Camden County New Jersey where a Judge sentenced a former police officer John Finn to four years in state prison for slapping a 13 year old girl twice who was resisting when the officer was trying to place handcuffs on her. The incident was caught on video the thirteen year old girl was a big girl and the slaps were not like Officer Finn wound up and really struck her it was more like a smack a parent would give to a child who was misbehaving and the girl was not hurt. This is insane that this case even saw the inside of a criminal courtroom, both the District Attorney who allowed this case to proceed and the Judge who either found the officer guilty or took the plea should be super ashamed of themselves, the juvenile was misbehaving that was the real bad action here yes the officer should not have slapped the girl society doesn't want officers striking people they are arresting unless it is a matter of self defense but the maximum penalty the officer should have received is being suspended from his job for a few days this matter should never have been brought into the criminal justice system. If people want to see someone penalized four years over this matter the top manager in the Camden Country District Attorney's Office that approved this case to be prosecuted should be put on job probation for "four" years over this terrible judgment to prosecute. I am sure Camden County like most American relatively large cities has murders and robberies and narcotics trafficking crimes going unsolved the authorities in the system should be using the criminal justice system for these serious matters not for an acting out juvenile who a police officer got a little physical with when he had to arrest her for her disorderly conduct. If need be Governor Murphy should pardon this former officer and the Gloucester County Police Department should give this man his job back with their deepest apologies for everything Mr. Finn and his family had to go through this past three years!
Striking kids is cool in MAGAland.
I'm all for defending the Police during this era of madness where they're getting used as punchbags for political games with BLM and Democrats but I'm sorry no Police officers should be slapping children about.

Even if they are resisting arrest they are 13 years old ffs. How hard can it be if you're a competent officer?

That said, 4 years is OTT. I'd be appealing that - but the Police officer was in the wrong here. Clearly.
Back In the day parents would thank the officer and there was a good chance ya got more of the same.
I'm sorry no Police officers should be slapping children about.
I'm not sorry. Felony aggravated assault and battery, and that damned cop is on the registered sex offender list if they ever let him out of prison.
Really? Where did he slap her. And it didn't say he pulled her pants down to do it. Probaly should have tazed her butt.
Really? Where did he slap her. And it didn't say he pulled her pants down to do it. Probaly should have tazed her butt.
Damned cops are evidently drunk, stoned on weed, and high on drugs. They need to come down and get clean and sober on duty. They should be forced to pee in a cup and submit to random drug testing on the job just like everyone else -- before they are permitted to enforce the mob rule of the Democrat party on us.
Holy cow...all the swats I got in school?...we had a gym teacher with Popeye sized arms and he drilled holes in the paddle to make it hurt more...I complained to my mom and she smacked me too...what a bunch of Sissie's we are raising....good luck America you are going to need it....better learn Chinese real fast....
What a terrible misuse of the criminal justice system in Camden County New Jersey where a Judge sentenced a former police officer John Finn to four years in state prison for slapping a 13 year old girl twice who was resisting when the officer was trying to place handcuffs on her. The incident was caught on video the thirteen year old girl was a big girl and the slaps were not like Officer Finn wound up and really struck her it was more like a smack a parent would give to a child who was misbehaving and the girl was not hurt. This is insane that this case even saw the inside of a criminal courtroom, both the District Attorney who allowed this case to proceed and the Judge who either found the officer guilty or took the plea should be super ashamed of themselves, the juvenile was misbehaving that was the real bad action here yes the officer should not have slapped the girl society doesn't want officers striking people they are arresting unless it is a matter of self defense but the maximum penalty the officer should have received is being suspended from his job for a few days this matter should never have been brought into the criminal justice system. If people want to see someone penalized four years over this matter the top manager in the Camden Country District Attorney's Office that approved this case to be prosecuted should be put on job probation for "four" years over this terrible judgment to prosecute. I am sure Camden County like most American relatively large cities has murders and robberies and narcotics trafficking crimes going unsolved the authorities in the system should be using the criminal justice system for these serious matters not for an acting out juvenile who a police officer got a little physical with when he had to arrest her for her disorderly conduct. If need be Governor Murphy should pardon this former officer and the Gloucester County Police Department should give this man his job back with their deepest apologies for everything Mr. Finn and his family had to go through this past three years!
OK that is not appropriate. But 4 years with no intent at bodily harm? Give me a break. Maybe we need to bite the bullet and actually, for real, defund the poklice in a few cities. No backsies for a full year though. Once they are gone you are on your own.n I guess we should all have to do a ride along or two because this country sucks at putting ourselves in someone else's shoes.

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