Prosecutor in Ferguson grand jury says he knew some witnesses were lying

You keep saying that. If it were PROVEN that he went for the gun, then the officer would have been in the right if he shot Brown dead BEFORE Brown turned and ran away.

It hasn't been proven. And he shot the man dead long after going for the gun was even possible.
Ties, and benefits-of-a-doubt, always go to the police officer.

And, technically speaking, you're right about the timing of the use of lethal force.

Unless, of course, the officer commanded the suspect to halt, and to surrender, and the suspect failed to comply.

Of if the suspect turned on his heel and proceeded to rush-charge the officer, which, when compounded with the early attempted gun-grab, constituted sufficient cause to use lethal force, yes?

Now, as to whether or not such things actually happened, I cannot say.

Nor can I but what I find telling is the fact that Brown was hit numerous times and still fell FORWARD ... towards the cop.

Do you understand the concepts of inertia and mass?

Think about the mass of Michael brown vs the mass of the bullet, then add in inertia and your mind will be calmed.

My mind is calm, Pops. What possible reason could there be for Brown to have been shot multiple times and still fall toward the cop? Momentum, perhaps?

Sure, the battlefields were littered with the bodies of charging soldiers laying head first toward the enemies machine gun nests. If a machine gun didn't knock the soldier backwards what makes you think a small caliber handgun would?

I would add to that, many of these charges were made with the "nest" being on a hilltop, so the soldier would be running uphill and still the bodies fell forward.

We are agreeing, Pops. Those who claim Brown was surrendering or moving away or standing still with hands up are not telling the truth.
Ties, and benefits-of-a-doubt, always go to the police officer.

And, technically speaking, you're right about the timing of the use of lethal force.

Unless, of course, the officer commanded the suspect to halt, and to surrender, and the suspect failed to comply.

Of if the suspect turned on his heel and proceeded to rush-charge the officer, which, when compounded with the early attempted gun-grab, constituted sufficient cause to use lethal force, yes?

Now, as to whether or not such things actually happened, I cannot say.

Nor can I but what I find telling is the fact that Brown was hit numerous times and still fell FORWARD ... towards the cop.

Do you understand the concepts of inertia and mass?

Think about the mass of Michael brown vs the mass of the bullet, then add in inertia and your mind will be calmed.

My mind is calm, Pops. What possible reason could there be for Brown to have been shot multiple times and still fall toward the cop? Momentum, perhaps?

Sure, the battlefields were littered with the bodies of charging soldiers laying head first toward the enemies machine gun nests. If a machine gun didn't knock the soldier backwards what makes you think a small caliber handgun would?

I would add to that, many of these charges were made with the "nest" being on a hilltop, so the soldier would be running uphill and still the bodies fell forward.

We are agreeing, Pops. Those who claim Brown was surrendering or moving away or standing still with hands up are not telling the truth.

None of them give a damn about the truth. That is what needs to be understood by us. That is why there is virtually no reason to communicate with the moronic, double talking, hypocritical, sacks of shit who are nothing but pawns for the socialist democrats.

They just do their master's bidding by pushing the race dividing, class dividing, gender dividing rhetoric in order for the democrats to acquire and maintain power.

They are complete lost causes and engaging in debate with the lousy sacks of hopeless shit is nothing but engaging in the myth of sisyphus. If you are not familiar with that, look up....

Myth of Sisyphus.


Insult them every chance you get. Otherwise you are just wasting your time by taking your time to present the actual facts to them.
...That is now three times that you have ended a post on this subject with a dismissive.......saying it is old news and already forgotten...
Yes and No.

Yes - I've said (three times prior, and now four) that this is Old News.

No - I haven't said that it's already forgotten - what I've said is that it is already beginning to fade from the Collective American Psyche.

Short Attention-Span Theater.

That happened back in August.

The grand jury has already spoken.

The only reason why it is a blip-on-the-scope this weekend, is because of some comments by the Prosecutor, in the past couple of days.

Probably trying to cover his ass, in the event of any Federal finding of wrongdoing in the prosecutorial or grand jury processes.

The guy is just covering bases, and has yet (unless I've missed something here) to say anything to discredit the entire process nor its outcome or findings.

So, it sends a shiver up-and-down the mainstream media's collective spine - with them thinking that maybe they can get a wee bit more mileage out of this story before it dies.

But - since August - we've had a mid-term election, a change in management in the Senate, lots of partisan squabbling, immigration EO's, the unpopular first steps towards normalizing relations with Cuba, Radical-Islamic massacres in a couple of places, near-government shutdowns and budget in-fighting, and life itself in all its myriad glory...

Not to mention the advent of the holiday season and folks looking forward to the new year...

Except for the very most traumatic of events ( a 9-11 or a London Tube Bombing or a Boston Marathon Massacre or a Hurricane Katrina or a quake-and-tsunami, etc.), life moves on, and the lesser things (including some black kid getting shot by a cop under questionable circumstances, and some rioting, and some protests) begin to fade into the past...

...That is hardly the case. I'm not sure what motivates you to keep saying it.
Well, we see that differently, don't we?

Folks with a more liberal or progressive or reform-minded bent to their politics and philosophy - unlike their centrist and right-leaning counterparts - would like to see the entire country - indeed, the entire world - keep this on the front burner forever, but even the rich white kids who were out there protesting eventually move on to other things - and, of course, the holidays and the new year will cause this to slip even further off the scope of a very great many people...

As to what motivates me to serve-up such observations... let's call it age or experience or simply witnessing a great many 'questionable' incidents over time - but I know yesterday's news when I see it, and I know how Americans - indeed, and in truth, much of the rest of the world - allows such things to fade away - far more quickly than the more heavily-vested would like, or even be able to bring themselves to believe...

Nothing personal, nor even particularly agenda-related... just my 'take' on the Ongoing March of Life... and how this sort of blip-on-the-scope fares, with the passage of time.

Doesn't meant that I'm right about any of this, but I genuinely believe that it is already playing-out in just such a way, until it fades - quickly - into oblivion - a footnote in history.
Ties, and benefits-of-a-doubt, always go to the police officer.

And, technically speaking, you're right about the timing of the use of lethal force.

Unless, of course, the officer commanded the suspect to halt, and to surrender, and the suspect failed to comply.

Of if the suspect turned on his heel and proceeded to rush-charge the officer, which, when compounded with the early attempted gun-grab, constituted sufficient cause to use lethal force, yes?

Now, as to whether or not such things actually happened, I cannot say.

But, ties, and benefits-of-a-doubt, always go to the police officer.

Apparently, the grand jury saw it in similar terms.

Consequently, justice has been served.

It's over.

And, as the days and weeks go by, this has already slid off the front page, and is already sliding out of the collective Public Consciousness.

Yesterday's news... in a world of Short Attention-Span Theater... bore, bore, bore.

That is now three times that you have ended a post on this subject with a dismissive.......saying it is old news and already forgotten. That is hardly the case. I'm not sure what motivates you to keep saying it.
Are you posting from a mental institute? The only people left who really believe in BM's innocence are mentally ill and can not except reality.
You continually deny the fact, that for instance, proven by the FBI's forensic scientists human tissue/DNA belonging to BM was found on the slide action of Wilson's hand gun.
In answer you post inane replies like "who cares?"

Michael Brown's DNA was found on the gun. And you think that has only one explaination...that Brown was grabbing Wilson's gun so he could shoot him? Is that right?

Try for a minute, you fucking lunatic, to play the devils advocate. What other possible reason could there be for Brown's DNA to be found on that gun? There are definitely other possible reasons. Dickhead.

And.....there is no BM involved. Slow down a bit. You are rabid.
And now you are going to offer some logical reasons why BM's tissue (he had a deep fresh cut on his hand) /DNA was found on Wilson's gun right?
Not a single eye witness testified that Wilson was anywhere near BM after Wilson got out of his SUV.
After Wilson gave the people of Ferguson an early Christmas present by getting rid of the town bully he never went near BM's lifeless dead useless body. Eye witnesses concur.
But I'm sure you can make up some fucking lunatic BS story only someone as fucking stupid as you will believe.

I absolutely will. I was hopeful that you would give it a shot as well. Think on it for a spell. If you come up empty, I'll clue you in.
In other words you're a stupid **** who will never back up your claim. B/c you can't.

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