Prosecutors dropping charges against Baldwin

Yep. Right wingers have hated him for quite a while. Long before the shooting incident. MAGA hate for him is right up there with their hate for Rosie ODonald, and Whoopie Goldberg.
No, actually I like a lot of things he's done on screen. It is in real life he is a total asshole and he'd still be one if he was a republican.
No, actually I like a lot of things he's done on screen. It is in real life he is a total asshole and he'd still be one if he was a republican.
MAGA hate has nothing to do with his acting ability.

Seriously, who cares about Alec Baldwin, and an accident on-set?

Considering everything else going on in the world, this ranks near the bottom ... IMHO.
Yet there have been dozens of threads about that accident right here. I'll bet you can't guess who started most of them.

(hint: it wasn't liberals)
Yet there have been dozens of threads about that accident right here. I'll bet you can't guess who started most of them.

(hint: it wasn't liberals)

Why would I care who started posts about Alec Baldwin and an accident on the set of some movie?

Pethaps you failed to read my whole last post...I don't care. It's not important.

The replica of the vintage weapon — a Colt 45 revolver — had been fitted with a new trigger, making it possible for it to misfire, as Baldwin has said, according to the sources.

Huh? Is this even possible?
MAGAs will be pouting for weeks.

AND THERE IT IS, FOLKS! You're 24K dyed in the wool lib-er-al. Guns are evil, guns must go! Guns! Guns! Guns! That is, when it is one black gang-banger shooting another. But catch one Hollywood liberal committing a gun crime, felony and murder, and they can't wait to let them off the hook!

Liberals BLEED hypocrisy.
View attachment 778077AND THERE IT IS, FOLKS! You're 24K dyed in the wool lib-er-al. Guns are evil, guns must go! Guns! Guns! Guns! That is, when it is one black gang-banger shooting another. But catch one Hollywood liberal committing a gun crime, felony and murder, and they can't wait to let them off the hook!

Liberals BLEED hypocrisy.

Wouldn't it be hard to film a western movie without guns...?

Too bad you didn't tell the prosecuters and the judge all that before they dropped the charges. You think they just didn't bother to check any of that out?
Again I did not think it was criminal but Baldwin had the ultimate responsibility to check his weapon and he failed to do so. How do you square that.

I think it goes back to someone that has a fucked-up mindset where he thinks that if he paid for something (the armor's services) he bears no further responsibility.

I hope he gets fucked hard in civil court.....On top of the legal fees he has already incurred. Oh and good luck with him ever getting set insurance again.
The charges are being dismissed "without prejudice" which means they could refile against Baldwin in the future.

Despite my contempt for the man, for reasons not political, knowing how things work in the movie industry re armorers and their responsibilities onset, I was somewhat surprised the charged him in the first place.

I think it is unlikely he would win a civil suit...

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