Protect & Serve

During the Olympics, some have complained that politics should not enter into the game playing. And yet, here in the US, games are initiated with flag worship. If some want to worship a flag, they can build their own building outside a stadium, and set up a flag inside it and go worship it all they want. They can chant over it; fawn over it; and maybe even set up a set of rules on how to worship a flag. Leave the stadium for game playing.
If the olympics are not supposed to be political, then they shouldn't have been invented on a nationalistic basis.
Yes, that's a good point; and yet, the games should be based on team spirit, and competition.
From The Associated Press 17 September 2016:
A police officer in the New Orleans suburb of Gretna was arrested in connection with a surveillance video that showed him repeatedly kicking a handcuffed burglary suspect earlier this year. The suspect was face-down on the ground as he was kicked.


Probably learned that tactic during his police training. Cops receive extensive training for their police work.
From The New York Times 31 October 2016:
Americans who think of officially sanctioned torture as something that happens in other countries will be shaken when they confront the grim holdings of the Chicago Torture Archive, an online research repository set to open early next year. ...The trove will give researchers chilling insight into the grisly period from the 1970s to the 1990s when the Chicago Police Department’s infamous torture crew rounded up more than 100 African-American men who were shocked with cattle prods, beaten with telephone books and suffocated with plastic bags until many confessed to crimes.

...The Chicago City Council confronted the torture era head-on last year when it approved a measure that has paid reparations to scores of police torture victims. ...A memorial will be built and this history will be taught in city public schools.

From The Associated Press 11 November 2016:
The judge overseeing the murder trial of a white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black man near the University of Cincinnati has deflected a jury question about the definition of arrest.

Hamilton County Judge Megan Shanahan convened jurors weighing a decision in the case against Ray Tensing after they asked for the definition late Friday afternoon.

Shanahan told jurors they had all the information they needed to reach a verdict and ordered them to resume deliberations.

The question related to conditions under which victim Sam DuBose could have been considered to be evading arrest.


The United States Supreme Court had declared, in 1984:

"It must be acknowledged at the outset that a traffic stop significantly curtails the "freedom of action" of the driver and the passengers, if any, of the detained vehicle. Under the law of most States, it is a crime either to ignore a policeman's signal to stop one's car or, once having stopped, to drive away without permission (cites omitted). Certainly few motorists would feel free either to disobey a directive to pull over or to leave the scene of a traffic stop without being told they might do so. Partly for these reasons, we have long acknowledged that "stopping an automobile and detaining its occupants constitute a 'seizure' within the meaning of [the Fourth] Amendment, even though the purpose of the stop is limited and the resulting detention quite brief.""
From The Associated Press 12 November 2016:


Hardly surprising since the jurors weren't getting any help from the Judge.
Journalist Alan Blinder wrote for The New York Times 29 November 2016:
Mr. Scott seized the Taser and appeared ready to fire it.

“I pulled my firearm, and I pulled the trigger”


...and shot him in the back eight times...
From The Associated Press 30 November 2016:
A judge has approved the settlement of a lawsuit against Cleveland filed by the family of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black boy fatally shot by a white officer while playing with a pellet gun at a recreation center.

Cleveland agreed in April to settle the lawsuit over Tamir's 2014 death and pay $6 million over two years. reports ( ) a Cuyahoga County Probate Court judge approved the settlement Wednesday.

...The $6 million also includes the attorneys' share of the settlement and $500,000 paid to Tamir's mother and sister soon after the federal civil rights lawsuit was settled.

From The Associated Press 30 November 2016:


Bald-Faced jury tampering, if ever there was...

Even when they're off duty they just can't help themselves: they have to shoot somebody...
Based on the report, which states the cop shot a man who punched him in the face, presuming this is what really happened I support the cop.

Punching someone in the face could result in serious injury -- even death. So if I am armed and someone punches me in the face, having no way of knowing what comes next I will use my weapon to defend myself. Because that's why I bother carrying it.

There are far too many individuals at large in contemporary society whose marginally civilized mindset holds that it's okay to punch someone in the face for something as slight as an offensive comment. Such individuals deserve to be shot.
From The Associated Press 30 November 2016:
A judge has approved the settlement of a lawsuit against Cleveland filed by the family of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black boy fatally shot by a white officer while playing with a pellet gun at a recreation center.

Cleveland agreed in April to settle the lawsuit over Tamir's 2014 death and pay $6 million over two years. reports ( ) a Cuyahoga County Probate Court judge approved the settlement Wednesday.

...The $6 million also includes the attorneys' share of the settlement and $500,000 paid to Tamir's mother and sister soon after the federal civil rights lawsuit was settled.

This shooting was unnecessary and avoidable -- and it cost the taxpayers six million dollars.
Journalist Nomaan Merchant wrote for The Associated Press 29 July 2016:
A police officer in the small Texas town where Sandra Bland was pulled over and jailed says the county's top prosecutors threatened to end his career if he came forward with what he says is evidence of wrongdoing... Among the things Prairie View officer Michael Kelley said this week that he wanted to tell a grand jury: Bland appeared to have marks on her forehead after a confrontation with state trooper Brian Encinia, who pulled her over last July for allegedly failing to signal while changing a lane... ...the police report Encinia ultimately submitted left out key details.

Kelley said he was never contacted by special prosecutors handling the case, and the Waller County district attorney's top assistant said there'd be repercussions if he spoke to a Bland family attorney.

..."Get out of the car!" Encinia is heard saying. "I will light you up! Get out!"

Another entirely avoidable situation.

This cop's excessively authoritarian disposition escalated a simple traffic stop for a relatively petty offense into an avoidable situation that ended in a death and which ultimately will cost taxpayers millions of dollars.
From The Associated Press 30 November 2016:


Bald-Faced jury tampering, if ever there was...
Journalist Alan Blinder wrote for The New York Times 5 December 2016:
The trial of Michael T. Slager, the police officer whose videotaped killing of an unarmed black man staggered a nation already embroiled in a debate about police misconduct and racial bias in law enforcement, ended in a mistrial on Monday. ...The outcome was disappointingly familiar to critics of police practices and conduct, and demonstrated the steep hurdles associated with prosecuting a police officer for a shooting while on duty.

From The Associated Press 7 December 2016:
The video was unambiguous: A white police officer fatally shot an unarmed black man in the back as the man ran away. But a South Carolina jury was unable to agree on a verdict in one of the nation's ghastliest police shootings, with a lone holdout forcing a mistrial.

...Prosecutors plan to retry former officer Michael Slager, who is scheduled to be tried separately next year on federal charges that he violated Walter Scott's civil rights.

Journalist Rick Rojas wrote for The New York Times 6 December 2016:
The Legal Aid Society filed a lawsuit against the New York Police Department on Tuesday in an effort to force the agency to disclose information about how officers are disciplined for wrongdoing on the job. ...The lawsuit noted recent cases of officer-involved deaths in New York that spurred an “increased public demand for police accountability,” including those of Ramarley Graham, who was fatally shot in 2012 in the Bronx, and Eric Garner, the Staten Island man who died in 2014 after he was placed in a chokehold by an officer.

...“There is no excuse for New York City to be taking steps backwards on police transparency,” Monifa Bandele, a spokeswoman for Communities United for Police Reform, said in a statement on Tuesday. “It leaves communities most impacted by police abuses and misconduct at further risk and without accountability from the N.Y.P.D.”

How to beat an arrestee:

1. Put on rubber gloves

2. Get fellow officers to hold arrestee onto chair

3. Beat him mercilessly while hollering: "STOP RESISTING" "STOP RESISTING" "STOP RESISTING" "STOP RESISTING" for the cameras.

From The Associated Press 12 December 2016:
A former St. Louis police sergeant has been ordered to spend a year and a day in federal prison for stealing more than $80,000 from the organization for black police officers that he once led. ...Wilson was the Ethical Society of Police's president in 2013 and 2014, giving him access to bank account funds made up primarily of members' dues.

From The Associated Press 13 December 2016:
Authorities in California say a Bakersfield police officer answering a report of a man with a gun shot and killed an unarmed 73-year-old as he stood in a neighbor's driveway. The man's family says he was in the early stages of dementia. ...police had arrived about 12:30 a.m. and when a witness pointed to Serna, one officer fired several rounds and killed him. gun was turned up in a search of the scene.


"dementia"? Oh yes, he should be put down, definitely, and especially since he was unarmed. You just can't go around being dementiaed and not be armed...

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