Protecting The Traitors Continues....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

“Clapper has already admitted that he did speak with CNN. Now, he is insisting he didn’t speak to any media until January 20, but he indicated he spoke to CNN in early January,” Turley said on “Fox & Friends” Monday. “CNN reported that high level people had confirmed the information, and if one of those individuals is Clapper, it is a serious problem. He could be accused, again, of perjury.”

The Senate voted in support of the Obama administration's Intel Official's Report on Russian Meddling...while nearly at the same time it is being reported that Trump-Hating FBI Agent Strzok was hired by Brennan to co-author the ICA - pushing the narrative of illegal Russian collusion - that is now being reported as having been based in large part, if not all, on the debunked Dossier DNC Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton bought from foreign spies and Russians, a report she illegally used in an election and a report the IG says the FBI used illegally to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate / President and his team.

At the center of the Obama Intel Official Report, based on the Dossier, are repeat criminal offenders (and almost assuredly fellow Secret Society members) former NIA Director James 'Perjury' Clapper and CIA Director John 'Liar' Brennan. Both have been busted for Perjury in testifying before Congress....both have been protected from prosecution for their crimes.

This is the 2nd time Clapper has been caught red-handed committing PERJURY. The 1st time was when he testified that the Obama administration was NOT illegally spying on Americans....except it was proven that he was. Instead of indicting Clapper for his crimes, the Obama administration / DOJ / Democrats allowed him to testify again before Congress to 'amend his earlier statements'. Indictment for his crime was still pursued afterwards, but the Obama DOJ delayed and put off any action until the statute of limitations ran out on his crime. NOW HERE WE ARE AGAIN....this time Jimmy has been caught committing perjury in his conspiratorial role in attempting to help take down the President of the United States...and he has not been Perp-Walked YET!

Jeff Sessions may have recused himself from having any impact / action in regards to the Mueller Witch Hunt, but as far as I know he still runs the DOJ and is still tasked with enforcing the law. He is completely 'MIA', and this latest refusal to step in and do so only further proves he is a weak, spineless, useless POS who needs to be replaced immediately.

Clapper hit for dossier leak dodge in House GOP Russia report

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