protest in memphis at police station

She should have armed herself, if she was going to raid the Capitol.
The videos inside the capitol building looked more like people walking around in a mall then locating, finding and exterminating politicians. The globalists rule us, and they find people like yourself to do the deed for them. Police need to make some changes and many local departments have. They still have to respond to potential violence though. And compliance is a negotiable issue. if you notice, the Prog departments where nasty violence occurred did not remove any crimes from their criminal codes. It was just a ploy to get progs elected along with Covid and questionable election tactics.
She should have armed herself, if she was going to raid the Capitol.

If the democrooks failed to stuff enough ballots in the mail and your potato lost, you wouldn't give a fuck if BLM pieces of shit destroyed the capitol and burned The District of Criminals to the ground you miserable piece of shit. If the police even interfered you would piss and moan about "racial oppression".

Cock sucker.

I don't know why anyone works as a cop in any major city governed by autistic democrook sociopaths.

The pieces of shit that live there and vote for them deserve to be cannibalized by thugs and feral primates. The do not deserve to be protected at tax payer expense. They really don't even deserve the free oxygen provided through photosynthesis. Their very existence reduces the quality of life for for everyone else, and when the elites pull the plug and chaos takes over not one fuck shall be given by most of the rest of us who did not vote for the destruction of the USA.
No, that is stupid as hell on the part of black men. We have been tricked into think another black man is our enemy, that is why you make sure you keep the guns and drugs flowing in many black communities.

This bed wetting jabbering window licker BELIEVES this asinine shit. It actually believes guns and drugs are not sought after commodities in the ghettos, or that ghetto rats depend on white republicrats who live outside the cities to supply them.

This is how utter fools and criminal sociopaths get elected under the democrook banner, because vacuous genetic waste like this assfuck remain fugitive of natural selection and vote for them. It makes one consider that Margret Sanger might have been on to something.

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