Protest in Tel Aviv.

It's probably the only country in the entire ME where LGBT people can show their faces in public and not be arrested, beaten, or worse......
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It's probably the only country in the entire ME where LGBT people can show their faces in public and not be arrested, beaten, or worse......

i don't really quite understand what the problem is with you and those like you. even a compliment about israel gets turned into an unnecessary condemnation of other mid-eastern countries. how absolutely petty and lacking in any grace.

i started this thread saying..."earlier i posted about homophobia in israel. thought i would just give them credit where credit is due." the earlier post was about a shooting spree in tel aviv at a gay youth center where two kids were killed and eleven injured. i assume that qualifies in your above "and beaten or worse......"

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

i get it already. you think israelis are superior to muslims and arabs in every way.

what i think after reading comments like yours endlessly for months and longer, is that, with your demonstrable arrogance and sense of superiority, it is no wonder at all why you and your people are so thoroughly disliked.
It's probably the only country in the entire ME where LGBT people can show their faces in public and not be arrested, beaten, or worse......

Seal, just which part of my words above do you take issue with? Do you have some evidence that protests by LGBT people in ME nations are able to protest bare-faced in public without harassment?

If the statement above is NOT accurate, in what way is it not so? I admit I haven't made a concerted study of this topic - but I know I've read many stories from around the ME of people being harassed for even suspicion of homosexuality. While it's true I haven't made a formal attempt to tabulate such stories, it's a pattern which fits with conservative patriarchial 'macho' cultures such as are prevalent throughout the 'Third World' - which of course includes the ME.
To answer seal's "question" about the shootings at Barnoar:
First of all, the violence was not initiated by government-connected individuals, nor any government group.

Second, it is being treated as the crime it was, right off the bat.

And third, there are no laws in Israel sanctioning violence nor discrimination against LGBT people.

Those are three very important differences between Israel and other ME states. Those are facts.
  • Thread starter
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  • #6
To answer seal's "question" about the shootings at Barnoar:
First of all, the violence was not initiated by government-connected individuals, nor any government group.

Second, it is being treated as the crime it was, right off the bat.

And third, there are no laws in Israel sanctioning violence nor discrimination against LGBT people.

Those are three very important differences between Israel and other ME states. Those are facts.

here are some facts.

i very rarely and very reluctantly post anything positve about israel. i used to be far more generous.

the purpose of this thread was to actually acknowledge the people of israel for protesting homophopia.

in a city of half a million people, i made no comment about the poor turnout.

the first response was yours and, rather than just accept the compliment, you chose to denigrate other mideastern countries.

apparently, the bar you set for israel is just slightly higher than you set for these third world countries who need time to grow.


you were thanked for your post attacking other mideastern states.

there was no thanks at all for the original post.

that says a lot to me.

my compliments for israel in the future will be more rare given the reinforcement of your comments. i do not post these things so you and others can take pot shots at other countries.

you lack grace. you are graceless.
It's probably the only country in the entire ME where LGBT people can show their faces in public and not be arrested, beaten, or worse......

i don't really quite understand what the problem is with you and those like you. even a compliment about israel gets turned into an unnecessary condemnation of other mid-eastern countries. how absolutely petty and lacking in any grace.

i started this thread saying..."earlier i posted about homophobia in israel. thought i would just give them credit where credit is due." the earlier post was about a shooting spree in tel aviv at a gay youth center where two kids were killed and eleven injured. i assume that qualifies in your above "and beaten or worse......"

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

i get it already. you think israelis are superior to muslims and arabs in every way.

what i think after reading comments like yours endlessly for months and longer, is that, with your demonstrable arrogance and sense of superiority, it is no wonder at all why you and your people are so thoroughly disliked.

The " catholic" is a mind reader? He believes that Pro Israelis believe that are superior to Muslims and Arabs? Bet he has no objection to the reverse way of thinking. Of course, we know how many of those in the Muslim World think and feel about Christianity. Of course to the " catholic" it is irrelevant.

" Your people?" Talk about bigotry and " racism". Can you imagine if a Jewish poster spoke that way about Blacks? The " catholic" would be all over that poser for his hate, racism, and bigotry. His " mindset" is indicative of what he was taught in his " church"
To answer seal's "question" about the shootings at Barnoar:
First of all, the violence was not initiated by government-connected individuals, nor any government group.

Second, it is being treated as the crime it was, right off the bat.

And third, there are no laws in Israel sanctioning violence nor discrimination against LGBT people.

Those are three very important differences between Israel and other ME states. Those are facts.

here are some facts.

i very rarely and very reluctantly post anything positve about israel. i used to be far more generous.

the purpose of this thread was to actually acknowledge the people of israel for protesting homophopia.

in a city of half a million people, i made no comment about the poor turnout.

the first response was yours and, rather than just accept the compliment, you chose to denigrate other mideastern countries.

apparently, the bar you set for israel is just slightly higher than you set for these third world countries who need time to grow.


you were thanked for your post attacking other mideastern states.

there was no thanks at all for the original post.

that says a lot to me.

my compliments for israel in the future will be more rare given the reinforcement of your comments. i do not post these things so you and others can take pot shots at other countries.

you lack grace. you are graceless.

Awwww..did he get his feelings hurt because we didn't bow down and thank him? And how can it be that there are homosexuals in Israel? I thought they beheaded them. Oh...wait...
To answer seal's "question" about the shootings at Barnoar:
First of all, the violence was not initiated by government-connected individuals, nor any government group.

Second, it is being treated as the crime it was, right off the bat.

And third, there are no laws in Israel sanctioning violence nor discrimination against LGBT people.

Those are three very important differences between Israel and other ME states. Those are facts.

here are some facts.

i very rarely and very reluctantly post anything positve about israel. i used to be far more generous.

the purpose of this thread was to actually acknowledge the people of israel for protesting homophopia.

in a city of half a million people, i made no comment about the poor turnout.

the first response was yours and, rather than just accept the compliment, you chose to denigrate other mideastern countries.

apparently, the bar you set for israel is just slightly higher than you set for these third world countries who need time to grow.


you were thanked for your post attacking other mideastern states.

there was no thanks at all for the original post.

that says a lot to me.

my compliments for israel in the future will be more rare given the reinforcement of your comments. i do not post these things so you and others can take pot shots at other countries.

you lack grace. you are graceless.

Awwww..did he get his feelings hurt because we didn't bow down and thank him? And how can it be that there are homosexuals in Israel? I thought they beheaded them. Oh...wait...

The " catholic" accuses others on the board about " lacking grace?" Now, that is funny. The " catholic" should be more concerned with this;

Self-Identified Muslim Talk Show Caller Advocates Beheading Gays and Sharia Law in America |

Self-Identified Muslim Talk Show Caller Advocates Beheading Gays and Sharia Law in America

Mar. 31, 2013 10:51pm Christopher Santarelli


A shocking discussion caught on NY 1′s “The Call” news show Tuesday is beginning to go viral, as a caller that claimed to be Muslim and named ‘Chris’ stated that Sharia law should be implemented in the United States and gays should be beheaded. The man allegedly from Willowbrook, New York was able to get through to the air on a segment regarding the Supreme Court hearings last week involving same-sex marriage. After acknowledging that his opinion is something the host would likely not agree with, the caller said he believes in Sharia law “110 percent” and it is something that needs to be implemented in the United States.

“You know what happens in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries to the gay people, correct?” the caller asked, going on to answer that they are beheaded and that is something the caller believes in.

“I’m going to fight as hard as I can with all of my brothers and sisters to make Sharia law in the United States,” the caller said.

When the host calmly responded that beheading someone over their sexual orientation is extreme and un-American, “Chris” accused the host of being “anti-Muslims.” Listen to the unbelievable exchange below:

Could you imagine if the above were Jews? The " catholic" would have one more reason to " rationalize" his Hate and bigotry. :Of course, the R.C. Church doesn't promote the above but they are Anti Gay. Regarding the above regarding Muslims; He will be quiet.
It's probably the only country in the entire ME where LGBT people can show their faces in public and not be arrested, beaten, or worse......

i don't really quite understand what the problem is with you and those like you. even a compliment about israel gets turned into an unnecessary condemnation of other mid-eastern countries. how absolutely petty and lacking in any grace.

i started this thread saying..."earlier i posted about homophobia in israel. thought i would just give them credit where credit is due." the earlier post was about a shooting spree in tel aviv at a gay youth center where two kids were killed and eleven injured. i assume that qualifies in your above "and beaten or worse......"

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

i get it already. you think israelis are superior to muslims and arabs in every way.

what i think after reading comments like yours endlessly for months and longer, is that, with your demonstrable arrogance and sense of superiority, it is no wonder at all why you and your people are so thoroughly disliked.

The " catholic" is a mind reader? He believes that Pro Israelis believe that are superior to Muslims and Arabs? Bet he has no objection to the reverse way of thinking. Of course, we know how many of those in the Muslim World think and feel about Christianity. Of course to the " catholic" it is irrelevant.

" Your people?" Talk about bigotry and " racism". Can you imagine if a Jewish poster spoke that way about Blacks? The " catholic" would be all over that poser for his hate, racism, and bigotry. His " mindset" is indicative of what he was taught in his " church"
Antisemitic canard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Accusation of Racism
Jews as a chosen people-Charges of racism

According to a 1984 hearing record before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations in the US Congress concerning the Soviet Jewry,

"This vicious anti-Semitic canard, frequently repeated by other Soviet writers and officials, is based upon the malicious notion that the "Chosen People" of the Torah and Talmud preaches "superiority over other peoples", as well as exclusivity. This was, of course, the principal theme of the notorious Tsarist Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
To answer seal's "question" about the shootings at Barnoar:
First of all, the violence was not initiated by government-connected individuals, nor any government group.

Second, it is being treated as the crime it was, right off the bat.

And third, there are no laws in Israel sanctioning violence nor discrimination against LGBT people.

Those are three very important differences between Israel and other ME states. Those are facts.

here are some facts.

i very rarely and very reluctantly post anything positve about israel. i used to be far more generous.
Really? I hadn't noticed, it's irrelevant - and nobody cares.

the purpose of this thread was to actually acknowledge the people of israel for protesting homophopia.Really? That last sentence in your OP suggested part of the purpose was 'self-promotion'.... I've noticed you're frequently telling everyone else how you've always stood up for everyone's rights and are oh-so-fair minded.

in a city of half a million people, i made no comment about the poor turnout.Which of course is negated by your doing so just now.

the first response was yours and, rather than just accept the compliment, you chose to denigrate other mideastern countries. It was no 'compliment'. What, did you imagine you should be thanked for posting something 'positive'? Did I 'denigrate' other countries by stating the FACT that treatment of LGBT people elsewhere in the ME is so dismal?

apparently, the bar you set for israel is just slightly higher than you set for these third world countries who need time to grow.
And apparently you read waaaaaaaaaaay too much into any little thing I post.


you were thanked for your post attacking other mideastern states.So that is my fault?

there was no thanks at all for the original post.
Oh, poor baby! It sounds like you're jeaous....
that says a lot to me.

my compliments for israel in the future will be more rare given the reinforcement of your comments.
Again, I doubt anyone will notice, it's irrelevant and still nobody cares.

i do not post these things so you and others can take pot shots at other countries.Evidently you do it expecting to be thanked and hailed for your magnanimous kindness....

you lack grace. you are graceless. Oh, am I supposed to be distressed by this pronouncement? *sniff!* Do ya feel better now, sealie?
I'm just oh-so-sorry your wee little ........nosie..... is out of joint and you felt compelled to have a public foot-stompin' hissy-fit over this thread......
Last edited:
It's probably the only country in the entire ME where LGBT people can show their faces in public and not be arrested, beaten, or worse......

Absolutely......but, if you're going to lie, don't make it so easy to show you're a liar.
That's not to say Israelis in general hate, kill or attack gays but it's clearly a problem with many Jews in that country.




and they never get trouble from the police


An Israeli police officer tries to drag away Israeli gay anarchists.
Posted Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:16pm AEDT

An Israeli police officer tries to drag away Israeli gay anarchists rallying in Bells Garden in Jerusalem, as the controversial gay rally kicked off at a Jerusalem university sports stadium.


Israel Won't Ban Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade; Rioting Continues| Gay News | Towleroad


or worse

Gunman kills three in Tel Aviv gay nighclub - Telegraph

Gunman kills three in Tel Aviv gay nighclub
A black-clad gunman has killed three people and wounded several others in an attack on a Tel Aviv nightclub.

It's probably the only country in the entire ME where LGBT people can show their faces in public and not be arrested, beaten, or worse......

Absolutely......but, if you're going to lie, don't make it so easy to show you're a liar.
That's not to say Israelis in general hate, kill or attack gays but it's clearly a problem with many Jews in that country.




and they never get trouble from the police


An Israeli police officer tries to drag away Israeli gay anarchists.
Posted Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:16pm AEDT

An Israeli police officer tries to drag away Israeli gay anarchists rallying in Bells Garden in Jerusalem, as the controversial gay rally kicked off at a Jerusalem university sports stadium.


Israel Won't Ban Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade; Rioting Continues| Gay News | Towleroad


or worse

Gunman kills three in Tel Aviv gay nighclub - Telegraph

Gunman kills three in Tel Aviv gay nighclub
A black-clad gunman has killed three people and wounded several others in an attack on a Tel Aviv nightclub.

So? People are allowed to protest for and against gays in Israel.
Sunni, you're the liar. You have no stats to support your BS. You're just ASS-uming that the uber-orthodox whackadoodles represent 'many' Jews when they do not. Like the NK who so hate the entire rest of the Jewish People they support HAMAS.....there's only a few thousand of 'em, they're a cult.

And, considering you own - and they are indeed 'many'! - sleazy and disgusting homophobic posts, you are also being a hypocrite to castigate Jews for sharing an attitude you yourself hold.

Christianity and Judaism are 'officially' or 'doctrinally' divided over condemning and suppressing homosexuality. If Islam is not, I don't think that's to Islam's credit.
what i think after reading comments like yours endlessly for months and longer, is that, with your demonstrable arrogance and sense of superiority, it is no wonder at all why you and your people are so thoroughly disliked.

What I know about your people----after living in the vicinity of a considerable
population of your people----is that your people are disgusting---no wonder
so many objected to the immigration of your disgusting people to the USA---
and even to London-------filthy, stupid----and lots of stinking drunks and sluts---
and so many belching in their inebriated "wisdom" "damned sheeeeeneys"---
just prior to the explosion of bloody vomitus into the gutters which their sluts
populate and do their "business"

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