Protest Within Minutes of Trump SCOTUS Pick:SureThis is Grassroots: Smell Soros

Fucking lunatic Marxist left protested at SCOTUS building within minutes of Trump super selection of Gorsuch. Idiots. Grassroots? Nope. Soros financed for sure. Thanks for making Trump more popular with American public.
Watch Live: Protesters Gather Outside Supreme Court After Trump Nomination
I don't blame you conservative assholes for protesting Trump's pick. This guy is the definition of establishment. You got burned.

"Mr. Trump’s selection of Judge Gorsuch was nonetheless a bit of a surprise, coming from someone who had campaigned as a Washington outsider. Judge Gorsuch has deep roots in the city and the establishment Mr. Trump often criticized."
How many conservatives are protesting?
What in the hell are you talking about?
Fucking lunatic Marxist left protested at SCOTUS building within minutes of Trump super selection of Gorsuch. Idiots. Grassroots? Nope. Soros financed for sure. Thanks for making Trump more popular with American public.
Watch Live: Protesters Gather Outside Supreme Court After Trump Nomination
I don't blame you conservative assholes for protesting Trump's pick. This guy is the definition of establishment. You got burned.

"Mr. Trump’s selection of Judge Gorsuch was nonetheless a bit of a surprise, coming from someone who had campaigned as a Washington outsider. Judge Gorsuch has deep roots in the city and the establishment Mr. Trump often criticized."
How many conservatives are protesting?
What in the hell are you talking about?

Did you read your own post I replied to? You said you didn't blame conservative assholes for protesting, hence my question without adding the asshole.
We should embrace the Bolshevik dismay.

It is how we know we are on the right track.

Absolutely. If lunatic left protest know you have made the right call.

Either that, or you are playing right into the hands of the Globalists. Every move that Trump makes is one more nail in the coffin for those who love freedom and sovereignty.

Play a game of chess some time, then you might get this. The global elites know what they are doing by letting this guy play President.

The hour is late.

The more he enrages the plebes, the more giddy these sociopaths and psychopaths that control things from the shadows get. If you think there is any saving the nation at this point, you are sadly mistaken.
All those professionally printed signs. Hmmm. They weren't printed and distributed instantly. There must be pre printed signs made up for every possible nominee.

Shortlist was out long ago, this nomination is hardly even news.

And for fucks sakes RWingers stop embarrassing yourself with this Soros bullshit in every thread. If someone didn't know better they'd think you are talking about some omnipotent devil incarnate.
So how much does a Soros foundation pay you to post here? :badgrin:
All those professionally printed signs. Hmmm. They weren't printed and distributed instantly. There must be pre printed signs made up for every possible nominee.

Shortlist was out long ago, this nomination is hardly even news.

And for fucks sakes RWingers stop embarrassing yourself with this Soros bullshit in every thread. If someone didn't know better they'd think you are talking about some omnipotent devil incarnate.
So how much does a Soros foundation pay you to post here? :badgrin:
How much do the Koch brothers pay you?
Doesn't matter. they were Presidents of the people back when it meant something... Trump dodged serving in the miltary to defend freedom and he uses loophole to keep from contributing to the country...
Did President Obama serve in the military? Don't allot of people say our troops are just canon fodder and not defending our freedom?

I never said Obama was a President of the people like the claim is being made for Trump. Did Obama dodge the military like Trump did though? Trump used a medical excuses that was supposed to be a lifetime condition that mysteriously cleared up and he no longer has.
I have no idea if Obama dodged serving, or just didn't feel the call to. You've never seen anyone healed, Doctors are never wrong? How does anyone know it mysteriously cleared up?

Not everyone serves in the military for various reasons. Trump got multiple military deferments for Viet Nam because of college and then finally for a bone spur in his foot... that he couldn't even remember which foot it was and he never had fixed but no longer has a problem with. Ask someone that has had a bone spur how painful it is... and if it just goes away.
Don't you need something from a Doctor? My son served and had to have a physical.

You mean a doctor you PAY to go see? You don't think Trump's family could afford to pay a doctor to say anything he needs?
Fucking lunatic Marxist left protested at SCOTUS building within minutes of Trump super selection of Gorsuch. Idiots. Grassroots? Nope. Soros financed for sure. Thanks for making Trump more popular with American public.
Watch Live: Protesters Gather Outside Supreme Court After Trump Nomination
I don't blame you conservative assholes for protesting Trump's pick. This guy is the definition of establishment. You got burned.

"Mr. Trump’s selection of Judge Gorsuch was nonetheless a bit of a surprise, coming from someone who had campaigned as a Washington outsider. Judge Gorsuch has deep roots in the city and the establishment Mr. Trump often criticized."
How many conservatives are protesting?
What in the hell are you talking about?
Fucking lunatic Marxist left protested at SCOTUS building within minutes of Trump super selection of Gorsuch. Idiots. Grassroots? Nope. Soros financed for sure. Thanks for making Trump more popular with American public.
Watch Live: Protesters Gather Outside Supreme Court After Trump Nomination
I don't blame you conservative assholes for protesting Trump's pick. This guy is the definition of establishment. You got burned.

"Mr. Trump’s selection of Judge Gorsuch was nonetheless a bit of a surprise, coming from someone who had campaigned as a Washington outsider. Judge Gorsuch has deep roots in the city and the establishment Mr. Trump often criticized."
How many conservatives are protesting?
What in the hell are you talking about?

Did you read your own post I replied to? You said you didn't blame conservative assholes for protesting, hence my question without adding the asshole.[/QUOTE woth
Did President Obama serve in the military? Don't allot of people say our troops are just canon fodder and not defending our freedom?

I never said Obama was a President of the people like the claim is being made for Trump. Did Obama dodge the military like Trump did though? Trump used a medical excuses that was supposed to be a lifetime condition that mysteriously cleared up and he no longer has.
I have no idea if Obama dodged serving, or just didn't feel the call to. You've never seen anyone healed, Doctors are never wrong? How does anyone know it mysteriously cleared up?

Not everyone serves in the military for various reasons. Trump got multiple military deferments for Viet Nam because of college and then finally for a bone spur in his foot... that he couldn't even remember which foot it was and he never had fixed but no longer has a problem with. Ask someone that has had a bone spur how painful it is... and if it just goes away.
Don't you need something from a Doctor? My son served and had to have a physical.

You mean a doctor you PAY to go see? You don't think Trump's family could afford to pay a doctor to say anything he needs?
Probably could, but is there proof that was done?
All those professionally printed signs. Hmmm. They weren't printed and distributed instantly. There must be pre printed signs made up for every possible nominee.

Shortlist was out long ago, this nomination is hardly even news.

And for fucks sakes RWingers stop embarrassing yourself with this Soros bullshit in every thread. If someone didn't know better they'd think you are talking about some omnipotent devil incarnate.
So how much does a Soros foundation pay you to post here? :badgrin:
How much do the Koch brothers pay you?


You don't follow my posts much, do you?

Just b/c I criticize Soro's operations, doesn't mean I'm not above criticizing the Koch operations.
Like His Dad, Charles Koch Was a Bircher (New Documents)
Is the Birch Society a Zionist Front?
With this, you can figure it out, there really is no difference between the right and the left, the elites control both sides of the Hegelian Dialectic.

Soros? Koch? It matters not. It's all headed to the same direction. More for them, less for us.
All those professionally printed signs. Hmmm. They weren't printed and distributed instantly. There must be pre printed signs made up for every possible nominee.

Shortlist was out long ago, this nomination is hardly even news.

And for fucks sakes RWingers stop embarrassing yourself with this Soros bullshit in every thread. If someone didn't know better they'd think you are talking about some omnipotent devil incarnate.
So how much does a Soros foundation pay you to post here? :badgrin:

Nothing, that's the point dummy. Way to drive it home.
All those professionally printed signs. Hmmm. They weren't printed and distributed instantly. There must be pre printed signs made up for every possible nominee.
Yeah poster board and marker are technologies far beyond you dumb fucking Trump sheep. :rolleyes:

Look, a rabbit

Somebody start a protest!!!

You lightweights crack me up

Good one

Gonna protest????
What, rabbit? :cuckoo:

I'd point it out, but a crowd would gather and accuse it of being racist
All those professionally printed signs. Hmmm. They weren't printed and distributed instantly. There must be pre printed signs made up for every possible nominee.

Shortlist was out long ago, this nomination is hardly even news.

And for fucks sakes RWingers stop embarrassing yourself with this Soros bullshit in every thread. If someone didn't know better they'd think you are talking about some omnipotent devil incarnate.
So how much does a Soros foundation pay you to post here? :badgrin:

Nothing, that's the point dummy. Way to drive it home.

IOW, you don't really now that he is the devil incarnate. Him and the Koch bothers too.

All those professionally printed signs. Hmmm. They weren't printed and distributed instantly. There must be pre printed signs made up for every possible nominee.

Shortlist was out long ago, this nomination is hardly even news.

And for fucks sakes RWingers stop embarrassing yourself with this Soros bullshit in every thread. If someone didn't know better they'd think you are talking about some omnipotent devil incarnate.
So how much does a Soros foundation pay you to post here? :badgrin:

Nothing, that's the point dummy. Way to drive it home.

IOW, you don't really now that he is the devil incarnate. Him and the Koch bothers too.


They aren't, lay off the cool aid.
All those professionally printed signs. Hmmm. They weren't printed and distributed instantly. There must be pre printed signs made up for every possible nominee.

Shortlist was out long ago, this nomination is hardly even news.

And for fucks sakes RWingers stop embarrassing yourself with this Soros bullshit in every thread. If someone didn't know better they'd think you are talking about some omnipotent devil incarnate.
So how much does a Soros foundation pay you to post here? :badgrin:

Nothing, that's the point dummy. Way to drive it home.

IOW, you don't really now that he is the devil incarnate. Him and the Koch bothers too.


They aren't, lay off the cool aid.
Literally? No.

But figuratively, metaphorically, etc.? Of course.


When the sport of elites is determining the fate of nations, it is against the sovereign peoples interest to have them mucking about.
Shortlist was out long ago, this nomination is hardly even news.

And for fucks sakes RWingers stop embarrassing yourself with this Soros bullshit in every thread. If someone didn't know better they'd think you are talking about some omnipotent devil incarnate.
So how much does a Soros foundation pay you to post here? :badgrin:

Nothing, that's the point dummy. Way to drive it home.

IOW, you don't really now that he is the devil incarnate. Him and the Koch bothers too.


They aren't, lay off the cool aid.
Literally? No.

But figuratively, metaphorically, etc.? Of course.


Soros: Crisis Is Culmination Of Life’s Work | Sweetness & Light

When the sport of elites is determining the fate of nations, it is against the sovereign peoples interest to have them mucking about.

You are literally stupid to believe that Soros has said THAT.

This is what happens when you start to drink the coolaid - you fall for any falsehood, further re-inforcing an overzealous position.
Obama Solicitor General Backs Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch

"The nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court has thrilled conservatives, but it's also earning praise from some prominent liberal legal scholars.

Neal Katyal, who served as President Obama's solicitor general, issued a statement strongly backing the confirmation of Trump nominee Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. "Judge Gorsuch is one of the most thoughtful and brilliant judges to have served our nation over the last century," Katyal said. "As a judge, he has always put aside his personal views to serve the rule of law. To boot, as those of us who have worked with him can attest, he is a wonderfully decent and humane person. I strongly support his nomination to the Supreme Court."
So how much does a Soros foundation pay you to post here? :badgrin:

Nothing, that's the point dummy. Way to drive it home.

IOW, you don't really now that he is the devil incarnate. Him and the Koch bothers too.


They aren't, lay off the cool aid.
Literally? No.

But figuratively, metaphorically, etc.? Of course.


Soros: Crisis Is Culmination Of Life’s Work | Sweetness & Light

When the sport of elites is determining the fate of nations, it is against the sovereign peoples interest to have them mucking about.

You are literally stupid to believe that Soros has said THAT.

This is what happens when you start to drink the coolaid - you fall for any falsehood, further re-inforcing an overzealous position.
Either lapping up the Nazi propaganda or just lying.
They pledged to block anyone picked by Trump. They made that pledge the moment Clinton lost. It's irrational hysterical hate. But the People are watching. The Silent Majority will likely make the Democrats pay in coming Elections.

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