Protesters inside the Capital

Are they any particular subsect of US Jew or just retarded?

I'm just perplexed over the whole thing that went down today.
They are far-left Jews who identify with those they label as “oppressed,” even if it means supporting those who want all Jews dead.

IOW, their liberalism trumps their Judaism.
Pro-Palestinian protestors are taking over the U.S. Capitol as hundreds demand a ceasefire between Hamas terrorists in Gaza and Israel.

The demonstration comes a day after a bombing of a hospital in Gaza killed at least 500 Palestinians.

The protestors, dressed in black shirts that read 'JEWS SAY CEASEFIRE NOW' and 'NOT IN OUR NAME' took over the large rotunda in the Cannon House Office Building.

The demonstrators held posters with messages like 'LET GAZA LIVE' and 'MOURN THE DEAD, AND FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR THE LIVING.'

Capitol Police made 100 arrests as the group got louder and more disruptive with chants and singing.

They cut off public access to the Capitol complex as swarms of angry Palestinian advocates flooded the Cannon building.

Capitol Police said of the mass arrests: 'We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.'

Rep. Randy Weber posted on X a video of a sign he had hanging outside his office that said 'I stand with Israel' that had been torn down by protesters.

Some Democrats have claimed that Israel committed a war crime by intentionally targeting a hospital - a claim the Israeli Defense Force has avidly denied.

I thought that they erected a fence around the Capital.
How did all of those protesters get inside the Capital?

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You mean insurrectionists right?



What's good for the goose is good for the gander. :mad:
Perhaps you should ask a Trumphumper. Refreshing to see a Bidenfluffer admit she can't think for herself.
I already did.

They evaded the question and tried to do a not so clever name flip.

What I do know is people were convicted of seditious conspiracy due to actions leading up too and including Jan 6th.

Fucking seditious traitors.
They are far-left Jews who identify with those they label as “oppressed,” even if it means supporting those who want all Jews dead.

IOW, their liberalism trumps their Judaism.
I saw a bunch of them wearing those shawl lookin' things and thought that might denote was "flavor" of Jew that they are.
No no, somehow this is different... Right loons?
Yeah. It is different. Thanks.

Which of those people "...conspired to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."?

I saw a bunch of them wearing those shawl lookin' things and thought that might denote was "flavor" of Jew that they are.
No, those are prayer shawls that all Jews wear for services. The traitorous liberal Jews were just making sure people knew they were Jews who support the side that wants all Jews dead.

They need deprogramming.

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Yes, never forget they didn't smash any windows, break down any doors, smear their shit on the walls, take over any offices or the House chamber, wound any cops, or trample one of their own to death. They didn't bring any guns or bear spray or tasers. The building didn't have to be evacuated.

So yes. Never forget how catastrophically your attempt to make an equivalence to January 6 failed.
Yeah. It is different. Thanks.

Which of those people "...conspired to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."?

Shush flamer, and that's all you are
So then, to storm the Capitol and stage an insurrection is OK

But only if you are protesting on behalf of Palestine!

I get it. :rolleyes-41:
So you can't name one.

Just empty headed accusations so you can whine about the seditious conspiracy on Jan 6th.

You poor victim.

Name one what? I don't read your BS, flamer. That's all you are, cannon fodder, worthless and weak. Learn it

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