Protesters, or Rioters - that is the question.

They need to protest against the rioters.

In fact those who protested during Occupy Wall Street did. Yet some considered protesters and rioters as one and the same, even when the leadership of OWS condemned the law breakers.

Peaceful protest is effective, and respects the laws. Violence, vandalism and thievery does nothing but bring animus to the actors, reflects poorly on the peaceful, and muddles legitimate issues. The former is rational, the latter both emotional and self defeating.
I'm fed up with the network news calling those who commit arson and theft protesters. What do you think, are they protesting, or rioting? Is there action protected expression by the first amendment or cirminal?
Is the ‘network news’ indeed calling those who are violating the law ‘protesters.’

Reports from credible sources have been careful to distinguish between criminals who are participating in riots from those engaged in lawful protest, where the former are subject to criminal prosecution and the latter entitled to First Amendment protections.

The problem is there are those who refuse the acknowledge the difference for some perceived partisan gain by seeking to portray those engaged in lawful protest as ‘criminals.’

Of course, the Occupy Movement is a prime example, the few law breakers led some to define the entire movement as criminal/violent. This is why all of us need to apply critical thinking and not react emotionally to such events.
Unfortunately there are those who seek to politicize events and portray the tiny minority who are law breakers as representative of those engaged in legitimate, lawful protest.
All the 'peaceful' protestors keep claiming only a few bad apples are causing all the looting and burning.
IF these protesters are so determined why haven't they the courage to kick the fucking 'Special Needs Tree Dweller' human scum out of their 'peaceful' protests? B/c they are fucking LIB 'pyjama-boy' cowards. There is no other reason.
A protest is, or must be peaceful; a riot is violent and criminal. How does or should the criminal justice system respond?
By prosecuting the criminals, of course. By not looking the other way as some would have them do.
I'm fed up with the network news calling those who commit arson and theft protesters. What do you think, are they protesting, or rioting? Is there action protected expression by the first amendment or cirminal?

WHY they were looting and burning had NOTHING to do with an indictment. All they needed was the go ahead, and when they heard "BURN THIS BITCH DOWN," then it was time to PILLAGE. They all belong in prison, or shot.
There are two different groups, not necessarily mutually exclusive. The looters were there for one reason, to cause trouble. Most of the protestors were likely there to solely protest. I'd suspect that a small minority joined in on the looting.
There are two different groups, not necessarily mutually exclusive. The looters were there for one reason, to cause trouble. Most of the protestors were likely there to solely protest. I'd suspect that a small minority joined in on the looting.
Ya... sure... you'd think it was a "small minority" if you looked out your window and saw a couple thousand out of control blacks outside your house, as they broke down your door, looted your house and then burned it down... ya... small minority... sure.
Anyone out on the streets once the fires started burning are rioters and should have been treated as such. If there were peaceful protesters, they would have left at the first sign of trouble to avoid getting in the way of the police.
I'm fed up with the network news calling those who commit arson and theft protesters. What do you think, are they protesting, or rioting? Is there action protected expression by the first amendment or cirminal?

You cannot separate one from the other. Protestors are the cover for the rioters whether they intend to or not.

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