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Protester's Removed From Fred Thompson Event

You're blind, and obviously you don't know a damned thing about Thompson. He's been quite consistent.

If he changed his stance on an issue because he felt for some reason new info shed new light on a topic, I'd rather have THAT than someone who just takes a stand a refuses to budge no matter what comes up.

Thompson is not liked within the party. I have met the man he is flakey and wuld be a horrible leader.
Fred D. Thompson, who is campaigning for president as an antiabortion Republican, accepted an assignment from a family-planning group to lobby the first Bush White House to ease a controversial abortion restriction, according to a 1991 document and several people familiar with the matter.

A spokesman for the former Tennessee senator denied that Thompson did the lobbying work. But the minutes of a 1991 board meeting of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Assn. say that the group hired Thompson that year.

His task was to urge the administration of President George H. W. Bush to withdraw or relax a rule that barred abortion counseling at clinics that received federal money, according to the records and to people who worked on the matter.

The abortion "gag rule" was then a major political flashpoint. Lobbying against the rule would have placed Thompson at odds with the antiabortion movement that he is now trying to rally behind his expected declaration of a presidential bid.
The basic problem is that the Republican politicians don't really stand for anything any more. They've been lying to the public and their own voters for years - claiming to be for a strong defense, lower taxes, and family values. But those are just slogans, slogans that Republican politicians know Republican voters will buy, so they just keep repeating them decade after decade, even though the politicians themselves don't even believe the mantra. Republicans are for family values - sure, just ask Mitt Romney, friend of pornographers and the the guy who once sold himself as better on gay issues than Ted Kennedy himself. Republicans are for the 2nd Amendment - uh huh, and Rudy Giuliani has been the best friend gun control advocates ever had. Republicans are strong on defense - yeah, well, Republicans got us into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and how are those going? Republicans are for fiscal restraint - and Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush have both bankrupted the country and sent us into record deficits.

Republican politicians lie. The thing is, they get away with it because for some reason Republican voters just don't care if they're lied to. So long as you tell them you're for a strong defense, cutting taxes, and family values, they believe you, in spite of the evidence to the contrary.

So it's no surprise that Fred Thompson advocates abortion. He lies like all the rest of the Republican politicians nowadays. But fortunately for Fred, Republican voters are so easily misled that so long as he gives a good speech, they probably won't even care about his pro-abortion record.

His past McCain habit: Before the Thompson boomlet, the fastest way to excite a room full of conservatives was to mention John McCain's name. They just don't like him. They may have qualms about Romney and Giuliani, but they regard McCain as a political traitor. Thompson co-chaired McCain's 2000 presidential campaign and was his ally when the two served in the Senate.

We now know who he will pick to be his running mate.

He was soft on Clinton: News flash: A lot of movement conservatives really, really dislike Bill Clinton. During Clinton's impeachment trial, Thompson was one of only five Republicans who voted not to convict him for perjury. It wasn't the sex; it was the "rule of law" at stake. No other Republican would live that vote down so easily. Just a few weeks ago, fellow conservative Newt Gingrich explained that the Clinton perjury charge was so deadly serious that it inspired him to ignore the hypocrisy of his own ongoing extramarital relationship at the time.


He's a consistent federalist: Believing in states' rights is a central tenet of conservative thinking, but so is opposition to homosexuality and support for sweeping tort reform. Thompson opposes gay marriage but believes states should be allowed to sanction civil unions, as the governor of the early-primary state New Hampshire has just said he'll do. While in the Senate, Thompson, a former trial lawyer, also resisted one of the tenets of the Contract With America that called for limitations on malpractice awards—an issue he thinks should be left to the states.

He also thinks that Gay Marriage should be left up to the individual states.

His past McCain habit: Before the Thompson boomlet, the fastest way to excite a room full of conservatives was to mention John McCain's name. They just don't like him. They may have qualms about Romney and Giuliani, but they regard McCain as a political traitor. Thompson co-chaired McCain's 2000 presidential campaign and was his ally when the two served in the Senate.

We now know who he will pick to be his running mate.

He was soft on Clinton: News flash: A lot of movement conservatives really, really dislike Bill Clinton. During Clinton's impeachment trial, Thompson was one of only five Republicans who voted not to convict him for perjury. It wasn't the sex; it was the "rule of law" at stake. No other Republican would live that vote down so easily. Just a few weeks ago, fellow conservative Newt Gingrich explained that the Clinton perjury charge was so deadly serious that it inspired him to ignore the hypocrisy of his own ongoing extramarital relationship at the time.


He's a consistent federalist: Believing in states' rights is a central tenet of conservative thinking, but so is opposition to homosexuality and support for sweeping tort reform. Thompson opposes gay marriage but believes states should be allowed to sanction civil unions, as the governor of the early-primary state New Hampshire has just said he'll do. While in the Senate, Thompson, a former trial lawyer, also resisted one of the tenets of the Contract With America that called for limitations on malpractice awards—an issue he thinks should be left to the states.

He also thinks that Gay Marriage should be left up to the individual states.


Let's see ... an unsubstantiated opinion to start ... followed by the fact that perhaps he sees the office of the President of the US being above and beyone partisan politics.

I thought CLinton's impeachment and the whole circus that led too it was a farce. It was every bit as stupid and partisan as what Kucinich is trying to do now to Bush.

Maybe one day you fuckers will wake up and realize that this Nation comes before petty partisan bickering, and not because of.
I have no such hopes for you. You obviously don't understand US politics, nor conservative ideology.

Being that I am active in the Republican Party hand have been offered jobs on four of the Republican Candidates campaigns. Being that I was a County Manager four the current Governor of Nevada, worked on several other campaigns inclusing Congressman Heller, Senator Ensign, Lt. Governor Krolicki, State Senator's Mark Amodei and Bob Beers, Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Saitta, Assembly Candudate Sheila Ward, University Regent Ron Knecht, School Board Trustee Joe Enge among many others in the last ekection, I have more experience on this subject then you think I do. If you don't believe me i would be happy to send you via PM copies of letter's from the majority of the candidates I helped get elected.
Being that I am active in the Republican Party hand have been offered jobs on four of the Republican Candidates campaigns. Being that I was a County Manager four the current Governor of Nevada, worked on several other campaigns inclusing Congressman Heller, Senator Ensign, Lt. Governor Krolicki, State Senator's Mark Amodei and Bob Beers, Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Saitta, Assembly Candudate Sheila Ward, University Regent Ron Knecht, School Board Trustee Joe Enge among many others in the last ekection, I have more experience on this subject then you think I do. If you don't believe me i would be happy to send you via PM copies of letter's from the majority of the candidates I helped get elected.

All of the above proves WHAT exactly? That isn't evidence of knowledge. It's evidence of being a camp follower.
Being that I am active in the Republican Party hand have been offered jobs on four of the Republican Candidates campaigns. Being that I was a County Manager four the current Governor of Nevada, worked on several other campaigns inclusing Congressman Heller, Senator Ensign, Lt. Governor Krolicki, State Senator's Mark Amodei and Bob Beers, Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Saitta, Assembly Candudate Sheila Ward, University Regent Ron Knecht, School Board Trustee Joe Enge among many others in the last ekection, I have more experience on this subject then you think I do. If you don't believe me i would be happy to send you via PM copies of letter's from the majority of the candidates I helped get elected.

It's funny you have all that yet everyone on this board still believes you to completely lack knowledge concerning US politics.

There are smart conservatives and smart liberals on this board. It isn't an ideology thing.
Run Fred Run
Thompson is not liked within the party. I have met the man he is flakey and wuld be a horrible leader.


I'm not a Thompson fan, but you are way off base here.

Thompson is WELL liked in the Republican Party, and during his time in the Senate, ruffled few feathers and burned few bridges.

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