Protesters set fire to U.S. Embassy in Honduras in second day of demonstrations


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Protesters torched the access gate to the U.S. Embassy in the Honduran capital on Friday during a second day of major protests against President Juan Orlando Hernandez.
Protesters set fire to U.S. Embassy in Honduras in second day of demonstrations - Reuters

ole is to move its banana operation from Honduras to Guatemala and Mexico due to growing civil unrest.

Military officials say around 30 of the multinational’s trucks have been burned and looted by protestors targeting symbols of US power in demonstrations against the US-backed president of the Central American nation, Juan Orlando Hernandez.

The attack took place in early on Sunday near the village of Guadalupe Carney, some 330km from the capital, Tegucigalpa, senior military official Fernando Leiva said in an interview posted by Honduran media.
Dole to pull out from Honduras


And as Hillary Clinton – who was secretary of state at the time – edges closer to the White House, there has been a renewed focus on the coup, its aftermath and America’s response. Clinton pushed for new elections, rather than the return of Zelaya, whom she considered a leftist troublemaker in the mould of Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez.
US ties to Honduras – and the millions of dollars of aid to the country’s security forces – have also come under scrutiny since the murder of Berta Cáceres, the celebrated environmentalist, who was murdered in March after years of battling against a hydroelectric dam project on indigenous Lenca territory.
Did Hillary Clinton stand by as Honduras coup ushered in era of violence?


Hillary was probably the most unqualified, inept Sec of State evah! But her handlers thought the ticket punch would further her claim to the (promised) POTUS position after Obama's rule was timed out.
Wealthy Global communist powers are stirring the pot in south America....

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