Protesters try to block access to gas station where shooting happened. Didn't go well for them

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
These protesters try to act tough, but at the end of the day the vast majority of them are nothing but sissies. This man slowly pushed his way through their human chain with his truck (because they actually thought they could stop a truck) and what did they do? Jump up and down screaming profanities and cry like a bunch of babies, because that's what they are. This is the result of a generation of kids who received participation trophies and never got their ass beat by their parents.

These protesters try to act tough, but at the end of the day the vast majority of them are nothing but sissies. This man slowly pushed his way through their human chain with his truck (because they actually thought they could stop a truck) and what did they do? Jump up and down screaming profanities and cry like a bunch of babies, because that's what they are. This is the result of a generation of kids who received participation trophies and never got their ass beat by their parents.

Where are all those old Dodge Challengers when we need them?
These protesters try to act tough, but at the end of the day the vast majority of them are nothing but sissies. This man slowly pushed his way through their human chain with his truck (because they actually thought they could stop a truck) and what did they do? Jump up and down screaming profanities and cry like a bunch of babies, because that's what they are. This is the result of a generation of kids who received participation trophies and never got their ass beat by their parents.

Where are all those old Dodge Challengers when we need them?
In prison for life.
These protesters try to act tough, but at the end of the day the vast majority of them are nothing but sissies. This man slowly pushed his way through their human chain with his truck (because they actually thought they could stop a truck) and what did they do? Jump up and down screaming profanities and cry like a bunch of babies, because that's what they are. This is the result of a generation of kids who received participation trophies and never got their ass beat by their parents.

He went far too slowly, imho. Fuck those moron protesters. Perhaps protesting on crutches will teach them the lessons their absent fathers did not.
These protesters try to act tough, but at the end of the day the vast majority of them are nothing but sissies. This man slowly pushed his way through their human chain with his truck (because they actually thought they could stop a truck) and what did they do? Jump up and down screaming profanities and cry like a bunch of babies, because that's what they are. This is the result of a generation of kids who received participation trophies and never got their ass beat by their parents.

Where are all those old Dodge Challengers when we need them?

Where is General Augusto Pinochet when you need him?

Here in Wisconsin we shoot rioters and defend our property via lethal force, we don't hide in basement if the democratic governor withholds lawful & obligatory suppression of violent democratic voters, because we will do so ourselves, and god help any democratic politicians who attempt to intervene on behalf of the rioting....
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One way or the other, we have to start questioning what we pay taxes for. At least in certain areas. Government can not guarantee safety to its citizens from other citizens. They are even recorded destroying property and injuring or killing people. The protestors/rioters need to get their agendas and get them done. And then live with what they achieve.
These protesters try to act tough, but at the end of the day the vast majority of them are nothing but sissies. This man slowly pushed his way through their human chain with his truck (because they actually thought they could stop a truck) and what did they do? Jump up and down screaming profanities and cry like a bunch of babies, because that's what they are. This is the result of a generation of kids who received participation trophies and never got their ass beat by their parents.

Where are all those old Dodge Challengers when we need them?

Where is General Augusto Pinochet when you need him?

View attachment 379748

Probably holed up in some South American cantina with some senoritas, planning his re-emergence and world-wide tour.

You'd think that with all those Germans who fled to South America after WW2, at least one of them would come up with a good "final solution" for the disease of Bolshevism we've been seeing lately.

These protesters try to act tough, but at the end of the day the vast majority of them are nothing but sissies. This man slowly pushed his way through their human chain with his truck (because they actually thought they could stop a truck) and what did they do? Jump up and down screaming profanities and cry like a bunch of babies, because that's what they are. This is the result of a generation of kids who received participation trophies and never got their ass beat by their parents.

Is the truck okay?
Blocking people from accessing a gas station and attempting to destroy the guys truck isn't protesting. Why were they not arrested but instead allowed to move to a different location? And where are democrats speaking out against this mob intimidation/violence?

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