protestors our side disney world with nazi flags

Here's some of the new Nazi flags:


I smell a fake out. I don't believe they are really for desantis, I think they are doing it to try and turn people against him.
If you want to destroy someone's campaign a good way is to find a public place dress up as a Nazi and hold up signs supporting the guy you are really against. Someone needs to find out who they really are.
Right out of the Saul Alinsky book.
last i heard about disneyland is the mail employees are dressed like princes even if they have mustaches.
I initially thought that this was a false flag operation by Democrats. However, it could be a Roger Stone operation too.
If you want to destroy someone's campaign a good way is to find a public place dress up as a Nazi and hold up signs supporting the guy you are really against. Someone needs to find out who they really are.
Oldest trick in the book. Only retards, and the hopelessly desperate even entertain its legitamacy...
Thank you for not supporting Civil Rights; it's well stated as a minority of others who seek to live in the 19th Century.
I'm a straight, white, male, conservative, Christian. Does that make me a “minority” in today's social climate?
If you want to destroy someone's campaign a good way is to find a public place dress up as a Nazi and hold up signs supporting the guy you are really against. Someone needs to find out who they really are.
they are the guys supporting DeSantis
I'm a straight, white, male, conservative, Christian. Does that make me a “minority” in today's social climate?
Most of what you've posted suggest your supporting the 19th Century.
[ I'm a white man, straight, liberal Catholic ] I find all of your posts are supporting the Gilded Age and

Over half a century before Truman integrated African Soldiers and the efforts for Civil Rights of 1966.; destroyed by President Johnson. Thus, this:


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