Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday

How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.
I have no comparison for the willfully ignorant.

STOP trying to make a career out of a child's job.

Not very compassionate or Christian of you. But like i said, i tried to warn you guys. Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning ticket. Ditch the 'greedy old fat white dude' routine. If you ever wanna win the White House again.
And I will repeat. They wouldn't be struggling if they weren't trying to make a career out of a teenagers job

LOL.... for the left, being a 'compassionate non-Christian" is protesting on the street until their are unemployed.... or telling to work minimum wage jobs, and wonder why their lives suck.

I actually find it bizarre that you guys would rather see Millions more be unemployed, than pay em a decent wage. You guys just don't get it. You'll pay for that in the end. Abusing hard-working Workers till they become unemployed, will not benefit you in any way. In fact, it'll cost you much more in the end.

Dude, you just dont' understand. I don't know why this doesn't sink in. We can pay you $20/hr. Sure. But we have to pass that cost unto the consumer.

Well..... shockingly..... customers are not going to pay $20 for a fast food cheese burger. They are not.

Store closes.... you have no job again.

Well, I'm not going to close my store, because you demand $20/hr.

What's the result? I replace you with a kiosk. Customers get their $5 burger, and I can keep the store open.

Take a look at Norway. They pay their employees $16/hr at McDonalds.


Look at the prices. 90 Krone just for the burger. That's $12. A value meal, is about $16.

Do you get it? Business MUST pass on all costs to the customers.

When you demand the minimum wage go up, you are in effect demanding that YOU pay more for everything.

Now, in Norway, they can do that because they only have a few McDonalds in Norway, and they are all in Tourist areas, where people expect to pay through the teeth for food.

Here in the US, would you pay $12 for a big mac? Would anyone? Not likely. It's not worth it.

So the McDonald's would have to either close the store for lack of customers, or replace the employees with machines.

They are going to opt for machines. I promise you.

In fact, McDonald's has already started making the switch.
McDonald s Counters The Minimum Wage Hike To 15 By Flirting With Automation


It's already in the works dude. You may "win your battle", but it will only be a loss for the employees without jobs anymore.
More illiterate immigrants competing for low wage, unskilled labor postions is what we need.

More slaves for greedy old white guys !
Shouldnt low skilled, uneducated, illiterate, and lazy workers enjoy a higher minimum wage job as much as the next guy/illegal immigrant ?

Its a basic human right and in the constitution ! Lol
The 'greedy old fat white dude' shtick is played out. Workers know not to count on people like you. They'll support Politicians who at least give the impression of caring about them. And that spells a lot of trouble for Republicans in the future.

So the people who applied themselves and reached the lofty heights of 15 bucks an hour are "greedy old fat white dudes"?

You should be down on the border with a rifle if you want to save your job.

Greedy old fat white dudes are usually the ones insulting and ridiculing struggling Workers. That's just the way it is. And they make up most of the Republican Party at this point.

But like i said, i warned y'all. Attacking Workers at every turn, is a big loser in General Elections. Y'all need to have a big 'Come to Jesus' meeting and repent. Or you can kiss the White House goodbye for the foreseeable future.

Hey Dumbass!!! Maybe you haven't noticed but the government has been flooding your job opportunities with low skilled immigrants that will work cheaper than you.
You're pissed at the wrong people there skippy.

I stand by what i said. It is usually greedy old fat white dudes insulting and ridiculing American Workers. And they do make up most of the Republican Party. But hey, you guys wanna go with hating struggling American Workers, so be it i guess. If you think that's a winner, go for it.

So you're basically telling us it's in poor taste to laugh at the dimwitted?

Yeah, you go with that. A real winner in Elections. :cuckoo:
More illiterate immigrants competing for low wage, unskilled labor postions is what we need.

More slaves for greedy old white guys !

We laugh, but isn't it true? The Republican Party is lost on this issue. Too many greedy old fat white dudes hatin on hard-working Americans. But in their deluded pea brains, they think that's a winning ticket. With such a warped mentality, they won't be taking the White House back anytime soon.
More illiterate immigrants competing for low wage, unskilled labor postions is what we need.

More slaves for greedy old white guys !

We laugh, but isn't it true? The Republican Party is lost on this issue. Too many greedy old fat white dudes hatin on hard-working Americans. But in their deluded pea brains, they think that's a winning ticket. With such a warped mentality, they won't be taking the White House back anytime soon.

Often what is politically advantageous, is the worst policy.

In the 1970s, Nixon facing re-election, was told he should put in place price controls. Nixon himself, suggested it would horrific for the economy, and harm everyone.... but it would be a big plus to the voters "he's sticking it to big business". So Nixon did it, and easily won the election. Of course the price controls caused havoc, and gas lines, and shortages, and really harmed the economy.

But the people loved him for it.

Equally, I'm sure if the democraps vote for jacking up the minimum wage, everyone will love the democraps for it. Even though it will cause thousands of people to lose their jobs, and harm the economy, but people are too stupid to grasp economic cause and effect. They'll sit around talking about how "we stuck it to the rich people! we're not slaves!" even if it harms millions.

People are stupid. Just look at this thread. "Wait... so they replaced employees with kiosks in Europe where they have a higher minimum wage? Let's do that here! We're morons!"
Republicans can always open the borders, allow millions of uneducated immigrants into the country and hope that resonates with critically thinking low skilled emplyees how that benefits them. Show them we really care.
We laugh, but isn't it true? The Republican Party is lost on this issue. Too many greedy old fat white dudes hatin on hard-working Americans. But in their deluded pea brains, they think that's a winning ticket. With such a warped mentality, they won't be taking the White House back anytime soon.

Dude, OBOZO is in the White House, and insisting we let 5 million illegals stay here and take your job.

If you're not bright enough to know that, it's doubtful that you're worth the $7.50/ hour you're making now from any employer.
So they drive the place out of business and then are pissed at the owners because their jobs are gone forever.

Yep, it is a balancing act, politicians are what they are and dont really understand economics outside of their bubble. If they make it unprofitable to run fast food businesses, fewer people will make the capital investment to get in. Sure a lot of the bigger chains will or might survive, its more than just the base pay of 15, there are the other related costs to an employer.

A lot of the smaller places will suffer the most , you will see food quality and portion size go down, Everybody wants a fair wage but the market places have to determine what that wage is. If people want to make more, they can go work at IN and OUT Burger, they pay a LOT more than your average fast food place, and their managers make BANK. There is a reason why too. but try explaining that to a marxist dummy. They dont understand why people in th eold soviet union had to stand in line for a piece of bread, or why they only had a choice of very few things to buy. Its because their caring government made it unprofitable to produce things and punished people who were successful all in the name of fairness of course! VIVA LA REVOLUCION !!! ( dumb MFRS)
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

So 3.6 million people with no disposable income. How exactly do you plan on funding this "revolution" ?
Fund Me ?

Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning platform. I keep telling my Republican friends that. But you guys won't listen. Y'all need to shed that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future.

You know whats insulting? Little bitches crying for a wage others worked years to obtain with hard work and dedication.
Dont like being a bottom feeder? Work harder.

Hey, i tried to warn you guys. Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't the way to go. Your 'greedy old fat white dude' shtick is gonna kill ya.

Not if the police kill you first....
Republicans can always open the borders, allow millions of uneducated immigrants into the country and hope that resonates with critically thinking low skilled emplyees how that benefits them. Show them we really care.

Most Republicans today are liberals, just of a different stripe. They are no better than Democrats, our country is really leaderless. This country is just like a train steaming along under its own inertia while fools are fighting over who controls the levers in the cab. Dont believe a fucking thing they say, BUSH ? OBAMA? what difference does it make? Obama writes his own laws he doesnt need congress, we dont have representation. a few more million illegals will only make it easier for politicians to dumb us down even more, oh we are so easy to control. Both parties love this, Im begining to believe half of them are medicated or insane with their own grand delusions
15 bucks an hour to toss a burger? PAHLEASE.
Have you ever worked fast food. Those people bust their ass and deal with asshole customers. You can call the position inferior if you want, but it's non stop productivity for these restaurant and they get paid jack shit.
Yep. Drive thru at Burger King, taco smell, mcd's.
Any more fucking questions?
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.

Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.
Your lie has been debunked OVER AND OVER AND OVER. If there was a problem with paying people to much then how is it 1 CEO can make millions and prices are going lower etc but if they HAPPEN to raise wage just a tad for workers the price of food skyrockets....more like the more you pay them the more money they have to buy food from the place which in turn makes you more profit.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

So 3.6 million people with no disposable income. How exactly do you plan on funding this "revolution" ?
Fund Me ?
Guess you ain't been paying attention to the news. I already pointed out some of the largest employers in the country are raising wages to tr and head this thing ain't working :) Its better but its not enough. Not only will we GET higher wages we WILL get unionization if we want it.

Dream on. And if you can find a federal law stating that any company has to take orders from a union, please post it.

The company can just let you walk out and replace you.

Dream on. And if you can find a federal law stating that any company has to take orders from a union, please post it.

The company can just let you walk out and replace you.
Shhhhhhh... such folks live in a Dream World... it would be rude to wake them...

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