Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday

The minimum wage is very popular...Probably the most popular thing in politics today as noted with all the ballot measures that were passed in 2014, 2014, etc. I sure as fuck wouldn't oppose it if I was running for office.

Yeah, Americans are stupid and economically illiterate. They do support it.

Let me tell you a little story.....

Not too long ago, the workers at the Hostess Plant in Indianapolis decided to strike. Hostess decided not to give in, and said they could make the products cheaper someplace else, so they just closed the plant and let everybody go.

So you can see that having a union doesn't guarantee you a job, especially an unskilled job where you can be replaced by any high school kids or illegal immigrants that come along. If the company doesn't want to give into the union's demands, they don't have to.


Let me tell you a little story.....

Not too long ago, the workers at the Hostess Plant in Indianapolis decided to strike. Hostess decided not to give in, and said they could make the products cheaper someplace else, so they just closed the plant and let everybody go.

So you can see that having a union doesn't guarantee you a job, especially an unskilled job where you can be replaced by any high school kids or illegal immigrants that come along. If the company doesn't want to give into the union's demands, they don't have to.

Actually it was much worse than that.

The company original tried to work with the Unions, and offered up a plan to keep the plant open and profitable.

The Union labor rules were so bad, the new plan even by the company, was unprofitable. The plant started to go bankrupt.

The company offered a new plan, as last effort, saying either change and be profitable, and force yourselves into bankruptcy.

The Union refused and "just make less profit" and blaw blaw blaw leftist crap. So the company filed bankruptcy, and the entire deal was closed down.

A totally new company, bought the bankrupt Hostess plant, re-opened it as a Non-Union shop, and it was shockingly.... profitable!

But the real kicker was, the company black listed all the former employees. Not one of the old employees was allowed to apply for a job at the non-Union plant.

Not only did the Unions kill the jobs of their members, but they got their members black balled from their own plant. Well done Unions!
Gee, Odium ran off.

Guess he figured his argument didn't look so attractive after all....:badgrin:
The minimum wage is very popular...Probably the most popular thing in politics today as noted with all the ballot measures that were passed in 2014, 2014, etc. I sure as fuck wouldn't oppose it if I was running for office.
Its popularity is irrelevant.

Its 'rightness' and/or affordability and/or sustainability and/or 'net outcomes' are.
The minimum wage is very popular...Probably the most popular thing in politics today as noted with all the ballot measures that were passed in 2014, 2014, etc. I sure as fuck wouldn't oppose it if I was running for office.
Its popularity is irrelevant.

Its 'rightness' and/or affordability and/or sustainability and/or 'net outcomes' are.

In a democracy popularity matters.
How is it moral for a rich person to pay someone pennies for making him hundreds of bucks as they do in Africa and Asia?

It would be immoral for any person to force another to work for any given wage.

Now, Mattie, is someone forcing you to work?

Of course you only buy American and Union made goods, right? Before you answer check the tags in your shirt, shorts and shoes. Then try your very best not to lie about what you read.
The minimum wage is very popular...Probably the most popular thing in politics today as noted with all the ballot measures that were passed in 2014, 2014, etc. I sure as fuck wouldn't oppose it if I was running for office.
Its popularity is irrelevant.

Its 'rightness' and/or affordability and/or sustainability and/or 'net outcomes' are.

In a democracy popularity matters.
The Will of the People rules?
i didn't complain when we were making 2.35hr when we were all in High School!

We must be from the same era. I worked a fast food job after school and weekends for $2.35hr. My buddies who worked at the grocery store put in a good word for me with their manager. The store paid $2.55hr plus tips if you bagged groceries. I put in my notice at the fast food place. My fast food manager tried his best to keep me. It was an amazing, empowering experience for a teenager to tell an adult, "No thanks. I'm out of here for the big bucks". (Back before anyone knew or cared what "empowering" meant).

We'd work four hours every night after school and 12 hours on Saturday. I made enough in tips alone on Saturdays --.25 to .50 cents a pop to pay for my gas for the whole week. That let me spend the rest of my wages on girls, flying lessons and girls. It was a great education. Better than I received in high school.

I wouldn't rob any kid of that experience. It never dawned on us to demand a higher wage for such a mindless job. We knew we'd move up after high school and beyond. I feel so sorry for anyone today who's horizon is a minimum wage job. Such a sad, self-debilitating condition.
We laugh, but isn't it true? The Republican Party is lost on this issue. Too many greedy old fat white dudes hatin on hard-working Americans. But in their deluded pea brains, they think that's a winning ticket. With such a warped mentality, they won't be taking the White House back anytime soon.

Dude, OBOZO is in the White House, and insisting we let 5 million illegals stay here and take your job.

If you're not bright enough to know that, it's doubtful that you're worth the $7.50/ hour you're making now from any employer.

Oh, i'm not gonna argue with ya there. He's completely dismantled our Immigration System. He's a criminal. American Workers get it from all sides. But once in awhile they catch a break. And i'm always happy for em when that happens. The biggest problem for the Republican Party, is that it's increasingly being seen as the party of greedy old fat white dudes. It's seen as having so much hostility for average hard-working Americans, while worshipping and licking corporate boots.

That ugly image is gonna make it very difficult for it to win General Elections. The People want Politicians who at least give the impression they care about struggling workers. And no Republican candidate for President will be seen that way. The Democrats should win the White House again pretty easily. The Republican Party needs to change its ways. It needs to stand up for struggling workers more.
10.10 might be more economical. It is a balancing game...Of course, 10.10 per hour + a cap on ceo pay to encourage higher pay to the employees might be better.
I wish 10.10 was enough....its not. We need more CEO's like that guy in Seattle but it takes Government force to make sure people can live with a decent wage.

government force...guys with guns and mass graves......
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.

Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.
Your lie has been debunked OVER AND OVER AND OVER. If there was a problem with paying people to much then how is it 1 CEO can make millions and prices are going lower etc but if they HAPPEN to raise wage just a tad for workers the price of food skyrockets....more like the more you pay them the more money they have to buy food from the place which in turn makes you more profit.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

So 3.6 million people with no disposable income. How exactly do you plan on funding this "revolution" ?
Fund Me ?
Guess you ain't been paying attention to the news. I already pointed out some of the largest employers in the country are raising wages to tr and head this thing ain't working :) Its better but its not enough. Not only will we GET higher wages we WILL get unionization if we want it.

Yeah, the Republican 'Sky is Falling' scenario never pans out in the end. Businesses will be fine. They'll bitch & moan about having to pay Employees more, and then shut up and move on. The Republicans already lost bigtime on the Minimum Wage issue. But most just refuse to accept it. Everything's the Workers' fault and so on. They basically hand General Elections to Democrats. They're still clinging to their 'greedy old fat white dude' ways at this point. They're dinosaurs.

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