Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday

Paul you really are oblivious to the economic turmoil that would ensue if the minimum wage were to be doubled overnight.

There aren't enough minimum wage workers to cause even the slightest of blips to the economy.
Its not just about min wage workers its about anyone who isn't being paid enough. 15$ an hour or less is to little. They are talking about a min wage worker makes 15k a my wife makes 9.50$ an hour and she won't make that..MAYBE 13-14k since her rich bosses are scared to give people real hours and wages while going to buy themselves new BMW's and Cadillac's.

Good thing, there were only three "protesters" in Los Angeles yesterday. Kind of embarrassing..
Maybe Odium should make that protesting a full-time job. If there's only three of them and they find the right corner, they might be able to raise beer money.
When you 2 girls are done doing a circle jerk try reading



$9.00/hr isn't much of a raise for Wal-Mart, since they start their employees above minimum wage anyway. And it sure isn't $15.00/hr. So, YOU are losing.

But go ahead..... It's SO much fun to watch the clowns.....:badgrin:
Guess there are different days in California because YESTERDAY was Thursday not Wednesday in the rest of the country. Suggest you look at the news from Wednesday I know it was on news here...

You were the Mexican guy who barely spoke English outside the McDonalds?

I love how they zoom in so you don't notice that there really is no one there...

You poor OWS shitters, no one gives a fuck about you.
Guess there are different days in California because YESTERDAY was Thursday not Wednesday in the rest of the country. Suggest you look at the news from Wednesday I know it was on news here...

You were the Mexican guy who barely spoke English outside the McDonalds?

I love how they zoom in so you don't notice that there really is no one there...

You poor OWS shitters, no one gives a fuck about you.
Not only do I not live in Commiefornia I wouldn't set foot in such a shithole! Oh and I am not a wetback thanks.
I would love to get paid to be an activist for human rights. As of right now I do it for free along with my activism against vaccines,against CPS,FOR parents rights,against GMO's etc.
Bringing the truth to the masses is thanks enough. I feel much like Galileo or any other person persecuted for their beliefs but I know in the end not only will my causes win out but I will be remembered even if it is by my kids and wife and friends as an activist.
Some jobs like stuffing fries into little boxes are not worth 15 an hour nor will they ever be
Bringing the truth to the masses is thanks enough. I feel much like Galileo or any other person persecuted for their beliefs but I know in the end not only will my causes win out but I will be remembered even if it is by my kids and wife and friends as an activist.
I'm glad you finally found your calling, and since you're working for free, I have to admit you're worth every penny.

But I still don't see how you consider it to be a win when your bunch demands $15.00/hour and Wal-Mart offers them the option of taking a small raise to $9.00 or going home without a job.

But keep it up. It's fun to watch.
Bringing the truth to the masses is thanks enough. I feel much like Galileo or any other person persecuted for their beliefs but I know in the end not only will my causes win out but I will be remembered even if it is by my kids and wife and friends as an activist.
I'm glad you finally found your calling, and since you're working for free, I have to admit you're worth every penny.

But I still don't see how you consider it to be a win when your bunch demands $15.00/hour and Wal-Mart offers them the option of taking a small raise to $9.00 or going home without a job.

But keep it up. It's fun to watch.
Wal Mart didn't offer shit...they upped the pay to 9$ now and 10$ next year because we are winning and they are trying to head it off. Say full time worker makes 10$ next year. 40 hours a week-400$ gross in one week bout 320$ bring home that's 1280$ a MONTH.15,360$ a YEAR....not right,not sane,not fair.

You may not think Wal-Mart's offer is fair, but it's reality. Or the employees can take the other option and walk out, ending their job and any chance of collecting unemployment.

And for your information, Wal-Mart's offer was actually quite generous. They offered bigger raises than most places give (although you need to realize they still have the option of cutting people back to part time to save on paying out benefits if this move proves to be too costly).
Some jobs like stuffing fries into little boxes are not worth 15 an hour nor will they ever be
ALL jobs no matter what they are should be paid enough for the worker to live WITHOUT welfare. A livable wage.Funny how the RICHEST nation on earth can't afford that but we find BILLIONS and TRILLIONS for welfare,warfare and foreign aid.

You may not think Wal-Mart's offer is fair, but it's reality. Or the employees can take the other option and walk out, ending their job and any chance of collecting unemployment.

And for your information, Wal-Mart's offer was actually quite generous. They offered bigger raises than most places give (although you need to realize they still have the option of cutting people back to part time to save on paying out benefits if this move proves to be too costly).
They have a 3rd option and that's to continue to march,demand,advocate for higher wages. Politicians are starting to pick up the mantle as well....its only a matter of time...its the ONLY reason Wal Mart is raising them now. Pressure. Trying to appease us. Not gonna work. I saw through that clear as day.

Face it, everything is market-driven unless the company is actually breaking the law.

Have you ever considered working to represent a protected class, like gay black burger flippers? You might get some traction there, even if they are unskilled and uneducated.

I'm curious....

What does standing out front of the store acting like an idiot pay? It seems to me that you could make more if you went inside and actually worked.

And you never know. If you turn out to be a good worker, Wal-Mart might actually want to keep you on full time where you can get benefits.
Some jobs like stuffing fries into little boxes are not worth 15 an hour nor will they ever be
ALL jobs no matter what they are should be paid enough for the worker to live WITHOUT welfare. A livable wage.Funny how the RICHEST nation on earth can't afford that but we find BILLIONS and TRILLIONS for welfare,warfare and foreign aid.
Sorry but no.

salary for a job is based on the skill needed to perform that job.

walking around with a poop scoop is a ZERO skill job and not worth 15 an hour.

And don't confuse government spending with private industry wages that is an apples to orangutans comparison and completely invalid

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