Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday

Paul you really are oblivious to the economic turmoil that would ensue if the minimum wage were to be doubled overnight.
Surely these protestors can get higher wages by working at all those progressively run, bleeding heart organizations leading the way for socialist occutards.....
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.

Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.
Your lie has been debunked OVER AND OVER AND OVER. If there was a problem with paying people to much then how is it 1 CEO can make millions and prices are going lower etc but if they HAPPEN to raise wage just a tad for workers the price of food skyrockets....more like the more you pay them the more money they have to buy food from the place which in turn makes you more profit.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

So 3.6 million people with no disposable income. How exactly do you plan on funding this "revolution" ?
Fund Me ?
Guess you ain't been paying attention to the news. I already pointed out some of the largest employers in the country are raising wages to tr and head this thing ain't working :) Its better but its not enough. Not only will we GET higher wages we WILL get unionization if we want it.

Yeah, the Republican 'Sky is Falling' scenario never pans out in the end. Businesses will be fine. They'll bitch & moan about having to pay Employees more, and then shut up and move on. The Republicans already lost bigtime on the Minimum Wage issue. But most just refuse to accept it. Everything's the Workers' fault and so on. They basically hand General Elections to Democrats. They're still clinging to their 'greedy old fat white dude' ways at this point. They're dinosaurs.

Again, I was there when the minimum wage went up in the 90s. They laid off several employees, and then over the next few months, raised their prices.

The effects we're talking about have happened every single time the minimum wage has gone up, without exception.
i didn't complain when we were making 2.35hr when we were all in High School!
At least you got free food to go along with it...and the prices, about 1/10 what they are today...
actually my first job was washing dishes in the mid-70's, 2.00 hr! but I fired after two nights! the late 70's were so rough for my family, I think my next job was in 1979 working for the local grocer, I think it was $3.15 hr?
If you check the study by the CBO (PDF download), you will find that raising the minimum wage to $9.00/ hour will cost around 100,000 jobs, while raising it to $10.10 an hour will cost around 500,000 jobs. It's easy to check..... Just Google "minimum wage unemployment", click the link for the CBO and download.

If raising the minimum wage to $10.10/hr will cause a half-million jobs to be lost, just think how many people will be out of work if wages go to $15.00/hr.....

So the risk of going from minimum wage to zero income is a very real threat if wages go up like the fruitcakes want.
If you check the study by the CBO (PDF download), you will find that raising the minimum wage to $9.00/ hour will cost around 100,000 jobs, while raising it to $10.10 an hour will cost around 500,000 jobs. It's easy to check..... Just Google "minimum wage unemployment", click the link for the CBO and download.

If raising the minimum wage to $10.10/hr will cause a half-million jobs to be lost, just think how many people will be out of work if wages go to $15.00/hr.....

So the risk of going from minimum wage to zero income is a very real threat if wages go up like the fruitcakes want.
I wonder how many of those are "unemployed" because they went to college or pursued other options that a higher wage afforded them.
On the flip side, if this increase in enacted, it is estimated that 500,000 workers will be released from their jobs, according to the CBO.

According to the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), small businesses do not have the resources to absorb an increase in the minimum wage since most earnings go back into a small company. As a result, they argue, hiring and promoting employees will slow down substantially in that sector. However, the United States Department of Labor reviewed 64 studies on the effects of minimum wage increases and unemployment, finding no correlation between the two. The studies suggest that an increase in the minimum wage decreases employee turnover along with the expenses associated with hiring and training new workers.

Read more: How Minimum Wage Impacts Unemployment
Follow us: @Investopedia on Twitter

Shall we try again Obiwan?
Employers have alternatives to offset a higher minimum wage, such as raising prices and lowering profits. Moreover, a higher hourly rate will reduce the expense of employee turnover, increase productivity, foster positive attitudes, and improve attendance since issues such as lack of transportation, healthcare, and childcare will decline. In addition, higher paid employees increase productivity.

Read more: How Minimum Wage Impacts Unemployment
Follow us: @Investopedia on Twitter

When the CBO states that those jobs will be lost, it means they will be gone......

So that means that if somebody does leave, they won't be replaced!

Those jobs just won't exist any more, PERIOD.

Since raising wages to $15.00/hr will mean millions of jobs lost, are you sure you want to take that gamble? It would mean that you could easily end up unemployed, and wishing you could find a minimum wage job to help make ends meet.

And any unemployment benefits would be a percentage of minimum wage, since that is what you would have been making before losing your job (translation: a lot less than you would make working for minimum wage).
OK, Odium

Higher prices mean lower sales (and less employees needed).

And would you care to guess what lower (or no) profits do to a business? If it doesn't put them out of business entirely, they have to cut expenses elsewhere, like in benefits.

I'm tired of arguing with you. If you want to be an unemployed knucklehead, go ahead, but don't think your broke ass will be coming to sleep at my house.

I'm tired of arguing with you. If you want to be an unemployed knucklehead, go ahead, but don't think your broke ass will be coming to sleep at my house.
All you had to say is I won...this entire deal is GOING TO HAPPEN hell it already has...and guess what still not higher prices at Wal Mart. I was there yesterday and they have already up'ed the peoples pay to 9$ an hour prices are the same! SHOCKER!

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