proud boy wants jail time for burning blm flags.

Thats all? A more fitting punishment would have been to pour scalding hot water on him then send him to prison for 5 years.

You need therapy.

Clearly muscle memory keeps forcing your head up your ass.

He was sentenced for some real crimes which he admitted to.

You can try and pour scalding water on him, but even a five-year-old could beat your ass.
Look, I hate BLM as much as anyone.....but he was senteneced for other crimes.

Yeah, an ammo clip, with no gun. Wow. DANGEROUS. sooooo dangerous. If a fire had broken out and the man in question died and his body was burning in the fire, the ammo might have cooked off and a stray round might have....done something....

Yeah, that's worth 5 months. Sure, that is what this is about. This is not a man arrested and put in jail for having the wrong politics.

and the same punishment for people burning the Stars and Stripes? The Stars and Bars?

If they steal it....probably the same.

Again....he used poor judgement.

However, I am all for making a BLM flag and burning it right in front on them.
Yeah, an ammo clip, with no gun. Wow. DANGEROUS. sooooo dangerous. If a fire had broken out and the man in question died and his body was burning in the fire, the ammo might have cooked off and a stray round might have....done something....

Yeah, that's worth 5 months. Sure, that is what this is about. This is not a man arrested and put in jail for having the wrong politics.

View attachment 529939

He stole the flag.
5 months for a piece of cloth.

You know the guy in question is a black guy. Why you so happy to see him going to jail for bullshit reasons.?
It was someone else’s property. Did you miss that part?
Oh, you mean, they are black and so when they care about a symbol, that actually counts for something in today's America, as opposed to stupid white men?

No, I got that.
No. You don’t got that...or anything about this case.

I call thread fail on this one.

it is only ok to burn the us flag in protest. not any others. this is once sided bs. if you for that flag you have to do it for all flags which they dont. one sided nazi goverment we have. totally screwing are constitution.
Not sure who wrote the thread title or headline to fool people, but he was also convicted of attempt to possess a high-capacity ammunition magazine.
Not sure who wrote the thread title or headline to fool people, but he was also convicted of attempt to possess a high-capacity ammunition magazine.

I have a problem with him being charged with that, but not with stealing and destroying someone else's property.
It was someone else’s property. Did you miss that part?

Someone's property? We care about that now?


Yeah, tell you what, you hit me up, when we start applying this new found concern to lefty rioters and urban shoplifters.

Till then, I will be adding this guy to the ever increasing list of political prisoners, that you people are locking up.
No. You don’t got that...or anything about this case.

I call thread fail on this one.

I made a point about the double standard justice we see happening here. You expressed disagreement. Good enough.

What you did NOT do, is explain how or why you think I was wrong.

And we all know why that is.
Yeah, meanwhile antifa and blm rioters have been stealing and burning shit for years, and no one gives a fuck.

A right leaning guy, maybe does it, and goes to jail.

Like I said, I hate BLM as much as anyone.

And I totally agree that justice is not blind when it comes to the racist MFer's. I do a give more than a few and I wish they would come to my little city where they would likely die in the middle of their protests.

But you justify his crimes simply because our country is woke and stupid (and is being run by the most woke and most stupid of the lot).
13,000+ arrests last year. Not that you actually care anyway. That's just your whataboutism go-to

Out of how many crimes? And how many of them were actually prosecuted?

Yeah, I've heard that number before. But I've seen hours of video of large mobs of assholes destroying and looting while hte police are ordered to stand down.

So, you saying 13k, is about as convincing as a formal statement from the Flat Earth Society.
However many you are about to make up out of thin air and then believe 100%, forever. As usual. thanks for asking!

Your dodge is noted. My point stands. This is a massive injustice and Enrique Tarrio joins the ever increasing list of political prisoners, that you people are putting in jail for the crime of dissent.
I made a point about the double standard justice we see happening here. You expressed disagreement. Good enough.

What you did NOT do, is explain how or why you think I was wrong.

And we all know why that is.

You never proved any of your accusations.

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