Proud Boys defend communities from Antifa in Oregon.

I prefer Antifa videos like this one. Short, sweet, and no words necessary. The "CLONG" provides all of the necessary context. Watch the Antifa toughguy scurry away under the fence like a cockroach after getting his clock cleaned. LOL

I love that video. Hahahaa.

This will give the left and the media EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT.

There is a time and a place for everything and weeks before a critical election is not the time.
There is something very off in these videos so I been searching a lil on it all. I think it is still Demoncrats pushing an agenda and a narrative playing both ends of the spectrum and cashing in on as much of it as possible.

The Oregon elected leaders have done little to nothing to protect its citizens from violence. Unless of course one considers ceding to anarchists as a form of protection.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

That is not as easy as you make it sound. Portland has a relatively small police force with less officers per thousand residents than most cities it's size. Considering that protests have been going on in Portland for over 3 months, with multiple protests often in different locations during the same day, putting large numbers of police monitoring every protests is not possible while still providing police protection for over 600,000 people in the city. It's hard to determine exactly how many protests have occurred in the last 3 months because they often merge but it is safe to say that there have been hundreds and only a small percentage have turned into riots with serious injuries or property damage.

Of the thousands of protest marches in the US with over 26 million participates, 31 people have died, only one was in Portland.

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The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

Don't try to excuse unprovoked violence, it's not right on either side.

The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

That is not as easy as you make it sound. Portland has a relatively small police force with less officers per thousand residents than most cities it's size. Considering that protests have been going on in Portland for over 3 months, with multiple protests often in different locations during the same day, putting large numbers of police monitoring every protests is not possible while still providing police protection for over 600,000 people in the city. It's hard to determine exactly how many protests have occurred in the last 3 months because they often merge but it is safe to say that there have been hundreds and only a small percentage have turned into riots with serious injuries or property damage.

Of the thousands of protest marches in the US with over 26 million participates, 31 people have died, only one was in Portland.

it doesn't help to play catch and release and refuse to prosecute. And spare me the "most are peaceful" bullshit. Violence is violence, and the bonus is that the violent ones hide behind the non-violent ones (many who know exactly what type of cover they are giving to the rioters) and then claim "It was peaceful"

Sorry, your bullshit doesn't spread here.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

Don't try to excuse unprovoked violence, it's not right on either side.


It's not excusing it, it's explaining how it happens. Lack of control encourages both sides to take it to the streets, but the left was in the streets first and are the ones targeting the government and civilians.

I don't feel the same anger at right wing counter rioters, not because they are right wing, but because they are only targeting people who are ready and willing participants.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

Don't try to excuse unprovoked violence, it's not right on either side.


It's not excusing it, it's explaining how it happens. Lack of control encourages both sides to take it to the streets, but the left was in the streets first and are the ones targeting the government and civilians.

I don't feel the same anger at right wing counter rioters, not because they are right wing, but because they are only targeting people who are ready and willing participants.

You still don't attack people who are not posing a threat to you, that's exactly what the video in the OP shows. Street violence can only be justified in cases of self defense.

The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

Don't try to excuse unprovoked violence, it's not right on either side.


Antifa provoked the Proud Boys. Rioting needs to be stopped by any means necessary.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

They don't take that shit to portland, they get shot

That's why tehy're in salem where no one else is
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

They are part of the problem. They will surely infuriate the opposition which means more violence which must be what you want. You can not quell violence by increasing the violence.

While I agree with you.

That is the card the left is playing. They are counting on restraint on the other side.

That they are infuriated does not justify escalation.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

lol and people wonder why the prayer patriot got shot


Let me understand.

1. You are laughing that someone was killed ?
2. You think the Proud Boys don't go to Portland.

You would be totally wrong on number 2. They are there all the time. Tons of video.

Problem being that when they square off with Antifa, it is clear both sides are just looking for an ex
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

They don't take that shit to portland, they get shot

That's why tehy're in salem where no one else is

1. You are laughing that someone was killed ?
2. You think the Proud Boys don't go to Portland ?

On number 2 you would be wrong:

This Antifa Guy is KO'd in Portland:


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