Proud Boys defend communities from Antifa in Oregon.

The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

That is not as easy as you make it sound. Portland has a relatively small police force with less officers per thousand residents than most cities it's size. Considering that protests have been going on in Portland for over 3 months, with multiple protests often in different locations during the same day, putting large numbers of police monitoring every protests is not possible while still providing police protection for over 600,000 people in the city. It's hard to determine exactly how many protests have occurred in the last 3 months because they often merge but it is safe to say that there have been hundreds and only a small percentage have turned into riots with serious injuries or property damage.

Of the thousands of protest marches in the US with over 26 million participates, 31 people have died, only one was in Portland.

it doesn't help to play catch and release and refuse to prosecute. And spare me the "most are peaceful" bullshit. Violence is violence, and the bonus is that the violent ones hide behind the non-violent ones (many who know exactly what type of cover they are giving to the rioters) and then claim "It was peaceful"

Sorry, your bullshit doesn't spread here.

In most of the arrests, catch and release is only option because the district attorney's office does not have the staff to handle all the cases or there is serious lack evidence, often both. The most common arrests are for interfering with the police, disorderly conduct and trespassing, all misdemeanors that typical involve no jail time. There have been only a few arrests for property crimes because most the property crimes are committed by only a few people.

The two most important thing to understand about riots and protests in Portland is they are very common and the public tends to be very supportive. The very first protest in Portland occurred only days after the city was founded and the first major riot only 5 years after the founding. Since then protests and riots have occurred far more often than any city it's size. When I lived there a few years ago there was some kind of demonstration or protest almost everyday and some violence was not uncommon and every so often there would riot but no one seem to be very disturbed. In fact, the one most disturbing thing for Portlanders is stopping the protests. Although Portlanders are about evenly divided on demilitarizing the police, they overwhelming supportive the protests. As one person said, It wouldn't be Portland without the demonstrations and occasional riots.

Nothing like excusing anarchy when it suits your interest.

Why aren't you manning the barricades with them, Mr Sans-cullottes?
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


WRONG. Watch the end of the video where the PROG apologizes to the WOMAN.

All I saw them doing was chasing people who were running away. BTW what did he apologize for, there's no video of him doing anything but running away.
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The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

Don't try to excuse unprovoked violence, it's not right on either side.


It's not excusing it, it's explaining how it happens. Lack of control encourages both sides to take it to the streets, but the left was in the streets first and are the ones targeting the government and civilians.

I don't feel the same anger at right wing counter rioters, not because they are right wing, but because they are only targeting people who are ready and willing participants.

You still don't attack people who are not posing a threat to you, that's exactly what the video in the OP shows. Street violence can only be justified in cases of self defense.


Agreed. however we all know videos can be edited to show a retaliating party as an aggressor. Just ask any hockey referee how that works.

Looked to me that the chasing side was doing the video. So if it was edited, it's on them.

The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

Don't try to excuse unprovoked violence, it's not right on either side.


Antifa provoked the Proud Boys. Rioting needs to be stopped by any means necessary.

Really, I didn't see it in the video. We have law enforcement to stop riots, civilians need to stay out of the mix unless directly threatened. Someone standing 20 feet away and running their mouth is NOT a threat.


Nice to see we can agree on something. Well said.

Thanks, you'll find I'm an equal opportunity insulter of anyone who initiates violence in the streets. And just having someone with opposite views from your own in the vicinity is not a provocation for violence. Now let's how consistent you are.

The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


WRONG. Watch the end of the video where the PROG apologizes to the WOMAN.

All I saw them doing was chasing people who were running away. BTW what did he apologize for, there's no video of him doing anything but running away.

Playing stupid now? I don't have any idea what he did. I do know he's a PROG, the others aren't, they were chasing him likely because he assaulted someone, and he apologized to a woman for it. 2+2 still equals 4. You think like a PROG, they only see what's in front of them and miss half of that anyway. Or is this where he ran away fair and square, isn't accountable for his actions? You know, similar police/thug contacts?
"The only places where white privilege is truly on display are lily-white, left-wing redoubts like Seattle, Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon. The latter was recently described by the New York Times as “one of the whitest big cities in America.” In these pale cities, white anarchists are permitted to commit arson, vandalism, assault and even murder with abandon.

Why no antifa activity in mostly black cities, like Baltimore, Ferguson, Missouri, or Chicago?

Evidently, these bad-ass antifa are too afraid to riot in any majority black cities. They claim to be destroying public and private property on behalf of their black brethren, but are terrified of being around actual black people.

White antifa have been rioting in Portland (super white!) for more than three months now. On the rare occasion when they get arrested, they’re immediately released, often bailed out with funds provided by white celebrities like Seth Rogen, Abbi Jacobson and Steve Carell."

um. . . . Actually. . .

I have some far lefty friends that have some connections to Antifa, and they are sore that the Black administration won't let them have any protest or marching permits in Detroit for BLM. I shit you not.

So. . . they have started a GO FUND ME for a the lawyers. To take the city to court for their right to protest and riot. :auiqs.jpg:

That's right, BLM and Antifa are getting lawyers so they can protest and riot in Detroit. . . like that city hasn't been there in the sixties already, and it's black leaders haven't listened to THAT song before. :heehee:

Detroit Will Breathe Federal Lawsuit Fund

"On Monday, August 31, 2020, Detroit Will Breathe and fourteen individuals filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Detroit, Mayor Duggan, and Chief Craig. Detroit Will Breathe is represented by attorneys Jack Schulz and Amanda Ghannam of Schulz Law PLC, William Goodman and Julie Hurwitz of Goodman Hurwitz PLC, and Sean Riddell of the Riddell Law Firm.

The City, through the Detroit Police Department, has continuously violated demonstrators’ First Amendment right to protest, Fourth Amendment right to be free from excessive force, unlawful arrest, and punitive conditions of detainment; and the right to be free from state-sponsored retaliation for conveying a message of racial justice under 42 U.S.C. 1981.

This lawsuit prioritizes injunctive relief for all demonstrators, i.e., a court-ordered stop to abusive police practices including unlawful arrests, beating demonstrators with batons and shields, placing demonstrators in chokeholds, tear-gassing and pepper-spraying demonstrators, shooting demonstrators with rubber bullets, and more. . .. .. "
How cute...people giving full throated support to extremists.

Well. . . I guess it is better to be a . . . ehm, what? An "extremist" group? Than to actually support 'domestic terrorists,' which seems like something you would be inclined to do. . .

The FBI and administrtation have already classified and targeted some ANTIFA cells as domestic terrorists.

FBI Officially Designates Antifa ‘Domestic Terrorist Organization’

FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks
Confidential documents call the anarchists that seek to counter white supremacists ‘domestic terrorists.’

". .. . At the Sacramento rally, antifa protesters came looking for violence, and “engaged in several activities indicating proficiency in pre-operational planning, to include organizing carpools to travel from different locations, raising bail money in preparation for arrests, counter-surveilling law enforcement using three-man scout teams, using handheld radios for communication, and coordinating the event via social media,” the DHS report said.

The intelligence assessments focus less on guns than handmade weapons used by antifa, with photos of members brandishing ax handles and shields, often with industrial-sized bolts attached to create crude bayonets. A senior state law enforcement official said, “A whole bunch of them” have been deemed dangerous enough to be placed on U.S. terrorism watch lists. . . "
I'm not saying Antifa wasn't being antagonistic, but the video doesn't show the beginning of the encounter. What it shows is a large group of people run probably 50 yards after what looks like a woman {or a really fruity looking dude} to assault them. Then they proceed to chase after, and assault a few more fruity looking dudes. It doesn't help their cause, and it certainly doesn't make them look like tough guys.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


WRONG. Watch the end of the video where the PROG apologizes to the WOMAN.

All I saw them doing was chasing people who were running away. BTW what did he apologize for, there's no video of him doing anything but running away.

Playing stupid now? I don't have any idea what he did. I do know he's a PROG, the others aren't, they were chasing him likely because he assaulted someone, and he apologized to a woman for it. 2+2 still equals 4. You think like a PROG, they only see what's in front of them and miss half of that anyway. Or is this where he ran away fair and square, isn't accountable for his actions? You know, similar police/thug contacts?

Sorry child, I won't support your position without evidence. Hint, your assumptions are no more credible than anyone else.

How cute...people giving full throated support to extremists.

Well. . . I guess it is better to be a . . . ehm, what? An "extremist" group? Than to actually support 'domestic terrorists,' which seems like something you would be inclined to do. . .

The FBI and administrtation have already classified and targeted some ANTIFA cells as domestic terrorists.

FBI Officially Designates Antifa ‘Domestic Terrorist Organization’

FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks
Confidential documents call the anarchists that seek to counter white supremacists ‘domestic terrorists.’

". .. . At the Sacramento rally, antifa protesters came looking for violence, and “engaged in several activities indicating proficiency in pre-operational planning, to include organizing carpools to travel from different locations, raising bail money in preparation for arrests, counter-surveilling law enforcement using three-man scout teams, using handheld radios for communication, and coordinating the event via social media,” the DHS report said.

The intelligence assessments focus less on guns than handmade weapons used by antifa, with photos of members brandishing ax handles and shields, often with industrial-sized bolts attached to create crude bayonets. A senior state law enforcement official said, “A whole bunch of them” have been deemed dangerous enough to be placed on U.S. terrorism watch lists. . . "
Good Antifa can be routed to Guantanamo Bay for life if they hurt others, and for good measure these creeps will have their American citizenship revoked along with their commie payors, commie professors who destroyed their sense of being Americans, who have resorted to civil killings, maimings, blinding police, and the sickening rest of their evil against the people of this country engaged in working for a living for their families.
The Democrats have brought this down on our free country. They can't do us wrong any more.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


WRONG. Watch the end of the video where the PROG apologizes to the WOMAN.

All I saw them doing was chasing people who were running away. BTW what did he apologize for, there's no video of him doing anything but running away.

Playing stupid now? I don't have any idea what he did. I do know he's a PROG, the others aren't, they were chasing him likely because he assaulted someone, and he apologized to a woman for it. 2+2 still equals 4. You think like a PROG, they only see what's in front of them and miss half of that anyway. Or is this where he ran away fair and square, isn't accountable for his actions? You know, similar police/thug contacts?

The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


WRONG. Watch the end of the video where the PROG apologizes to the WOMAN.

All I saw them doing was chasing people who were running away. BTW what did he apologize for, there's no video of him doing anything but running away.

Playing stupid now? I don't have any idea what he did. I do know he's a PROG, the others aren't, they were chasing him likely because he assaulted someone, and he apologized to a woman for it. 2+2 still equals 4. You think like a PROG, they only see what's in front of them and miss half of that anyway. Or is this where he ran away fair and square, isn't accountable for his actions? You know, similar police/thug contacts?

Before rushing to judgment on Mr. OkTexas, you need to know his entire post is based on the constitution, and imho, he is doing his best and is in fact one of the very most cool-headed political speakers due to his obvious adherence to what the Constitution says. He may even be on your side, and you'd be proud to receive his acceptance if you'd reread the document and reread his post, and concede how valuable it is for us to understand our parameters within that lovely document and try a little harder to cool our own anger and give justice the chance to do the right thing. It's a little hard on parents of minor children killed by these riotous monsters, but when all is said and done the Constitution must be observed in this increasingly fragile time. It helps to know the document is about peaceful and brotherly concern. May God help us all keep our thoughts on founders precepts at this crazymaker assault on America by criminals and nihilists.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


WRONG. Watch the end of the video where the PROG apologizes to the WOMAN.

All I saw them doing was chasing people who were running away. BTW what did he apologize for, there's no video of him doing anything but running away.

Playing stupid now? I don't have any idea what he did. I do know he's a PROG, the others aren't, they were chasing him likely because he assaulted someone, and he apologized to a woman for it. 2+2 still equals 4. You think like a PROG, they only see what's in front of them and miss half of that anyway. Or is this where he ran away fair and square, isn't accountable for his actions? You know, similar police/thug contacts?

The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


WRONG. Watch the end of the video where the PROG apologizes to the WOMAN.

All I saw them doing was chasing people who were running away. BTW what did he apologize for, there's no video of him doing anything but running away.

Playing stupid now? I don't have any idea what he did. I do know he's a PROG, the others aren't, they were chasing him likely because he assaulted someone, and he apologized to a woman for it. 2+2 still equals 4. You think like a PROG, they only see what's in front of them and miss half of that anyway. Or is this where he ran away fair and square, isn't accountable for his actions? You know, similar police/thug contacts?

Before rushing to judgment on Mr. OkTexas, you need to know his entire post is based on the constitution, and imho, he is doing his best and is in fact one of the very most cool-headed political speakers due to his obvious adherence to what the Constitution says. He may even be on your side, and you'd be proud to receive his acceptance if you'd reread the document and reread his post, and concede how valuable it is for us to understand our parameters within that lovely document and try a little harder to cool our own anger and give justice the chance to do the right thing. It's a little hard on parents of minor children killed by these riotous monsters, but when all is said and done the Constitution must be observed in this increasingly fragile time. It helps to know the document is about peaceful and brotherly concern. May God help us all keep our thoughts on founders precepts at this crazymaker assault on America by criminals and nihilists.

Thanks for your thoughtful post. The fact is we need to question everything, especially when the information we're getting is based on snippets of video produced by people with an agenda. We can't automatically get behind information that confirms our own bias, when we would criticize the opposition for the same tactics. We all need to be more skeptical and demand all the information before making a judgement on anything. The fact is the police, who were there, arrested the two in the video who seemed to me to have been the aggressors. We either stand with our justice system, or we don't.

The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

Don't try to excuse unprovoked violence, it's not right on either side.


Antifa provoked the Proud Boys. Rioting needs to be stopped by any means necessary.

Really, I didn't see it in the video. We have law enforcement to stop riots, civilians need to stay out of the mix unless directly threatened. Someone standing 20 feet away and running their mouth is NOT a threat.


1. We don't have law enforcement to stop riots, that's why we need lots of volunteers.
2. Antifa does more than run their mouths, they murdered a Trump supporter, blinded law enforcement officers with lasers, committed arson, destroyed businesses and government buildings, and their democrat sponsors stop cops from protecting the citizens from the radical anarchists.

Just a few questions:
How many people are in Antifa?
Where are their Headquaters?
Who is in charge?

These two:

images (16).jpeg
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

Such a sad violent country we have become under trump.

It wouldn't be that if Nancy Pelosi loved the people of the United States as much as she enjoys beating up on the President after her shoutout of being the most important woman in America when she grabbed the gavel to the House of Representatives. And it was one of her minions, not President Trump who kicked off the violence and the stalking and the screaming when Maxine Waters recruited Democrat operatives to stalk and scream egregious soundbites at White House staffers.

It was the Democrats, not President Trump who drewthe first blood in this discouraging
Free-for all born in Hillary Clinton's war room with funding from George Soros.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The SOBs should be arrested, they attacked people who were posing no threat to them. They're no better than ANTIFA.


It was inevitable that as long as the police decide to let one side go full throttle, the other side would end up with people ready to mix it up.

The police can end this by ending any protest that goes riot the SECOND it goes over the line.

People who want no part of the riot are given a chance to leave, and if they don't they get scooped up as part of the remnant staying behind.

Don't try to excuse unprovoked violence, it's not right on either side.


Antifa provoked the Proud Boys. Rioting needs to be stopped by any means necessary.

Really, I didn't see it in the video. We have law enforcement to stop riots, civilians need to stay out of the mix unless directly threatened. Someone standing 20 feet away and running their mouth is NOT a threat.


Nice to see we can agree on something. Well said.

Thanks, you'll find I'm an equal opportunity insulter of anyone who initiates violence in the streets. And just having someone with opposite views from your own in the vicinity is not a provocation for violence. Now let's how consistent you are.


I have no support for violent protests.

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