Proud Boys defend communities from Antifa in Oregon.

those guys was protecting private business from being looted and burned
It's not their own businesses they are "protecting," and besides that, they're hunting down targeted individuals and suspects for their own reasons outside the law and without the due process of law.

The Proud Boys and other white supremacist KKK off-shoots aren't running a protection racket now, are they? In which case the businesses are being looted and burned for failing to pay protection money to off-duty cops.
those guys was protecting private business from being looted and burned
It's not their own businesses they are "protecting," and besides that, they're hunting down targeted individuals and suspects for their own reasons outside the law and without the due process of law.

The Proud Boys and other white supremacist KKK off-shoots aren't running a protection racket now, are they? In which case the businesses are being looted and burned for failing to pay protection money to off-duty cops.
Say what?

BLM and Anti fags where the ones looting and burning the business down and it appears the cops had a stand down order.

Once again the other guys where just protecting the places.
The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The idea that these hoodlums are "protecting" anything is totally absurd. That this sort of nonsense is going on in the U.S.A. is frightening. These guys should all be in jail.

I said this was going to happen. For decades the left has been accustomed to causing mayhem, attacking people and damaging property with little to no consequence. I said that the rest of the population was getting fed up with that and sooner or later, the left wing agitators were going to run up against someone willing and able to defend themselves with violence if necessary, and people would be hurt. It is now happening, and will continue to happen until enough blood is shed, because I see little sign that the rioter's agenda has changed at all.

Seriously? This may have been true in the country that you come from, but not in the U.S. Gangs will not be allowed to run rampant on our streets. The thugs you are talking about are not "protecting" anything and they do not believe in the rule of law that ordinary Americans believe in. They are NOT "defending" themselves. These hoodlums travel from place to place looking for trouble. They are part of our criminal element. There are not many "rioters" in the United States, but these thugs are definitely in this category. There has not been too much "mayhem, attacking people and damaging property with little to no consequence" here. Maybe this is happening in your country.

Your reference to "the left" and "left wing agitators" is downright bizarre. Who are these people?

The ones burning buildings and cars and assaulting people, shouting angry slogans, stuff like that. Why, who did you think I was referring to? I said, and will continue to say, that the left wing has been so accustomed to being able to riot with no repercussions for so long that they are shocked to run into opposition.

Oh, and I come from the US. From where are your marching orders originating?

My "marching orders"originate in the United States of America. You sound like a foreigner from a fascist country, not an American. How many people do you think are out there "burning buildings and cars and assaulting people"? Chanting "angry slogans" constitutes free speech. Remember "lock her up"? "Jews with not replace us"?How many thugs show up on the streets and at state houses with assault weapons? Putin's poodles with no masks, even. Out-of-towners, even out-of-staters.

Vigilantism is distinctly un-American. It violates our laws and values. These "Proud Boys" come to town to attack other people. Do not try to dignify their lawlessness, nor attribute to them authority that they do not have. Jail them.

Good to know you admit you get marching orders, because you guys always seem to say the same things at the same time. The difference in the speech is: "lock her up" and "Jews with not replace us" were not accompanied by violence, destruction of property, dead children, assaults on the elderly for wearing the wrong color hat, etc. I've said from the beginning, the left wing is finally running into people who are fighting back, and they don't like it. Jail the rioters, the riots will stop, and just maybe we'll actually get some protests again. But keep doing what they're doing now and it won't stop until the body count gets high enough for martial law.

Don't be such an asshole. Are you so stupid and ignorant that you don't know how to interpret the use of quotation marks? Very, very little of political speech has been accompanied by "violence, destruction of property, dead children, assaults on the elderly for wearing the wrong color hat, etc." in the last 50 years. Why don't you get lawless thugs and rioters like the Proud Boys and the Kenosha Guard off the streets and into jail? You jackasses think that you are somehow entitled to boss regular Americans around and bully us. If you attack someone on the street or hurt someone, you should go to jail for a long time. If you kill someone, life in jail without possibility of parole. I have to think about the death penalty. Stop acting so spoiled. You are no better than anyone else.
BLM and Anti fags where the ones looting and burning the business down and it appears the cops had a stand down order.

Once again the other guys where just protecting the places.
It would appear to me that lot of people are taking advantage of gun control laws as well as the general mayhem and violence to pillage, loot and sack. Not all of them are going to come off so innocent.
What you are witnessing is Anarchy in full bloom. The Governor and Mayor of Portland, by their lack of action, are the root cause of the problem. Eventually after one is pushed into a corner one will strike back. Maybe its time to send the Governor back to her family homestead in California, and the little rich boy Mayor packing for greener pastures.
Who ordered the cops in the armored vehicles in Kenosha to stand down? It seems that the armed thugs that these cops were flirting with were members of a gang known as the Kenosha Guard, and that the police chief might be a gang member. Do you actually think that the city's mayor ordered them to stand down, particularly since they were patrolling in armored vehicles and broadcasting that civilians were to clear the streets, so apparently they were under orders to enforce the curfew. You make no sense.
Patrolling streets in whatever kind of vehicles, and merely "broadcasting" isn't much of what could be called riot control. I participated in riot control, as a member of the National Guard, and I know what it is, and isn't.

Who ordered the cops to stand down ? Who do you think ? It's the same culprits who have been doing the same thing in other cities with Democrat mayors. This is a question ? Of course, I think "the city's mayor ordered them to stand down", why would anybody think anything else ?

To make matters even worse, the idiot Democrat governor of Wisconsin, Tiny Evers tweeted this, to enflame the situation even more >> "While we do not have all the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly at the hands of law enforcement in our state or in our country."

Wanna see what happens when you have rioting in cities with Democrat mayors. take a good look. >>>


Seriously? This may have been true in the country that you come from, but not in the U.S. Gangs will not be allowed to run rampant on our streets. The thugs you are talking about are not "protecting" anything and they do not believe in the rule of law that ordinary Americans believe in. They are NOT "defending" themselves. These hoodlums travel from place to place looking for trouble. They are part of our criminal element. There are not many "rioters" in the United States, but these thugs are definitely in this category. There has not been too much "mayhem, attacking people and damaging property with little to no consequence" here. Maybe this is happening in your country.

Your reference to "the left" and "left wing agitators" is downright bizarre. Who are these people?
Did you just arrive here from another planet ? Who else could speak such a pile of cockamamie horsefeathers ?

The Proud boys protected the community in Portland and Salem.

The idea that these hoodlums are "protecting" anything is totally absurd. That this sort of nonsense is going on in the U.S.A. is frightening. These guys should all be in jail.

I said this was going to happen. For decades the left has been accustomed to causing mayhem, attacking people and damaging property with little to no consequence. I said that the rest of the population was getting fed up with that and sooner or later, the left wing agitators were going to run up against someone willing and able to defend themselves with violence if necessary, and people would be hurt. It is now happening, and will continue to happen until enough blood is shed, because I see little sign that the rioter's agenda has changed at all.

Seriously? This may have been true in the country that you come from, but not in the U.S. Gangs will not be allowed to run rampant on our streets. The thugs you are talking about are not "protecting" anything and they do not believe in the rule of law that ordinary Americans believe in. They are NOT "defending" themselves. These hoodlums travel from place to place looking for trouble. They are part of our criminal element. There are not many "rioters" in the United States, but these thugs are definitely in this category. There has not been too much "mayhem, attacking people and damaging property with little to no consequence" here. Maybe this is happening in your country.

Your reference to "the left" and "left wing agitators" is downright bizarre. Who are these people?

The ones burning buildings and cars and assaulting people, shouting angry slogans, stuff like that. Why, who did you think I was referring to? I said, and will continue to say, that the left wing has been so accustomed to being able to riot with no repercussions for so long that they are shocked to run into opposition.

Oh, and I come from the US. From where are your marching orders originating?

My "marching orders"originate in the United States of America. You sound like a foreigner from a fascist country, not an American. How many people do you think are out there "burning buildings and cars and assaulting people"? Chanting "angry slogans" constitutes free speech. Remember "lock her up"? "Jews with not replace us"?How many thugs show up on the streets and at state houses with assault weapons? Putin's poodles with no masks, even. Out-of-towners, even out-of-staters.

Vigilantism is distinctly un-American. It violates our laws and values. These "Proud Boys" come to town to attack other people. Do not try to dignify their lawlessness, nor attribute to them authority that they do not have. Jail them.

Good to know you admit you get marching orders, because you guys always seem to say the same things at the same time. The difference in the speech is: "lock her up" and "Jews with not replace us" were not accompanied by violence, destruction of property, dead children, assaults on the elderly for wearing the wrong color hat, etc. I've said from the beginning, the left wing is finally running into people who are fighting back, and they don't like it. Jail the rioters, the riots will stop, and just maybe we'll actually get some protests again. But keep doing what they're doing now and it won't stop until the body count gets high enough for martial law.

Don't be such an asshole. Are you so stupid and ignorant that you don't know how to interpret the use of quotation marks? Very, very little of political speech has been accompanied by "violence, destruction of property, dead children, assaults on the elderly for wearing the wrong color hat, etc." in the last 50 years. Why don't you get lawless thugs and rioters like the Proud Boys and the Kenosha Guard off the streets and into jail? You jackasses think that you are somehow entitled to boss regular Americans around and bully us. If you attack someone on the street or hurt someone, you should go to jail for a long time. If you kill someone, life in jail without possibility of parole. I have to think about the death penalty. Stop acting so spoiled. You are no better than anyone else.

And this is where your defensiveness takes you into foul territory. Is it even controversial to mention that the left wing has been relatively free to launch violent demonstrations and riots with little consequence? Is it then controversial to note that there is a backlash brewing against that violence by people who are getting sick and tired of being victims with little help from the authorities? They see their businesses destroyed, their employees put out of work, their lives and homes threatened. That's not demonstration, that's intimidation and lawlessness.

I'm stating what I'm seeing, and while you want to claim that little of the political speech is accompanied by violence, enough is to cause push back. When those organizing the demonstrations insist that the demonstrators NOT carry weapons, NOT burn things, NOT assault people for having dissenting opinions, then you could make a case against the violence coming from those in reaction. You want the "Proud Boys" and "Kenosha Guard" off the streets and in jail? Don't you want the demonstrators throwing things at police, burning buildings and destroying cars also in jail? Sounds a lot like you want free rein for the demonstrators to do whatever they want with, again, no consequences.
Who ordered the cops in the armored vehicles in Kenosha to stand down? It seems that the armed thugs that these cops were flirting with were members of a gang known as the Kenosha Guard, and that the police chief might be a gang member. Do you actually think that the city's mayor ordered them to stand down, particularly since they were patrolling in armored vehicles and broadcasting that civilians were to clear the streets, so apparently they were under orders to enforce the curfew. You make no sense.
Patrolling streets in whatever kind of vehicles, and merely "broadcasting" isn't much of what could be called riot control. I participated in riot control, as a member of the National Guard, and I know what it is, and isn't.

Who ordered the cops to stand down ? Who do you think ? It's the same culprits who have been doing the same thing in other cities with Democrat mayors. This is a question ? Of course, I think "the city's mayor ordered them to stand down", why would anybody think anything else ?

To make matters even worse, the idiot Democrat governor of Wisconsin, Tiny Evers tweeted this, to enflame the situation even more >> "While we do not have all the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly at the hands of law enforcement in our state or in our country."

Wanna see what happens when you have rioting in cities with Democrat mayors. take a good look. >>>

View attachment 387219

Are you saying that the mayor of Kenosha ordered the cops to stand down? It seems that the cops in the video were supposed to be clearing the streets. The Kenosha Guard gang had already put out a call on the internet for gang members to go to Kenosha heavily armed. Even if the cops didn't know about this, they should have been checking these thugs' IDs and ordering them to get out of the city or face arrest. Watch the video again of the police giving them water instead of chasing them:

'We appreciate you guys': Wisconsin police in armored vehicles thanked armed militia and gave out water bottles

The announcement being made by police refers directly to "civilians."

Enforcing the curfew IS part of riot control, if indeed a riot was occurring at the time. But this video, embedded in this article, shows that the police were not fulfilling their assignment. In addition, there is some evidence that the police chief, Miskinis, was affiliated with this gang, and possibly the sheriff, Beth, as well. Then there is this Balch. This video raises the question of whether there was collusion between the police and these gang members. It doesn't implicate the mayor. Moreover, there is more video of Rittenhouse marching around brandishing his AR-15 behind another thug. Where were the police?
And this is where your defensiveness takes you into foul territory. Is it even controversial to mention that the left wing has been relatively free to launch violent demonstrations and riots with little consequence? Is it then controversial to note that there is a backlash brewing against that violence by people who are getting sick and tired of being victims with little help from the authorities? They see their businesses destroyed, their employees put out of work, their lives and homes threatened. That's not demonstration, that's intimidation and lawlessness.

I'm stating what I'm seeing, and while you want to claim that little of the political speech is accompanied by violence, enough is to cause push back. When those organizing the demonstrations insist that the demonstrators NOT carry weapons, NOT burn things, NOT assault people for having dissenting opinions, then you could make a case against the violence coming from those in reaction. You want the "Proud Boys" and "Kenosha Guard" off the streets and in jail? Don't you want the demonstrators throwing things at police, burning buildings and destroying cars also in jail? Sounds a lot like you want free rein for the demonstrators to do whatever they want with, again, no consequences.

When and where have this "left" been "relatively free to launch violent demonstrations and riots with little consequence"? Of course I want the demonstrators throwing things at police, burning buildings and destroying cars in jail. There is no reason to think I don't. BUT, the police and the National Guard should be routing out those thugs who are stupid and ignorant enough to show up at a demonstration heavily armed with assault weapons and those who physically attack other people, as well.

This is not an "either/or" situation. Do you want some untrained, possibly bigoted scumbag, with no authority at all and having taken no oath, sashaying around your town with an AR-15 or an AK-47? Are you nuts? This is chaos on our streets, and no amount of congratulating these hoodlums as "patriots" and "heroes" changes this.
And this is where your defensiveness takes you into foul territory. Is it even controversial to mention that the left wing has been relatively free to launch violent demonstrations and riots with little consequence? Is it then controversial to note that there is a backlash brewing against that violence by people who are getting sick and tired of being victims with little help from the authorities? They see their businesses destroyed, their employees put out of work, their lives and homes threatened. That's not demonstration, that's intimidation and lawlessness.

I'm stating what I'm seeing, and while you want to claim that little of the political speech is accompanied by violence, enough is to cause push back. When those organizing the demonstrations insist that the demonstrators NOT carry weapons, NOT burn things, NOT assault people for having dissenting opinions, then you could make a case against the violence coming from those in reaction. You want the "Proud Boys" and "Kenosha Guard" off the streets and in jail? Don't you want the demonstrators throwing things at police, burning buildings and destroying cars also in jail? Sounds a lot like you want free rein for the demonstrators to do whatever they want with, again, no consequences.

When and where have this "left" been "relatively free to launch violent demonstrations and riots with little consequence"? Of course I want the demonstrators throwing things at police, burning buildings and destroying cars in jail. There is no reason to think I don't. BUT, the police and the National Guard should be routing out those thugs who are stupid and ignorant enough to show up at a demonstration heavily armed with assault weapons and those who physically attack other people, as well.

This is not an "either/or" situation. Do you want some untrained, possibly bigoted scumbag, with no authority at all and having taken no oath, sashaying around your town with an AR-15 or an AK-47? Are you nuts? This is chaos on our streets, and no amount of congratulating these hoodlums as "patriots" and "heroes" changes this.
Neither of which I did. I merely pointed out that the mayhem is going to meet resistance and people will die, and that is happening. You can argue the relative moral merits of either side all day long, but you have to remember how much MLK accomplished with non-violent protests. During the Civil Rights era, it was clear who was violent and who was not, and it went a LONG way toward generating sympathy for the cause. Not so much now. Now, it is not peaceful protesters met with fire hoses and dogs. It is civilian rioters met with other civilians who feel that they have no other defense because the authorities often stand by and watch the destruction. That is the point, that people are fed up with the expectation that they are just supposed to stand aside and let mobs destroy what they have spent a lifetime building. When people are assaulted merely for wearing a MAGA hat, when they are killed for no other reason than they are sitting in a car targeted for destruction by a mob, when family businesses are burned to the ground because they were conveniently in the path of a riot, there will be push back. When police stations are set on fire and doors blocked, there will be push back. And yes, there will always be some who will use it as an excuse for even more violence. There are many, for example, among the protesters who have no desire to riot or hurt anyone. They're just out to make a statement, but by remaining silent when violence is done in their name, they lend support to the violence. Did you denounce the violence BEFORE there was any indication of so-called right wing outsiders, or did you just now discover that violence is wrong?

It is disingenuous to pretend everything is fine while cities burn then gasp in horror when somebody defends themselves and serves notice they will not be pushed around. Basically, we are at the point where the violence will increase until the military is called in under martial law, and I believe there are powerful people who want that very thing to happen before the election just so they can have a campaign issue.
Who ordered the cops in the armored vehicles in Kenosha to stand down? It seems that the armed thugs that these cops were flirting with were members of a gang known as the Kenosha Guard, and that the police chief might be a gang member. Do you actually think that the city's mayor ordered them to stand down, particularly since they were patrolling in armored vehicles and broadcasting that civilians were to clear the streets, so apparently they were under orders to enforce the curfew. You make no sense.
Patrolling streets in whatever kind of vehicles, and merely "broadcasting" isn't much of what could be called riot control. I participated in riot control, as a member of the National Guard, and I know what it is, and isn't.

Who ordered the cops to stand down ? Who do you think ? It's the same culprits who have been doing the same thing in other cities with Democrat mayors. This is a question ? Of course, I think "the city's mayor ordered them to stand down", why would anybody think anything else ?

To make matters even worse, the idiot Democrat governor of Wisconsin, Tiny Evers tweeted this, to enflame the situation even more >> "While we do not have all the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly at the hands of law enforcement in our state or in our country."

Wanna see what happens when you have rioting in cities with Democrat mayors. take a good look. >>>

View attachment 387219

Are you saying that the mayor of Kenosha ordered the cops to stand down? It seems that the cops in the video were supposed to be clearing the streets. The Kenosha Guard gang had already put out a call on the internet for gang members to go to Kenosha heavily armed. Even if the cops didn't know about this, they should have been checking these thugs' IDs and ordering them to get out of the city or face arrest. Watch the video again of the police giving them water instead of chasing them:

'We appreciate you guys': Wisconsin police in armored vehicles thanked armed militia and gave out water bottles

The announcement being made by police refers directly to "civilians."

Enforcing the curfew IS part of riot control, if indeed a riot was occurring at the time. But this video, embedded in this article, shows that the police were not fulfilling their assignment. In addition, there is some evidence that the police chief, Miskinis, was affiliated with this gang, and possibly the sheriff, Beth, as well. Then there is this Balch. This video raises the question of whether there was collusion between the police and these gang members. It doesn't implicate the mayor. Moreover, there is more video of Rittenhouse marching around brandishing his AR-15 behind another thug. Where were the police?
You know, you have been making a huge point out of the way the police greeted the different groups. Think about it for a moment. Policemen and women are human. They have homes, families, spouses and children. One of these groups is hellbent on destroying these officers' careers and lives. They threaten the officers with violence, throw things at them, shout out the names and addresses of their children. The other group assaults no officers, does not prevent the officers from doing their duties, do not threaten the officers' lives, careers, and families.

Why would you THINK they might react differently to the two groups? Even if you insist they should only focus on who's breaking the law, until somebody pulls out a gun and starts shooting or attacks someone, what are the "right wingers" doing that is illegal compared to the rioters who are burning buildings and destroying property?
And this is where your defensiveness takes you into foul territory. Is it even controversial to mention that the left wing has been relatively free to launch violent demonstrations and riots with little consequence? Is it then controversial to note that there is a backlash brewing against that violence by people who are getting sick and tired of being victims with little help from the authorities? They see their businesses destroyed, their employees put out of work, their lives and homes threatened. That's not demonstration, that's intimidation and lawlessness.

I'm stating what I'm seeing, and while you want to claim that little of the political speech is accompanied by violence, enough is to cause push back. When those organizing the demonstrations insist that the demonstrators NOT carry weapons, NOT burn things, NOT assault people for having dissenting opinions, then you could make a case against the violence coming from those in reaction. You want the "Proud Boys" and "Kenosha Guard" off the streets and in jail? Don't you want the demonstrators throwing things at police, burning buildings and destroying cars also in jail? Sounds a lot like you want free rein for the demonstrators to do whatever they want with, again, no consequences.

When and where have this "left" been "relatively free to launch violent demonstrations and riots with little consequence"? Of course I want the demonstrators throwing things at police, burning buildings and destroying cars in jail. There is no reason to think I don't. BUT, the police and the National Guard should be routing out those thugs who are stupid and ignorant enough to show up at a demonstration heavily armed with assault weapons and those who physically attack other people, as well.

This is not an "either/or" situation. Do you want some untrained, possibly bigoted scumbag, with no authority at all and having taken no oath, sashaying around your town with an AR-15 or an AK-47? Are you nuts? This is chaos on our streets, and no amount of congratulating these hoodlums as "patriots" and "heroes" changes this.
Neither of which I did. I merely pointed out that the mayhem is going to meet resistance and people will die, and that is happening. You can argue the relative moral merits of either side all day long, but you have to remember how much MLK accomplished with non-violent protests. During the Civil Rights era, it was clear who was violent and who was not, and it went a LONG way toward generating sympathy for the cause. Not so much now. Now, it is not peaceful protesters met with fire hoses and dogs. It is civilian rioters met with other civilians who feel that they have no other defense because the authorities often stand by and watch the destruction. That is the point, that people are fed up with the expectation that they are just supposed to stand aside and let mobs destroy what they have spent a lifetime building. When people are assaulted merely for wearing a MAGA hat, when they are killed for no other reason than they are sitting in a car targeted for destruction by a mob, when family businesses are burned to the ground because they were conveniently in the path of a riot, there will be push back. When police stations are set on fire and doors blocked, there will be push back. And yes, there will always be some who will use it as an excuse for even more violence. There are many, for example, among the protesters who have no desire to riot or hurt anyone. They're just out to make a statement, but by remaining silent when violence is done in their name, they lend support to the violence. Did you denounce the violence BEFORE there was any indication of so-called right wing outsiders, or did you just now discover that violence is wrong?

It is disingenuous to pretend everything is fine while cities burn then gasp in horror when somebody defends themselves and serves notice they will not be pushed around. Basically, we are at the point where the violence will increase until the military is called in under martial law, and I believe there are powerful people who want that very thing to happen before the election just so they can have a campaign issue.

What have YOU denounced? Innocent protesters have been attacked. Have you been vocal in your denounciation? You don't seem like you want to get the gangs off the streets.

No, I didn't "just discover that violence is wrong." What a stupid and childish thing to say. I was in protests in DC probably before you were born. IF there was any lawlessness, the police were on it. There were no scumbags marching around in the street with assault weapons. The police did not sit idly by like they did in Kenosha, when two were killed and one gravely injured.

If you want to protest: fine. But the assault weapons, helmets, batons, shields, and battle gear have to go. People who come with these things are looking to instigate trouble. So many people want us all to blame BLM or "antifa," but I think there is much more to the right-wing's involvement, sometimes with the tacit agreement of sworn police and the trump administration, which does not seem to want the threat posed to society by white supremacists and their ilk to be talked about. Former FBI agent German's report lends credence to the idea that the right wing poses a grave threat to all of us.
And this is where your defensiveness takes you into foul territory. Is it even controversial to mention that the left wing has been relatively free to launch violent demonstrations and riots with little consequence? Is it then controversial to note that there is a backlash brewing against that violence by people who are getting sick and tired of being victims with little help from the authorities? They see their businesses destroyed, their employees put out of work, their lives and homes threatened. That's not demonstration, that's intimidation and lawlessness.

I'm stating what I'm seeing, and while you want to claim that little of the political speech is accompanied by violence, enough is to cause push back. When those organizing the demonstrations insist that the demonstrators NOT carry weapons, NOT burn things, NOT assault people for having dissenting opinions, then you could make a case against the violence coming from those in reaction. You want the "Proud Boys" and "Kenosha Guard" off the streets and in jail? Don't you want the demonstrators throwing things at police, burning buildings and destroying cars also in jail? Sounds a lot like you want free rein for the demonstrators to do whatever they want with, again, no consequences.

When and where have this "left" been "relatively free to launch violent demonstrations and riots with little consequence"? Of course I want the demonstrators throwing things at police, burning buildings and destroying cars in jail. There is no reason to think I don't. BUT, the police and the National Guard should be routing out those thugs who are stupid and ignorant enough to show up at a demonstration heavily armed with assault weapons and those who physically attack other people, as well.

This is not an "either/or" situation. Do you want some untrained, possibly bigoted scumbag, with no authority at all and having taken no oath, sashaying around your town with an AR-15 or an AK-47? Are you nuts? This is chaos on our streets, and no amount of congratulating these hoodlums as "patriots" and "heroes" changes this.
Neither of which I did. I merely pointed out that the mayhem is going to meet resistance and people will die, and that is happening. You can argue the relative moral merits of either side all day long, but you have to remember how much MLK accomplished with non-violent protests. During the Civil Rights era, it was clear who was violent and who was not, and it went a LONG way toward generating sympathy for the cause. Not so much now. Now, it is not peaceful protesters met with fire hoses and dogs. It is civilian rioters met with other civilians who feel that they have no other defense because the authorities often stand by and watch the destruction. That is the point, that people are fed up with the expectation that they are just supposed to stand aside and let mobs destroy what they have spent a lifetime building. When people are assaulted merely for wearing a MAGA hat, when they are killed for no other reason than they are sitting in a car targeted for destruction by a mob, when family businesses are burned to the ground because they were conveniently in the path of a riot, there will be push back. When police stations are set on fire and doors blocked, there will be push back. And yes, there will always be some who will use it as an excuse for even more violence. There are many, for example, among the protesters who have no desire to riot or hurt anyone. They're just out to make a statement, but by remaining silent when violence is done in their name, they lend support to the violence. Did you denounce the violence BEFORE there was any indication of so-called right wing outsiders, or did you just now discover that violence is wrong?

It is disingenuous to pretend everything is fine while cities burn then gasp in horror when somebody defends themselves and serves notice they will not be pushed around. Basically, we are at the point where the violence will increase until the military is called in under martial law, and I believe there are powerful people who want that very thing to happen before the election just so they can have a campaign issue.

What have YOU denounced? Innocent protesters have been attacked. Have you been vocal in your denounciation? You don't seem like you want to get the gangs off the streets.

No, I didn't "just discover that violence is wrong." What a stupid and childish thing to say. I was in protests in DC probably before you were born. IF there was any lawlessness, the police were on it. There were no scumbags marching around in the street with assault weapons. The police did not sit idly by like they did in Kenosha, when two were killed and one gravely injured.

If you want to protest: fine. But the assault weapons, helmets, batons, shields, and battle gear have to go. People who come with these things are looking to instigate trouble. So many people want us all to blame BLM or "antifa," but I think there is much more to the right-wing's involvement, sometimes with the tacit agreement of sworn police and the trump administration, which does not seem to want the threat posed to society by white supremacists and their ilk to be talked about. Former FBI agent German's report lends credence to the idea that the right wing poses a grave threat to all of us.
Obviously, you see a conspiracy and have little inclination to criticize the violence from the protesters, violence that started well before any "right wingers" got involved. Violence, assault, murder, arson, vandalism, all are wrong. There is legal protection, however, for someone who hurts someone else while fending off an attack. Thus, if one of these that you despise can prove he was defending himself or his property when he shoots or otherwise harms someone, he walks free and you go ballistic.

I see a concerted effort from the left to use these protests to affect the election. Let's put it this way. Do you believe for a second that the protests will last after November if Biden is elected? Not at all. They will vanish for another 4 years, to be cynically resurrected again by a political party out to win election at all costs and that sees the possibility of loss. The protesters wouldn't dare criticize a democrat in office.
Are you saying that the mayor of Kenosha ordered the cops to stand down? It seems that the cops in the video were supposed to be clearing the streets. The Kenosha Guard gang had already put out a call on the internet for gang members to go to Kenosha heavily armed. Even if the cops didn't know about this, they should have been checking these thugs' IDs and ordering them to get out of the city or face arrest. Watch the video again of the police giving them water instead of chasing them:

'We appreciate you guys': Wisconsin police in armored vehicles thanked armed militia and gave out water bottles

The announcement being made by police refers directly to "civilians."

Enforcing the curfew IS part of riot control, if indeed a riot was occurring at the time. But this video, embedded in this article, shows that the police were not fulfilling their assignment. In addition, there is some evidence that the police chief, Miskinis, was affiliated with this gang, and possibly the sheriff, Beth, as well. Then there is this Balch. This video raises the question of whether there was collusion between the police and these gang members. It doesn't implicate the mayor. Moreover, there is more video of Rittenhouse marching around brandishing his AR-15 behind another thug. Where were the police?
Can you read ? Why do you ask a question that I already answered ? This must be the :lame2: est question of the day. YES, YES, YES, he ordered them to stand down, the same as other Democrat mayors have been doing in other cities - Baltimore, Seattle, Portland, New York ,etc. This is new to you ? Something unusual about it to you ?

AND furthermore, when Trump offered help to stop the rioting, he refused the offer. As for the Kenosha Guard, they are to be commended for filling in the gap left by the irresponsible idiots in the mayor and Governor offices who didn't fulfill their duties to protect Kenosha citizens. That they were armed, is nothing more than an exercise of their 2nd amendment rights combined with Wisconsin's open carry gun law. Wisconsin is an open carry state, meaning you are legally permitted to carry a loaded weapon in public. Open carry does not require a permit or license to legally do so. A person is considered to be openly carrying a gun, if the gun is in plain view while you are in public.

As for the police being friendly to the KG, sure, why wouldn't they ? The police are for law enforcement and protection of the public. That's just what the KG was doing, so it would seem quite natural for the police to support them, and that is a GOOD thing, Just imagine how much more destruction would have occured if the KG had not been there. THANK YOU, Kenosha Guard.
The Kenosha militia did nothing wrong, and a lot that was a right. With the police totally outnumbered and not being too effective, it's a good thing the KG was there to protect Kenosha citizens from the lowdown, filthy thug arsonists who were engaging in crime rampantly.

Lastly "IF" a riot was occuring ? So you question whether there was a rioting when lunatic, domestic terrorist are destroying property, looting, setting fire to hundreds of cars in car lots ? Maybe your mindset is still back in the months ago, when looney leftists were referring to the riots as "peaceful protest" ? Is that it ?

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Obviously, you see a conspiracy and have little inclination to criticize the violence from the protesters, violence that started well before any "right wingers" got involved. Violence, assault, murder, arson, vandalism, all are wrong. There is legal protection, however, for someone who hurts someone else while fending off an attack. Thus, if one of these that you despise can prove he was defending himself or his property when he shoots or otherwise harms someone, he walks free and you go ballistic.

I see a concerted effort from the left to use these protests to affect the election. Let's put it this way. Do you believe for a second that the protests will last after November if Biden is elected? Not at all. They will vanish for another 4 years, to be cynically resurrected again by a political party out to win election at all costs and that sees the possibility of loss. The protesters wouldn't dare criticize a democrat in office.
But the riots are helping Trump and hurting Biden. When Biden saw his poll numbers plumetting, he quickly pivoted, and started pretending to be all righteously opposed to the rioting. Problem for him is, he kept quiet for much too long. Now his anti-riot TV ads just look STUPID.
Obviously, you see a conspiracy and have little inclination to criticize the violence from the protesters, violence that started well before any "right wingers" got involved. Violence, assault, murder, arson, vandalism, all are wrong. There is legal protection, however, for someone who hurts someone else while fending off an attack. Thus, if one of these that you despise can prove he was defending himself or his property when he shoots or otherwise harms someone, he walks free and you go ballistic.

I see a concerted effort from the left to use these protests to affect the election. Let's put it this way. Do you believe for a second that the protests will last after November if Biden is elected? Not at all. They will vanish for another 4 years, to be cynically resurrected again by a political party out to win election at all costs and that sees the possibility of loss. The protesters wouldn't dare criticize a democrat in office.
But the riots are helping Trump and hurting Biden. When Biden saw his poll numbers plumetting, he quickly pivoted, and started pretending to be all righteously opposed to the rioting. Problem for him is, he kept quiet for much too long. Now his anti-riot TV ads just look STUPID.
The democrats fully expect their sycophants to completely forget that yesterday ever happened and insist that today reflects what has always been. The usual suspects will no doubt be trumpeting repeatedly the Biden line.
What have YOU denounced? Innocent protesters have been attacked. Have you been vocal in your denounciation? You don't seem like you want to get the gangs off the streets.

No, I didn't "just discover that violence is wrong." What a stupid and childish thing to say. I was in protests in DC probably before you were born. IF there was any lawlessness, the police were on it. There were no scumbags marching around in the street with assault weapons. The police did not sit idly by like they did in Kenosha, when two were killed and one gravely injured.

If you want to protest: fine. But the assault weapons, helmets, batons, shields, and battle gear have to go. People who come with these things are looking to instigate trouble. So many people want us all to blame BLM or "antifa," but I think there is much more to the right-wing's involvement, sometimes with the tacit agreement of sworn police and the trump administration, which does not seem to want the threat posed to society by white supremacists and their ilk to be talked about. Former FBI agent German's report lends credence to the idea that the right wing poses a grave threat to all of us.
Bullshit. We've all seen the videos. The Kenosha Guard did a good job stopping Antifa and BLM from doing all the dirty work they were doing. The creeps whom you call "innocent protestors" are destructive domestic terrorist thugs more aptly called >> rioters/looters/vandals/arsonist CRIMINALS.

And no, they were not attacked, What battles they had, they started, by going there (many from out of state) and committing crimes against people and their property. The ones you call >>"scumbags marching around in the street with assault weapons" were concerned citizens, stepping in to protect their community from the real scumbags (Antifa and BLM). I know all about the protests from many decades go. I was at the Vietnam War protests in DC in 1969 and 1970.

Yes, the police did take action against lawlessness, and even locked up hundreds of people in an impromptu, temporary concentration camp jail, May 1, 1970. And the reason they didn't sit idly by then, is because they didn't have Democrat mayors ordering them to stand down, like is happening now all over America, and doing a great job of getting Donald Trump re-elected.

And NO the assault rifles do NOT have to go. They are in conformance with the US Constitution and Wisconsin gun law, and serve a perfectly proper purpose of protecting the people who are carrying them. If you don't like the way our laws and Constitution work, you can get the hell out of this country, and go someplace else. Syria seems to have shortage of people. Yemen anyone ? Don't forget to cover your whole body with a niqab.

As for Former FBI agent German's report, so he's an ex-FBI agent, big deal, So are Strock & Page, soon to be headed for prison cells. Another thing about German is he's a writer. Making statements like this helps to $ell book$. Looks like German is no dummy.

German wrote the "harms" that armed law-enforcement officers having links with violent White supremacist and anti-government militia groups can cause to the American society is something that can’t be “overstated”. OH YES IT CAN, and it sure looks like German is doing just that.
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I prefer Antifa videos like this one. Short, sweet, and no words necessary. The "CLONG" provides all of the necessary context. Watch the Antifa toughguy scurry away under the fence like a cockroach after getting his clock cleaned. LOL

Man, but the sound of that frying pan connecting..........yeow

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