Proud boys guy gets 22 years in jail and he was not even at the January 6 protest.. BLM leaders get no prison time and their rioters killed 25 people

Tarrio didn't do anything close to what BLM and Antifa did.
Did they lead a violent attempt to destroy our democracy? We`ve had race riots for 300 years but only one riot was an attempt to install a guy in the Oval Office who clearly lost an election. Libraries will be open today and I`m urging you to read something.
The fellows in question broke the law. For most of my life the Republicans have been the law and order party. Dukakis lost in 1988 because he was labeled Soft on Crime. Every time Democrats tried to get rid of the double standard in Mandatory Sentencing for Crack Cocaine they were labeled soft on crime.

So mandatory minimart the law. And the Judges have little leeway in sentencing the convicted.

This guy was like a General. In a hotel room coordinating the actions of his people at the Capital. Using cell phones to manage the actions. He had minions with weapons waiting to rush in.

Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that the literal definition of Conspiracy? Issuing instructions to subordinates that are illegal? Ordering subordinates to take illegal actions?

That’s the real problem with these RW lunatics. They believed they were untouchable. You like to compare and contrast with BLM. Ok, let’s do that.

BLM is smart enough to cover their faces, to wear anonymous clothing, instead of something distinctive or readily identifiable as theirs. The people who do have phones, are the ones recording or broadcasting, not participating. They claim to be citizen journalists. They don’t know who the masked people are. Maybe they are lying, but proving that means linking them to someone who is identifiable as one of the masked people.

The January Six folks thought this was the day that they took the country back. It was an all or nothing effort. They didn’t cover their faces. They carried their own cell phones and recorded themselves breaking the law, because they wanted credit for being there that day.

This made them identifiable. Prosecutors were able to show what the people did on that day because the morons didn’t cover their faces. They wore distinctive clothing, and worse, didn’t get rid of it later when the effort failed

They were stupid. First they were dumb enough to go charging into the Capital to try and capture the Congressmen and Senators. Second. They were dumb enough to carry their own phones which were reporting their exact location every fraction of a second. Third. They didn’t cover their faces or disguise their identity. Fourth, they went home after the failure instead of vanishing. Lastly, they failed in their all or nothing effort.

Now, those who were captured at the BLM protests were tried, and convicted, and sentenced to a short term. In jail. Why? Because it is difficult to prove they did anything other than what the cop saw when he grabbed them. And with a plea bargain they get a relative slap on the wrist. But so did the lower level morons who invaded the Capital on January Six. They plea bargained and got a slap on the wrist.

It’s not my fault your heroes were stupid. It’s not my fault they were idiots who didn’t believe their own propaganda. If they really believed the crap they spewed about the Deep State and all that they would have left their phones at home and traveled with nothing, or at most a Burner, but even a burner would be stupid.

If they were dumb enough to use their own phones, they should have walked away from their lives. Become just another homeless person living in New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, or any other city. Just vanish into the anonymous background of the country and never use their old name again.

Instead they went home, and proudly announced on social media that they were there fighting for America. Fighting to save President Trump.

If there is a double standard between BLM and January Six. It is this. The January 6 morons are absolute idiots. I’m surprised they can tie their own shoes. They did everything possible to get themselves caught. They might as well have left their identification cards on Nancy Pelosi’s desk.

Again, sweetheart:

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
Oh no sweetheart. But rest assured: your game is almost over, and we're just putting the pieces on the board.

We're slow to act. I'll say that. But we're irrevocable when we do.

Oh, Islamophobic Twat, you don't get that your side hasn't won the popular vote since 1988. Your an ever shrinking minority.

You'll lose again in 2024. And in 2028. And you'll keep losing until you get where the rest of the country is.
People wearing BLM T-shirts caused absolute chaos they killed people in the summer of 2020. They attacked huge numbers of people caused billions of dollars worth of damage.

The January 6 protesters killed not a single person not a single one. At worst they got into violent fist fights, but that was only a small portion of them. They did not loot the capitol building.

But certainly looking at this type of political violence from both sides(it overwhelmingly comes from the far left,), you really have to think clearly, and what’s best for the future of this country. Looking at how all other countries have handled these issues and how the United States has handled violent labor disputes in the late 19th and early 20th century. One would have to be an absolute monster, an evil satanic beast to believe that somebody who wasn’t even involved in the BLM riots or the January 6 protests but was perhaps a proud boys leader or a BLM leader should have to go to jail for 22 years.

If a BLM rioter or a January 6 rioter punched a cop in the face. There’s no way they should ever get 22 years in jail. That is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment.

BLM riders attempted to attack and they did attack government buildings attempting to overthrow law and order. But neither group had tanks or airplanes with them or had a 1 million man army….. only somebody who is stupid or evil, motivated by the devil would lie and say they could “overthrow the government.”

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I’m a critic of Black Lives Matter, but if I saw a young black man clock a police officer in the face, and I believe he should get 22 years in jail …that would be evil. I don’t think a Black Lives Matter young man, a young man wearing a BLM T-shirt, who viciously attacked police should ever get 22 years in jail. I’m a Catholic. . You see the time doesn’t fit the crime.

For the left-wing people in the US message board …if you think for a moment that a Black Lives Matter protester, who entered a government building and then walked around the Minnesota police building like many of them did, and that they deserve five years in jail like the January 6 protesters got for simply walking around the building …that’s pure evil. We need change in this country country.

Thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters were arrested in 2020

A June 22, 2020, article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests.
Show the videos of Black Lives Matter rioters burning down police buildings. Viciously physically assaulting people wearing Donald Trump hats …
No, poster Franklin.....YOU show the forum all this proof of BLM rioters burning down police buildings, or beating up MAGA hat wearers. You are the one making the show the forum your bona fides.

The one incident you highlight...the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis....was first shot into and then burned by a right-wing Bugaloo Bois, Ivan Hunter, who drove up to Minneapolis from Texas in order to accelerate the violence and smear the BLM protestors.
Another AltRightWing nutjob Boogaloo Bois, Carillo, shot two uniformed security guards in front of a Federal bldg in the Bay Area with the intent that it be blamed on BLM. (He got 41 years in prison.)


Really, they are so lame in trying to conjure up Jan 6 'violence' with a couple of photos/videos that likely show FBI instigators.
Ah, if only it was a couple of lame photos.
But it is not. No 'conjuring' needed.
It is thousands of hours of video.
Thousands of pages of testimony.
And, of course, it is multiple convictions for violent assaults on uniformed officers......and the property of the people of the United States.

Reported today:

"During the Proud Boys trial, prosecutors presented hundreds of internal messages revealing the group’s culture of violence and preparations for an attack in the weeks leading up to January 6.

Prosecutors argued that Proud Boys were not merely obedient followers of Donald Trump’s commands, amplifying his bogus narrative of election fraud, but were preparing for “all-out war” to undermine millions of Americans’ votes and upend a democratic election to preserve his presidency.

Reported today:
"The trial for the five members of the Proud Boys this spring featured video captured by participants, journalists, police body cameras, surveillance cameras and even one of the five defendants recording the Proud Boys’ assault on the Capitol. The footage began with their initial group of 200 marching away from Trump’s rally on the Ellipse at 10 a.m., long before Trump began speaking, followed by their confrontations with police at several barricades and finally their entry into the Capitol at 2:11 p.m. after a new member, Pezzola, used a stolen police riot shield to smash a window on the Capitol’s West Terrace.
' the Peace Circle west of the Capitol, there was sparse and peaceful protest before the arrival of the Proud Boys, a “large group of men ready to fight. They had an integral role in that first breach,” overwhelming and injuring Capitol Police officers before charging to the next police line, where the Proud Boys helped pull down a black fence and created the next major breach at the Capitol steps.

“The actions of that group were absolutely pivotal to what happened on January 6,.......
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No, poster Franklin.....YOU show the forum all this proof of BLM rioters burning down police buildings, or beating up MAGA hat wearers. You are the one making the show the forum your bona fides.

The one incident you highlight...the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis....was first shot into and then burned by a right-wing Bugaloo Bois, Ivan Hunter, who drove up to Minneapolis from Texas in order to accelerate the violence and smear the BLM protestors.
Another AltRightWing nutjob Boogaloo Bois, Carillo, shot two uniformed security guards in front of a Federal bldg in the Bay Area with the intent that it be blamed on BLM. (He got 41 years in prison.)


Ah, if only it was a couple of lame photos.
But it is not. No 'conjuring' needed.
It is thousands of hours of video.
Thousands of pages of testimony.
And, of course, it is multiple convictions for violent assaults on uniformed officers......and the property of the people of the United States.

Reported today:

"During the Proud Boys trial, prosecutors presented hundreds of internal messages revealing the group’s culture of violence and preparations for an attack in the weeks leading up to January 6.

Prosecutors argued that Proud Boys were not merely obedient followers of Donald Trump’s commands, amplifying his bogus narrative of election fraud, but were preparing for “all-out war” to undermine millions of Americans’ votes and upend a democratic election to preserve his presidency.

Reported today:
"The trial for the five members of the Proud Boys this spring featured video captured by participants, journalists, police body cameras, surveillance cameras and even one of the five defendants recording the Proud Boys’ assault on the Capitol. The footage began with their initial group of 200 marching away from Trump’s rally on the Ellipse at 10 a.m., long before Trump began speaking, followed by their confrontations with police at several barricades and finally their entry into the Capitol at 2:11 p.m. after a new member, Pezzola, used a stolen police riot shield to smash a window on the Capitol’s West Terrace.
' the Peace Circle west of the Capitol, there was sparse and peaceful protest before the arrival of the Proud Boys, a “large group of men ready to fight. They had an integral role in that first breach,” overwhelming and injuring Capitol Police officers before charging to the next police line, where the Proud Boys helped pull down a black fence and created the next major breach at the Capitol steps.

“The actions of that group were absolutely pivotal to what happened on January 6,.......

And, so well planned they forgot guns. 🤪🤪🤪🤪
I am advocating anything that pushes this along. Wanting a fair election is certainly wanting the overthrow of a corrupt democrat regime. A fair election would wipe out the criminal enterprise our government has become and we can't have that.
Do you realize that reality is pretty much 180 degrees out from what you think it is?
People wearing BLM T-shirts caused absolute chaos they killed people in the summer of 2020. They attacked huge numbers of people caused billions of dollars worth of damage.

The January 6 protesters killed not a single person not a single one. At worst they got into violent fist fights, but that was only a small portion of them. They did not loot the capitol building.

But certainly looking at this type of political violence from both sides(it overwhelmingly comes from the far left,), you really have to think clearly, and what’s best for the future of this country. Looking at how all other countries have handled these issues and how the United States has handled violent labor disputes in the late 19th and early 20th century. One would have to be an absolute monster, an evil satanic beast to believe that somebody who wasn’t even involved in the BLM riots or the January 6 protests but was perhaps a proud boys leader or a BLM leader should have to go to jail for 22 years.

If a BLM rioter or a January 6 rioter punched a cop in the face. There’s no way they should ever get 22 years in jail. That is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment.

BLM riders attempted to attack and they did attack government buildings attempting to overthrow law and order. But neither group had tanks or airplanes with them or had a 1 million man army….. only somebody who is stupid or evil, motivated by the devil would lie and say they could “overthrow the government.”

View attachment 825272

View attachment 825273

I’m a critic of Black Lives Matter, but if I saw a young black man clock a police officer in the face, and I believe he should get 22 years in jail …that would be evil. I don’t think a Black Lives Matter young man, a young man wearing a BLM T-shirt, who viciously attacked police should ever get 22 years in jail. I’m a Catholic. . You see the time doesn’t fit the crime.

For the left-wing people in the US message board …if you think for a moment that a Black Lives Matter protester, who entered a government building and then walked around the Minnesota police building like many of them did, and that they deserve five years in jail like the January 6 protesters got for simply walking around the building …that’s pure evil. We need change in this country country.

...the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis....was first shot into and then burned by a right-wing Bugaloo Bois, Ivan Hunter, who drove up to Minneapolis from Texas in order to accelerate the violence

Ian, Ivan.. Memphis, Minneapolis.. you know..

Bugaloo, Boogaloo..

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"And, so well planned they forgot guns"

Well, duh!!
Did you expect these Proudboy Jackasses to be Mensa?
These are life's losers. Ne'er-do-wells. QAnon goofs.
Hell, they cellphone-video'd themselves committing crimes and then posted it on social media.
Stupid is, as stupid does.
People wearing BLM T-shirts caused absolute chaos they killed people in the summer of 2020. They attacked huge numbers of people caused billions of dollars worth of damage.

The January 6 protesters killed not a single person not a single one. At worst they got into violent fist fights, but that was only a small portion of them. They did not loot the capitol building.

But certainly looking at this type of political violence from both sides(it overwhelmingly comes from the far left,), you really have to think clearly, and what’s best for the future of this country. Looking at how all other countries have handled these issues and how the United States has handled violent labor disputes in the late 19th and early 20th century. One would have to be an absolute monster, an evil satanic beast to believe that somebody who wasn’t even involved in the BLM riots or the January 6 protests but was perhaps a proud boys leader or a BLM leader should have to go to jail for 22 years.

If a BLM rioter or a January 6 rioter punched a cop in the face. There’s no way they should ever get 22 years in jail. That is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment.

BLM riders attempted to attack and they did attack government buildings attempting to overthrow law and order. But neither group had tanks or airplanes with them or had a 1 million man army….. only somebody who is stupid or evil, motivated by the devil would lie and say they could “overthrow the government.”

View attachment 825272

View attachment 825273

I’m a critic of Black Lives Matter, but if I saw a young black man clock a police officer in the face, and I believe he should get 22 years in jail …that would be evil. I don’t think a Black Lives Matter young man, a young man wearing a BLM T-shirt, who viciously attacked police should ever get 22 years in jail. I’m a Catholic. . You see the time doesn’t fit the crime.

For the left-wing people in the US message board …if you think for a moment that a Black Lives Matter protester, who entered a government building and then walked around the Minnesota police building like many of them did, and that they deserve five years in jail like the January 6 protesters got for simply walking around the building …that’s pure evil. We need change in this country country.
Another win for the good guys.

Great news for Americans. Bad news for Trump supporters.
People wearing BLM T-shirts caused absolute chaos they killed people in the summer of 2020. They attacked huge numbers of people caused billions of dollars worth of damage.

The January 6 protesters killed not a single person not a single one. At worst they got into violent fist fights, but that was only a small portion of them. They did not loot the capitol building.

But certainly looking at this type of political violence from both sides(it overwhelmingly comes from the far left,), you really have to think clearly, and what’s best for the future of this country. Looking at how all other countries have handled these issues and how the United States has handled violent labor disputes in the late 19th and early 20th century. One would have to be an absolute monster, an evil satanic beast to believe that somebody who wasn’t even involved in the BLM riots or the January 6 protests but was perhaps a proud boys leader or a BLM leader should have to go to jail for 22 years.

If a BLM rioter or a January 6 rioter punched a cop in the face. There’s no way they should ever get 22 years in jail. That is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment.

BLM riders attempted to attack and they did attack government buildings attempting to overthrow law and order. But neither group had tanks or airplanes with them or had a 1 million man army….. only somebody who is stupid or evil, motivated by the devil would lie and say they could “overthrow the government.”

View attachment 825272

View attachment 825273

I’m a critic of Black Lives Matter, but if I saw a young black man clock a police officer in the face, and I believe he should get 22 years in jail …that would be evil. I don’t think a Black Lives Matter young man, a young man wearing a BLM T-shirt, who viciously attacked police should ever get 22 years in jail. I’m a Catholic. . You see the time doesn’t fit the crime.

For the left-wing people in the US message board …if you think for a moment that a Black Lives Matter protester, who entered a government building and then walked around the Minnesota police building like many of them did, and that they deserve five years in jail like the January 6 protesters got for simply walking around the building …that’s pure evil. We need change in this country country.
Your misery makes me smile.
All of us REAL Americans can agree we are being run by A Regime dragging America down. As an AINO, I'm sure you are delighted that the Regime has taken another political prisoner.
Real Americans are glad to see the blob supporters being hunted down like dogs.

Aren’t you tired of being pissed off 24/7?
Lol MAGA have proved themselves to be useless. They lack the brains and ultimately the will. These are the same morons who posted on social media their crimes. That mountain of evidence is why we are here
Many of them are morons for making empty threats that politically biased democrat DAs can use against them

But the treatment is excessive
there is nothing remotely patriotic about MAGA trash, they are traitors and total trash. They should be thrown in Gitmo.
I know that George Soros flunkies serving as district attorneys can probably get away with any travesty of justice with your approval

That shows how far down America has slid under obama and biden

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