Proud boys guy gets 22 years in jail and he was not even at the January 6 protest.. BLM leaders get no prison time and their rioters killed 25 people

I know that George Soros flunkies serving as district attorneys can probably get away with any travesty of justice with your approval

That shows how far down America has slid under obama and biden
You`re free to offer your own attorney expertise. Trump`s lawyers have been disbarred or ran away from him. Screeching Soros! won`t help him at all.
If liberals did all this instead you would be demanding a firing squad.
We can give you examples of actual crimes where innocent people died where the criminals only got a slap on the wrist

This is politically biased lib “justice”
I don’t even really know who this guy is. I don’t care for the proud boys never really read much about them. But if you can’t show this guy, physically attacking somebody, robbing a bank, taking money from somebody, then you got nothing man. Because what he has said to be compared to Black Lives Matter leaders and Democrat politicians influencing young Black people to cause absolute chaos loot stores attack people like they did in 2020.

I believe it was Maxine Waters, a democrat politician, who told her supporters to cause chaos get in the faces of people cause trouble. What happened to her? Is she going to jail for 22 years?

The undeniable fact that you have had young people in Chicago mostly black young people in Baltimore commit heinous crimes and they don’t have to go to jail they get no cash bail, and then they get some slap on the wrist sentence. I mean what’s going on? What world are you actually living in?

What you’re dealing with is a corrupt left-wing justice system whether it’s the judges the prosecutors or the politicians, including some Republicans, who are clearly blatantly targeting right wing Americans.

And all you guys keep doing is laughing at this, posting memes, posting personal attacks, posting off topic posts, repeating the same lines, over and over and over. But never actually replying to the substance of the argument that we patriotic American Trump supporters bring to you.

All the meanwhile, our economy is horrendous, young people are depressed more than ever, and you just keep laughing at it.

Thankfully travel across the country most hard-working black and white people are united and there’s a great turnaround coming. A return to love, equality and common sense. Trumps coming back in 2024 and the economy will come back with it.
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Speak for yourself

You are not qualified to predict what MAGA patriots will do
Yes, I am speaking for myself. Who the fuck else will I be speaking for?

Certainly not for MAGA. Since I am not a a retard.

Let me know if you are still confused.
Meanwhile, outside of the leftarded Twilight Zone, Biden begs wetbacks to kill American children and you sick fucks say nothing.

That is simply delusional.

The SEC should go with Bernie for being Alseep At the Wheel.
Epstien and Maxwell are overly charged. When pimps beat 15 yr old girls to a pulp to "get back to work".
Epstien girls thought they were on vacation. They could have left.

You all sucketh massive crank. The Country is lost from the rotten people in it rising into power and corrupting the system.
Pitiful thing.


You idiot. That article doesn't state Harris encouraged rioters. It says an anti-President Biden super PAC accuses her of encouraging rioters.


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