Proud Boys leader arrested destruction of property


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

So....trump's army of crazies is off to a shaky start....The guy is as cracked as the man in the WH. They are tough cause they got guns! Ha Ha!

So....trump's army of crazies is off to a shaky start....The guy is as cracked as the man in the WH. They are tough cause they got guns! Ha Ha!
He was also charged with two felonies for carrying that thing that allows you to put more bullets in the gun than allowed.
You leftist fags with purple hair are never going to win. At then end of day you are always the same, useful idiots.

this sign means "faggot" in half the world btw... :D


So....trump's army of crazies is off to a shaky start....The guy is as cracked as the man in the WH. They are tough cause they got guns! Ha Ha!
He won't have one this time because of the weapons charge, but will be out on bail before the rallies, if he is not already out.
Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers were part of the original antifa.

Today, conservatives cheer for the Nazi agenda the Greatest Generation fought and died to eradicate.

However, despite decades in dormancy, the principles of antifa remained strong, but out of sight. Out of sight, until the fascism inspired by the criminal trump nurtured the seed of Nazism waiting to burst forth from his devoted RWNJs.

Regardless of the spin put on the white nationalists' Nazism by the impeached president trump, his congressional Republican henchmen, FOX Noise, etc., Hitler's brainchild cannot be permitted to again take root anywhere on this planet, least of all in the homeland of the Greatest Generation, the original anti-fascist force (antifa) in the United States.

These are the brownshirts of 100 years ago.
While I agree with you, they probably would not have risen their ugly heads if the global foundations and corporatists hadn't been funneling money to these new International Brigades.

So....trump's army of crazies is off to a shaky start....The guy is as cracked as the man in the WH. They are tough cause they got guns! Ha Ha!
You're not exactly clean and sober yourself to express an opinion like that.
He was also charged with two felonies for carrying that thing that allows you to put more bullets in the gun than allowed.
Leftists are filing extreme felony charges for paperwork technicalities on guns owned by conservatives. We're not allowing that.
Today, conservatives cheer for the Nazi agenda the Greatest Generation fought and died to eradicate.
Why is it, those damned liberals feel so entitled to draw payroll, healthcare benefits, and defined-benefit retirement simply by virtue of punching their time cards in the timeclock, when they aren't getting any actual work done for the damned megacorporation they work for? Liberals are the Nazis here, and our WWII war efforts against them were hampered by a Democrat who sat in a wheelchair for four terms in the Oval Office.
Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers were part of the original antifa.

Today, conservatives cheer for the Nazi agenda the Greatest Generation fought and died to eradicate.

However, despite decades in dormancy, the principles of antifa remained strong, but out of sight. Out of sight, until the fascism inspired by the criminal trump nurtured the seed of Nazism waiting to burst forth from his devoted RWNJs.

Regardless of the spin put on the white nationalists' Nazism by the impeached president trump, his congressional Republican henchmen, FOX Noise, etc., Hitler's brainchild cannot be permitted to again take root anywhere on this planet, least of all in the homeland of the Greatest Generation, the original anti-fascist force (antifa) in the United States.

Hitler had the Antifa leader arrested and executed. The rest of them ran off to the Soviet Union and Stalin had them arrested and executed you useful idiot.
Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers were part of the original antifa.

Today, conservatives cheer for the Nazi agenda the Greatest Generation fought and died to eradicate.

However, despite decades in dormancy, the principles of antifa remained strong, but out of sight. Out of sight, until the fascism inspired by the criminal trump nurtured the seed of Nazism waiting to burst forth from his devoted RWNJs.

Regardless of the spin put on the white nationalists' Nazism by the impeached president trump, his congressional Republican henchmen, FOX Noise, etc., Hitler's brainchild cannot be permitted to again take root anywhere on this planet, least of all in the homeland of the Greatest Generation, the original anti-fascist force (antifa) in the United States.


You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

The principles of fascism are in both parties. Trump is a symptom, not the cause.

Biden has stacked is cabinet with corporate lobbyists, and intends to make Wall-street wealth off the backs of the poor and middle class, while dividing the nation, same as Trump.

The internal threat they will invoke, is now 'domestic terrorism,' and the external threat will be every virus you ever grew up with and then some. They will gladly put you in a cage, make you suspicious and hateful of everything and everyone around you. . . and you will love them for it.

Biden is a fascist, same as Trump.

Here are things that would prove it. . . but Biden won't do any of them, want to bet me? ;)

Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers were part of the original antifa.

Today, conservatives cheer for the Nazi agenda the Greatest Generation fought and died to eradicate.

However, despite decades in dormancy, the principles of antifa remained strong, but out of sight. Out of sight, until the fascism inspired by the criminal trump nurtured the seed of Nazism waiting to burst forth from his devoted RWNJs.

Regardless of the spin put on the white nationalists' Nazism by the impeached president trump, his congressional Republican henchmen, FOX Noise, etc., Hitler's brainchild cannot be permitted to again take root anywhere on this planet, least of all in the homeland of the Greatest Generation, the original anti-fascist force (antifa) in the United States.

Hitler had the Antifa leader arrested and executed. The rest of them ran off to the Soviet Union and Stalin had them arrested and executed you useful idiot.
Not all of them, many are buried in Arlington. You Nazi pr!ck.

Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers were part of the original antifa.

Today, conservatives cheer for the Nazi agenda the Greatest Generation fought and died to eradicate.

However, despite decades in dormancy, the principles of antifa remained strong, but out of sight. Out of sight, until the fascism inspired by the criminal trump nurtured the seed of Nazism waiting to burst forth from his devoted RWNJs.

Regardless of the spin put on the white nationalists' Nazism by the impeached president trump, his congressional Republican henchmen, FOX Noise, etc., Hitler's brainchild cannot be permitted to again take root anywhere on this planet, least of all in the homeland of the Greatest Generation, the original anti-fascist force (antifa) in the United States.

Hitler had the Antifa leader arrested and executed. The rest of them ran off to the Soviet Union and Stalin had them arrested and executed you useful idiot.
Not all of them, many are buried in Arlington. You Nazi pr!ck.

You stupid purple haired loser who never got invited to the cool kids lunch table in high school so you became a marxist. What an idiot.

So....trump's army of crazies is off to a shaky start....The guy is as cracked as the man in the WH. They are tough cause they got guns! Ha Ha!

Fake news.

Content hidden behind a paywall/“turn off your adbocker” wall.

Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers were part of the original antifa.

Today, conservatives cheer for the Nazi agenda the Greatest Generation fought and died to eradicate.
You silly, clueless, bastards have serious comprehension issues.
You Nazi pr!cks have made your intentions quite clear. You plan to install your cheeto-in-chief as your führer. It ain't gonna happen, regardless of what the Pu$$y Boys attempt on January 6th.

Your cheeto-in-chief could find himself getting the same treatment Saddam Hussein received at the hands of the citizens he tried to oppress.


Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers were part of the original antifa.

Today, conservatives cheer for the Nazi agenda the Greatest Generation fought and died to eradicate.

However, despite decades in dormancy, the principles of antifa remained strong, but out of sight. Out of sight, until the fascism inspired by the criminal trump nurtured the seed of Nazism waiting to burst forth from his devoted RWNJs.

Regardless of the spin put on the white nationalists' Nazism by the impeached president trump, his congressional Republican henchmen, FOX Noise, etc., Hitler's brainchild cannot be permitted to again take root anywhere on this planet, least of all in the homeland of the Greatest Generation, the original anti-fascist force (antifa) in the United States.

You write like a botched abortion.

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