proud boys Not Violent? Video of Proud Boys Terrorizing Pelosi and Congress Women

For all those who say the proud boys aren't violent. That they don't cause violence.

What is chasing and terrorizing Nancy Pelosi and other congress women? What is screaming at them and pounding on the door? What is threatening them?

If this isn't violence then nothing then I have wonderful ocean beach front property in Colorado to sell them.

Look at that, people expressing their first amendment rights...dumbass.
For all those who say the proud boys aren't violent. That they don't cause violence.

What is chasing and terrorizing Nancy Pelosi and other congress women? What is screaming at them and pounding on the door? What is threatening them?

If this isn't violence then nothing then I have wonderful ocean beach front property in Colorado to sell them.

Pretty bad behavior. Is it as bad as getting assaulted for wearing a MAGA hat? Is it as bad as threatening people while they at dinner? Is it as bad as killing store owners? Is it as bad as Waters threatening Republicans? Is it as bad as chasing people down the street after you threw them out of your restaurant for being a member of the opposition party? Is it as bad as rioting and looting businesses that have done nothing to you? Is it as bad as rioting for 100 straight days and physically harming a fellow countryman? Is it as bad as physically beating up a transgender person? Is it as bad as not allowing the police entrance to an area where someone was shot and the paramedics not going into a potentially deadly situation?

I’m not saying the Proud Boys are saints, or are not violent, however considering what has happened over the last three years, those guys were pretty mild. No one hurt, just name calling and less than appropriate name calling.

Many on the left have deflected, denied, turned a blind eye and justified all sorts of violence since Trump was elected. I’m beginning to believe this to be normal in politics, disgusting but normal. The left has contributed just as much to the current situation as the right.

It’s time for both sides to take responsibility for their own actions and quit blaming others.
For all those who say the proud boys aren't violent. That they don't cause violence.

What is chasing and terrorizing Nancy Pelosi and other congress women? What is screaming at them and pounding on the door? What is threatening them?

If this isn't violence then nothing then I have wonderful ocean beach front property in Colorado to sell them.

WAit a second I remember that, you konw why? That was like the only tiem it happend. BLM scream at people all the time and Maxine Watter said to do that.....the left does this shit all the time, the right does it once and they bitch a fit.......but we still didnt kill people or burn down buildings......sorry not the same thing
All you conservatives are just sad.

You all go around lying about people and what's going on in our nation.

I present you with truth and you all either lie or attack me.

So typical for you far right radical extremists.

I so love putting truth in your faces.
All you conservatives are just sad.

You all go around lying about people and what's going on in our nation.

I present you with truth and you all either lie or attack me.

So typical for you far right radical extremists.

I so love putting truth in your faces.

No injuries, no property damage, I think you snowflakes should just run to your safe space. You obviously have no clue what violence is.

All you conservatives are just sad.

You all go around lying about people and what's going on in our nation.

I present you with truth and you all either lie or attack me.

So typical for you far right radical extremists.

I so love putting truth in your faces.

You're fricken delusional.
I say lock these democrats in their buildings and set them on fire. Make the democrats beg the cops to protect them. That's called protesting.
All you conservatives are just sad.

You all go around lying about people and what's going on in our nation.

I present you with truth and you all either lie or attack me.

So typical for you far right radical extremists.

I so love putting truth in your faces.
You presented gaslighting to an extreme.

When it was Rand getting surrounded and actually was in a situation that was threatening you state:
He wasn't.

I watched the video.

He was surrounded by people asking him questions but no one physically attacked him or his wife.

It's more republican lies.

But protest at a democrat campaign office where it is actually appropriate and it is suddenly a different story altogether. Mobs harassing republicans at their homes or at a restaurant - A OK. Protests at official democrat campaign offices beyond the pale.

Can you not see the rank hypocrisy?

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