Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.


With you, a core a Merican value seems to be racism.
With you and GLASNOST ”racism” seems to be sharing statistical facts related to the behavioral traits of those of various ethnicities aloud in public, a defended border, nationalism and having the balls to admit that diversity and multiculturalism destroys EVERY single community, city and state it takes hold of.
Trust me, your balls will drop one day.
I’ve been to Maine and Connecticut many times…they are clean, safe, all white and lib as fuck.
What’s your point?
No part of New England is "all white," you ignorant coward. Vermont would be about the closest you could come, but even that is NOT "all white." You are alone in your weakness, coward.
No part of New England is "all white," you ignorant coward. Vermont would be about the closest you could come, but even that is NOT "all white." You are alone in your weakness, coward.
9.4 in 10 in Maine are white….is you dumbass really looking to split hairs and play retard semantics?
Thanks for proving you know nothing about the NE. As a Know Nothing, that seems appropriate for a stupid coward like you.
Scary, racist facts huh?
Argue with the census bureau bud…Sorry, all white communities even when Lib as shit are safe, clean productive and likeminded….add dark people and shit blows up….weird huh?
This was one of the most funny stories of world war 2 and shows only one thing: Germany never had been a real threat for the USA.

Lesson for Americans:

Never trust the Germans. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow.

Never, ever, ever.

Here is another post to describe why this is so.
With you and GLASNOST ”racism” seems to be sharing statistical facts related to the behavioral traits of those of various ethnicities aloud in public, a defended border, nationalism and having the balls to admit that diversity and multiculturalism destroys EVERY single community, city and state it takes hold of.
Trust me, your balls will drop one day.
"Multiculturalism"? You poor idiot. There is no cultural difference between a white American and a black one. Hopefully, if you survive puberty, you will be subjected to something that's called "adolescence". And if you're really lucky you'll get through that too and then you can look beyond the corner candy store and realize that there is something called "life". And if you let go of mommy's hand you'll begin to experience it.
I’ve been to Maine and Connecticut many times…they are clean, safe, all white and lib as fuck.
What’s your point?
Lewiston Maine used to be white. Now it's heavily Somali Muslim. Gangs of Somali teens beat up elderly whites just like blacks do in Brooklyn. Buffalo is middle eastern Muslim.

I have a friend that lives in Rhode Island. She never sees any blacks, Mexicans or arabs. Even in the north east, it depends on where you live.

Okay - you are not real.

That wasn't "fuck you" as though I want to fuck you. It was fuck you as in, "you can go fuck yourself."

Hmm ... you should learn something about the anatomy and physiology of human beings and about the psychosexual inhibition of your culture before to say such a nonsense.

Speaking of fucked. Germany fucked with us and found out. I have no problem with that.

This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I imagine having an installed fake deep state globalist foreign-controlled rep called Joe Bedpan as our supposed "democratically-elected" president doesn't help a whole lot. Either that or what an indictment upon the American people to actually pick such a treasonous schlep in the first place.

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Lesson for Americans:

Never trust the Germans. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow.

Never, ever, ever.

Here is another post to describe why this is so.

Beg your pardon - but sure we Germans are able to reach the USA with antiquated submarines. And sure we are able to wipe out the USA. We are Germans. Still we did not do so - and as far as I know we don't have such a plan. We never had any plan in such a direction because in the German States of America live more of our children than in any other country of the world and you speak the German dialect English. It's a little sad that our English and US-American children and grand...children murdered more Germans than anyone else in the world ever did do - that's all. Nevertheless you are our children - even if you kill us.

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Beg your pardon - but sure we Germans are able to reach the USA with antiquated submarines. And sure we are able to wipe out the USA. We are Germans. Still we did not do so - and as far as I know we don't have the plan to do so. We never had any plan in such a direction because in the German States of America live more of our children than in any other country of the world adn you speak the German dialect English.

Thanks for once again reinforcing my point
Lesson for Americans:

Never trust the Germans. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow.

Never, ever, ever.

Here is another post to describe why this is so.
Germany didn't attack Pear Harbour or the US so the "Lesson for Americans":
Never trust the Japanese or Italians or Israelis
This is truly sad....
The conservative outrage over it is sad, but entirely predictable.

Many conservatives are just looking to be outraged, and this idiotic poll is their latest excuse to shriek/whine/complain.
And a visible outcome of our public education system...
Our PES is conservative?


I thought the commie groomers had taken it over...?

Anyhoo, according to many conservatives, people should be proud of their accomplishments, not things like being born women, black, gay or etc.

Being proud just because of being born a given nationality goes against core conservative values.

Have you gone Marxist on us JM?
I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...
This would make them very/extremely proud to be Americans?

The way some conservative minds work...
I can see why the fascists here are so upset. "Love it or leave it" was their selling point, a justification for brownshirt violence. And now they've lost that.

On the plus side for them, it does give them an excuse to whine and proclaim their victimhood, as you saw them do here.
FOX News is all in a lather about it.

Of course, FOX News is ALWAYS in a lather, and isn't happy unless it's ginning up unrest among the US citizenry.

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