Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.


It’s the visible outcome of the heinous and criminal nature of our government. How much evidence do you require? Decades of numerous actions proving this isn’t enough for you?
Yup, but the poll is also ridiculous.

I polled people asking them if they were proud to be primates, and they said they were neither very nor extremely proud.


I told them to go back to being one-celled organisms, but they just looked at me with their beady little Marxist eyes til I wanted to bitch-slap them while singing a Lee Greenwood song.

Nothing if it’s done truthfully.

The TRUTH???

The truth HATES the US!

It says mean things about the US, including horrible things about slavery, genocide and terrorism.

Y do U hate America & want it to have the truth told about it????
End wealth inequality.
End racial disparities
Invest in education and infrastructure.
Stop pissing away money on wars in countries that aren't a threat to us.
Have universal health care so we aren't spending more than any other country and getting the worst results.
You had to go there...

FOX News is all in a lather about it.

Of course, FOX News is ALWAYS in a lather, and isn't happy unless it's ginning up unrest among the US citizenry.

Unfortunately that can be said of all established corporate media today.
The brotherly love in this thread warms my heart.
Only when both liberals (conservatives who hate conservatives) and conservatives (people who hate everyone who doesn't agree with them about everything) can spew their hate at each other non-stop are we TRULY behaving like Americans.

America has NO official language. AMERICA has freedom. Over 400 languages are spoken in AMERICA.

You have two political parties - all others are totally unimportant. And it counts only one language in the USA: English. Tell me how many Spanish speaking universities exist in the USA and how this correlates to the US-American people with Latin-American roots, "teacher" - better to say "faker" - of real history.
Uh, here's the thing about history.

If you feel good reading a history book, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.

Columbus was a monster. The pilgrims were invaders. Slavery was enshrined into our constitution by the very same men who promoted that "all men are created equal".

As an academic researcher and an organizer around my Native ancestry, I have researched the business ventures that Columbus led. His first order of business was to send four sailing ships back to Europe, loaded to capacity with 550 Natives that were auctioned off in Mediterranean markets.

Less known is that Columbus and his men raped, abducted, traded, and sold for sex Indigenous women and girls. According to Columbus’s notes, men “seized about five women each as their concubines, while others marauded across the island in search of villages with gold.”

Columbus wrote about the Taino, the first Indigenous people he encountered. “A hundred castellanoes [Spanish coin] are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm … there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls. Those from nine to ten [years old] are now in demand.”

Makes you see that Columbus Day parade in a whole new light, doesn't it?
Wait - are you saying Columbus was an ACTUAL groomer? :eek:

Oh wait - he was just a serial rapist and predatory psychopath.


The REAL *groomers* are the ones teaching that gay people shouldn't be burned at the stake in 2023.
You have two political parties - all others are totally unimportant. And it counts only one language in the USA: English. Tell me how many Spanish speaking universities exist in the USA and how this correlates to the US-American people with Latin-American roots, "teacher" - better to say "faker" - of real history.
You do know you’re dealing with a hard case in Teach. He’s drank so much Kool Aide he’s about to explode. He believes all that happy horseshit about America told to him in second grade and he hasn’t advanced one bit from that point.

He doesn’t even know the US is an empire. He freely admits this absurd ignorance.
Unfortunately that can be said of all established corporate media today.
True dat - I don't mean to pick on FOX.

Though bouncing Tucker still has me pissed; he was the only guy on a major cable show that had ACTUAL leftists on. :(
Nonsense. Your worst ever post!

Without wealthy you have no investors, no inventions. See North Korea for your dream society.

Investors are fine, but not at the expense of the working class. 1% of the population has 40% of the wealth. 40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth. This is kind of unacceptable.

Racial disparities? Wth? Is it my fault some don't work hard or smart enuff to succeed? Clean up, show up & shut up.

Um, yes, it is your fault that you benefited from generations of white privilege and pretend that it isn't a factor.

Education? US spends more than any country? How is BALT or CHI failing so miserably?

Actually, the whole country is failing in education, not just the inner cities. We spend about the OCED Average.


Wars? Why didn't Obiden shut it all down?

That it happens at all and we spend all this money projecting power is the problem, while our own infrastructure crumbles. We spend more on a single aircraft carrier than we do on Head Start.

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