Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

Madison Wisconsin

You don't get out much, I can tell.
otto105 found himself an all white liberal outlier in Madison, WI …there’s many more in the all white north east….they are true exceptions to the rule.
Point us to one of your cherished, beloved and touted diverse, multicultural blue shitholes that isn’t a dangerous, divided, taxpayer dependent, unproductive super shithole for the masses?
otto105 found himself an all white liberal outlier in Madison, WI …there’s many more in the all white north east….they are true exceptions to the rule.
Point us to one of your cherished, beloved and touted diverse, multicultural blue shitholes that isn’t a dangerous, divided, taxpayer dependent, unproductive super shithole for the masses?
You realize that 70% of our nations GDP is produced by the counties President Biden won.

Shithole that red state fuckup
I went to the parade in Coeur d'Alene, ID today. I was surprised to see a small group marching in support of the DNC. Throughout the route, they got NO cheers. A larger block-long group of RNC supporters also marched to applause and cheering throughout. I love this town.
otto105 found himself an all white liberal outlier in Madison, WI …there’s many more in the all white north east….they are true exceptions to the rule.
Point us to one of your cherished, beloved and touted diverse, multicultural blue shitholes that isn’t a dangerous, divided, taxpayer dependent, unproductive super shithole for the masses?
You posted just won and I did.

Shithole that country boi.
This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...
American ?...never heard of em

I live in a banana republic
Hahaha…Gavin was right, you always tell us about all those all white communities that are so much better than those filthy dark shitholes you proclaim to cherish.
Here we are on a thread that deals with a lack of patriotism and you immediately take off your shoes and jump straight into the deep end of shit, whining about racial integration. And the greatest thing is ..... ? ....... you are contributing to the degradation of national pride - right here and now! :auiqs.jpg:
In World War 2 "yes". Germany had the right to attack you. But this funny attack also showed that Germany never had been a real threat for the USA. And what do you think did you do with Austria-Hungaria and Germany in World War 1+2? Throwing chocolate out of aeroplanes? This you did do in the airlift to Berlin - which had been by the way a British idea.

I'm heterosexual and I'm married. So if you need a new sexual adventure ask someone else.

Funny. It is really as I said: Germany never did do anything bad in all history to the USA - but you was the worst enemy Germany ever had in history (except Germans on their own). From my point of view the imperial behavior of the USA never made any big sense.


That wasn't "fuck you" as though I want to fuck you. It was fuck you as in, "you can go fuck yourself."

Speaking of fucked. Germany fucked with us and found out. I have no problem with that.

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