Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

Okay - you are not real.

Hmm ... you should learn something about the anatomy and physiology of human beings and about the psychosexual inhibition of your culture before to say such a nonsense.

Yup, but the poll is also ridiculous.

I polled people asking them if they were proud to be primates, and they said they were neither very nor extremely proud.


I told them to go back to being one-celled organisms, but they just looked at me with their beady little Marxist eyes til I wanted to bitch-slap them while singing a Lee Greenwood song.

Håll truten för fan. :)
With you and GLASNOST ”racism” seems to be sharing statistical facts related to the behavioral traits of those of various ethnicities aloud in public, a defended border, nationalism and having the balls to admit that diversity and multiculturalism destroys EVERY single community, city and state it takes hold of.
Trust me, your balls will drop one day.
Awwwww, do different people scare you Olde white fossil.
Again... income inequality is not "new" by any stretch of the imagination... here or elsewhere...

It's not MY beloved "free market capitalism"... which can run rampant and roughshod over the lower and middle classes.

This has much to do with globalism and lack of controls on international corporations and the near-collapse of local retail and a host of other complaints.

And, while there is no doubt that changes must come, slowly and gradually, there will no social nor economic revolution... the demand just isn't there.

And THAT is a conclusion drawn by a free-thinker... not someone (supposedly) brainwashed by "government schools".

"The imperial capital on the Potomac"??? OK... we're done here... :laughing0301:


No one but you keeps repeating the obvious…here’s you again…
Again... income inequality is not "new" by any stretch of the imagination... here or elsewhere...

Why repeat that silliness? Do you really think people believe it’s new? Or is it a tactic for minimizing the truth of what it’s become today?

As has been said, the truth about the American Empire is unknown to many Americans including you. You prove this lack of knowledge and immediately shut off debate, because you just can’t accept it.
1. I do have pride in my nation, it’s you that doesn’t.

2. I guess they’d have to attend a summer class to graduate.
Beg your pardon - but sure we Germans are able to reach the USA with antiquated submarines. And sure we are able to wipe out the USA. We are Germans. Still we did not do so - and as far as I know we don't have such a plan. We never had any plan in such a direction because in the German States of America live more of our children than in any other country of the world and you speak the German dialect English. It's a little sad that our English and US-American children and grand...children murdered more Germans than anyone else in the world ever did do - that's all. Nevertheless you are our children - even if you kill us.


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