Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

My party just kicked your lib loon ass last week with three rulings that restore fact, sanity and reality
Keep on living in your safe space wishes and feelings lamenting your perpetual victimhood
You had psycho rulings from psycho justices that lied during their confirmation hearings. That gives all Americans a bad name.
He said 9.4 from 10 are white in Main [sic]. Indeed are 95.2 from 100 (95.2%) are white in Main. What's nearly the same. So what is your damned big super problem, "teacher"?

You've never been to MAINE either, have you dumbass? You really need to sign up for some EFL classes, Dieter.
You've never been to MAINE ...

Why do you not trust in official informations of the USA? About 95% of the population in Maine are white. What is your problem with facts, Sir Weirdo?
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The US is not an empire ...

USA: ~1 soldier per 200 inhabitants.
Roman Empire: ~1 legionairy per 700-1000 inhabitants (including conquered regions).

You have relativelly 3-5 times more soldiers than Rome per inhabitants. The biggest size of Rome was 5 million square kilometers - your are not far from 10 million square kilometers.

And here a picture of your military bases worldwide:

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