Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

USA: ~1 soldier per 200 inhabitants.
Roman Empire: ~1 legionairy per 700-1000 inhabitants (including conquered regions).

You have relativelly 3-5 times more soldiers than Rome per inhabitants. The biggest size of Rome was 5 million square kilometers - your are not far from 10 million square kilometers.

The size of a country or the size of its military are NOT the definition of an empire, dumbass.
You've never been there, have you dumbass?
Do you think anyone counts hundreds of thousands or millions of people in the region where he lives? Why are you not able to change your absurde behavior and why are you not able to accept official informations of the USA?
Did you brush with your no-fluoride toothpaste today?
800 foreign military bases, a navy large enough to cruise all the oceans, at war nearly its entire existence, and an intelligence service capable of overthrowing almost any government it wishes...but only fools think it isn’t an empire.
Don't pretend you have even one.

I have a big free choice. Epicurus, Democrit and Aristotle for example - not to forget Anaximander and Anaximenes - or Seneca - or Marc Aurel - or Fibonacci, Kepler, Duke Waldstein, Gustav Theodor Fechner, Albert Einstein and so on and so on and so on ...
Do you think anyone counts hundreds of thousands or millions of people in the region where he lives? Why are you not able to change your absurde behavior and why are you not able to accept official informations of the USA?
Answer my question, dumbass.
800 foreign military bases, a navy large enough to cruise all the oceans, at war nearly its entire existence, and an intelligence service capable of overthrowing almost any government it wishes...but only fools think it isn’t an empire.
An empire is not defined by a large military, wannabe.
I have a big free choice. Epicurus, Democrit and Aristotle for example - not to forget Anaximander and Anaximenes - or Seneca - or Marc Aurel - or Fibonacci, Kepler, Duke Waldstein, Gustav Theodor Fechner, Albert Einstein and so on and so on and so on ...
List some more dead people who are NOTHING like YOU, dumbass.
List some more dead people who are NOTHING like YOU, dumbass.

Albert Einstein for example is nearly the same Ashkenazim as I am. And I don't think you know who are Ashkenazim or who are (V)Andalusians and Sephardim or what a philosopher like the Netherlander Baruch de Spinoza spoke about (what impressed the Highlander Albert Einstein very much some hundred years later) - nor what Kurt Goedel and Albert Einstein discussed about when they walked together every morning to the university in Princeton. And I'm easily able to imagine you are a descendant of the Roman soldier who murdered Archimedes because he thought mathematical calculations are sorcery. Oh no sorry ... I'm wrong ... the Roman Emperor did execute this idiot. So he had no descendants.

PS: Ever heard from the philosopher Markus Gabriel? I'm quite sure in 100-200 years he - or his ideas - will be very well known worldwide. Who will speak about you - or your not existing ideas - in 100-200 years? So what is really the base for your deadly, stupid and boring arrogance and wrongness?
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Albert Einstein for example is nearly the same Ashkenazim as I am. And I don't think you know who are Ashkenazim or who are (V)Andalusians and Sephardim or what a philosopher like the Netherlander Baruch de Spinioza spoke about (what impressed the Highlander Albert Einstein very much) - nor what Kurt Goedel and Albert Einstein discussed when they walked together every morning to the university in Princeton And I'm easily able to imagine you are a descendant of the Roman soldier who murdered Archimedes because he thought mathematical calculations are sorcery. Oh no sorry ... I'm wrong ... the Roman Emperor did execute this idiot.

Stop making noises you don't understand, Dieter.

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