Proud To Be Asian! Asians are the most evolved race


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
For more informations and evidences can be seen at Anti Western Cosplayers Movement: Proud To Be Asian! We Asians are the most evolved race!

Asians are :
. Smartest which proven by most winners of math, chemistry, etc other brain based olympics are Asians.
2. The most attractive which proven by most peoples in the world who Cosplay are prefer to imitate Anime, Manga and other Asian based characters than any other characters.
3. Youthful
4. Less smelly
5. Less hairy
6. Have high metabolism, one of the benefit of this is Asians have the lowest % of fat peoples in the world.

Human evolution lead into a more smartest, attractive, smaller, less hairy, etc human being. As for Asians are youthful can be seen at :
Only Asians Look Like Anime Characters.jpg
Proud to be Asian? Really?

I am proud of a lot of things in my life. But they are things I did. Or at least things I had control over.

You are only Asian by pure luck of genetics and cosmic fortune. You did absolutely nothing to earn, become, or be Asian.

And your pride that Asians are the smartest people is much like the white supremicist's claims that white are the best. It ignores the fact that there are a lot of ignorant Asians. All races have racist idiots. As an example, I know of this guys who claims to be Asian that is so angry that Westerners enjoy and create anime, that he has tried to create a movement (funded by some Bitcoin scheme) to remove all Western created anime from the world, and to stop Westerners from even having access to anime. He even wants Asian anime artists to lose control over what they do with their art. Talk about a mental midget.
Westerners did invent some pretty cool stuff ...

Like urban renovation...

QUOTE="fncceo, post: 20777610, member: 60420"]Westerners did invent some pretty cool stuff ...

Like urban renovation...


I like the A-10:


For more informations and evidences can be seen at Anti Western Cosplayers Movement: Proud To Be Asian! We Asians are the most evolved race!

Asians are :
. Smartest which proven by most winners of math, chemistry, etc other brain based olympics are Asians.
2. The most attractive which proven by most peoples in the world who Cosplay are prefer to imitate Anime, Manga and other Asian based characters than any other characters.
3. Youthful
4. Less smelly
5. Less hairy
6. Have high metabolism, one of the benefit of this is Asians have the lowest % of fat peoples in the world.

Human evolution lead into a more smartest, attractive, smaller, less hairy, etc human being. As for Asians are youthful can be seen at :
View attachment 216496
Most bestest at Engrish.
i like 'jap' bikes / motorcycles . The 'japs' decimated the 'english' motorcycle industry and they were the apple of my eye in the late 50s and throughout the 60s . 'japs' are also pretty nice and they are smart , Other orientals are ok , i like the 'nork' army ladies as they parade .
yeah , japs seem to be very servile. Smart though , from what i understand there are very few 'muslims' in Japan .
Asian carry-out restaurants’ workers of the world unite!

And in an hour you’ll wanna do it all over again.
For more informations and evidences can be seen at Anti Western Cosplayers Movement: Proud To Be Asian! We Asians are the most evolved race!

Asians are :
. Smartest which proven by most winners of math, chemistry, etc other brain based olympics are Asians.
2. The most attractive which proven by most peoples in the world who Cosplay are prefer to imitate Anime, Manga and other Asian based characters than any other characters.
3. Youthful
4. Less smelly
5. Less hairy
6. Have high metabolism, one of the benefit of this is Asians have the lowest % of fat peoples in the world.

Human evolution lead into a more smartest, attractive, smaller, less hairy, etc human being. As for Asians are youthful can be seen at :
View attachment 216496

You mean except for the mass murder of 75 million people in China? The "one child policy" in China where they force women to abort their babies? The war started by Japan? the millions murdered by the Japanese during the war? The prison state of North Korea? The murder of 1/3 the population of Cambodia under pol pot?

You mean except for that...Right?
'I don't judge a man by the color of his skin. I judge him on the size of his chinpoko'

Charles Chan, asian law enforcement pioneer.
Eastern Europeans have the most evolved skull forms, being both taller in skull vault, and more brachycephalic than East Asians, or Western Europeans, and the rest of the World too.

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