Proud to support Antifa

The "proud boys" are only "patriots" if you define patriotism as allegiance to Moscow. They are a thug gang who protect absolutely nothing. I am not, and never will be a "nazi," no matter how hard you trash try to turn the US into a fascist state.

Like I said Hysteria, you can't come up with a fucking thing. So you do what Nazis do - you lie and slander your betters.

Fucking Nazi filth.
however, Antifa is as fascist as the nazi brownshirts were
Antifa's whole mission is to make sure that you never see Nazi brown shirts again.
Antifa is a fascist group

Fascism is a union of the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and in no way does that describe Antifa.

Good lord........ :no_text11:

The people who originated the term Nazi and Fascism were the ancient Romans, but Hitler and Mussolini brought them back. And all references to Nazi and Fascist then only refer to what these 3 defined it as, a coalition of the wealthy elite, the aristocracy, military, and corporations. The ancient Romans included the Priesthood, but that is not considered the educational system. Germans tend to include bankers as well.

And of course, in your world, definitions never change do they? The left ion this country are fascist from the word go. You know it and I know it.

The word "fascist" is not evil or anything like that.
It comes from the Roman "fascia" with was the axe handle used as a badge of office by the lictors.
The fascists used a bundle of fascia as their symbol, implying strength in unity.
And in particular, the Romans, Mussolini, and Hitler were all using the word "fascist" to define a coalition of the aristocracy, military, and corporations.

Go look it up:

an advocate or follower of the political philosophy or system of fascism.
"he went to Spain to fight against the fascists" ·

authoritarian · totalitarian · autocrat · Nazi · extreme/far right-winger · rightist ·

Fascist are always right wing and it can never refer to left wing.

Definitions never change, huh? Moron...........

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Antifa and blm are the klan, which by the way, was composed of democrats. Strange how things never change.

And the Democrats were full of conservatives..... just like the Klan.

No, they were democrats full of liberals just like the klan.

Are you serious?

Either you're trying to push a weird agenda, or you're ignorant. Which is it?

Because anyone with any sense of History knows the Democrats were conservative even in WW2.

A random presidential election.

McKinley won, a Republican.
Jennings Bryan lost, a Democrat.

Jennings Bryan won Texas and the whole of the Deep South, everything from Virginia and Kentucky south. He won Idaho and Montana as well.

Are you telling me these were LIBERAL STATES?

Four years later, Democrats don't do so well. They win the Deep South and Texas and that's it. Nothing more. Republicans win everything else.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

I think one thing is opposing fascism, another is supporting a group which might have more opinions than just opposing fascism.

In a narrative filled world it's difficult to know what groups stand for, and what their own goals are.

I can only speak as I find. Antifa has its roots in opposition to fascists the like of which we saw wrek the world in the 40s. You cant just ignore nazis and hope that they go away, The evidence is that they just get stronger.

I cant speak for any other antifa supporters but I personally will not sit by and watch nazis march through my town. It would be a betrayal of all that is decent and all that my Grandparents fought against.

I am also getting to the age where I am losing patience with trying to reason with this trash. Their views are evil and are anathema to all in civilised society, conservative or liberal. Hatred of one group or another is not a legitimate political stance unless that groups sole purpose is to hate everyone who looks different to their view of society.

They should be crushed like dung beetles.

But then when you have anti-fascists who act like fascists, like the USSR did, then what's the point?

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

I think one thing is opposing fascism, another is supporting a group which might have more opinions than just opposing fascism.

In a narrative filled world it's difficult to know what groups stand for, and what their own goals are.

I can only speak as I find. Antifa has its roots in opposition to fascists the like of which we saw wrek the world in the 40s. You cant just ignore nazis and hope that they go away, The evidence is that they just get stronger.

I cant speak for any other antifa supporters but I personally will not sit by and watch nazis march through my town. It would be a betrayal of all that is decent and all that my Grandparents fought against.

I am also getting to the age where I am losing patience with trying to reason with this trash. Their views are evil and are anathema to all in civilised society, conservative or liberal. Hatred of one group or another is not a legitimate political stance unless that groups sole purpose is to hate everyone who looks different to their view of society.

They should be crushed like dung beetles.

No one is marching through your town other than real antifa fascists. You people really are delusional. Its amazing to watch.

Well, in his town would have been the EDL. The biggest name of that was a guy called "Tommy Robinson", real name Yaxley-Lennon, who used the name "Tommy Robinson" to anger the real "Tommy Robinson". Yaxley-Lennon is a convicted football hooligan, passport fraudster (attempted to enter the US on someone else's passport then the right wants him to go to the US, go figure), financial fraudster among other things.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

If instead of committing acts of violence and destruction on the other side of the world from you, in a country that you hate; these subhuman pieces of shit were rioting in your own neighborhood, would you still support them?

In any event, I very much doubt if anyone is at all surprised to see you openly taking the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shirt against that of actual human beings. It's just what you do. It's just what you are.
…but I personally will not sit by and watch nazis march through my town.
No one is marching through your town other than real antifa fascists. You people really are delusional. Its amazing to watch.

Can't say anything about whether anyone is marching through Tainted Tommy's town, but surely if there are any doing so, they aren't Nazis. There are very, very few actual Nazis left alive, if any at all, and what few there might be would be very old by now.

Perhaps Tainted Tommy is going senile, or otherwise suffering from some delusions, that make him think he sees, marching down his street, members of a political party that has been extinct for more than three quarters of a century. I wonder if he sees them riding dinosaurs, with dodo birds accompanying them.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

How can an idea become a hero?

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Satan applauds your devotion to Evil Sin and Lawlessness

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

You’ve always been retarded. It’s not surprising to me at all you would join a group that deals with different opinions with violence as the fascist fighters. You would proudly wear that Nazi uniform all the while calling others the fascists. Your that kind of stupid.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

It's Klantifa, and of course you "support" them.

Well ,at least Alcee Hastings died. One more bites the dust. Next? Hopefully Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.
The first problem I have with ANTIFA is that they cannot define FASCIST properly. They think fascists support gun rights and free market democratic capitalism.

I mean, really, just how DUMB is a person who joins a group that is anti X and then cannot even come close to defining X?
ANTIFA is the living embodiment of Fascism. Stupid morons don’t have the faintest rudimentary understanding of what fascism is or how it functions. Good luck!

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

I'll tell you what big shot, I'm an old man, a combat veteran. Point out one of these assholes - these "ANTIFA" assholes that are nothing more than Brown Shirts, and I will KICK his punk ass.

The SA brownshirts in Germany were a minority trying to intimidate the majority.
Antifa is the opposite, trying to get rights for the majority, which have been stolen by a minority.
Don't believe me?
Then why did we invade Iraq on WMD lies, why are there millions incarcertated on the illegal War on Drugs, why are tens of millions prevented from voting by 3 strikes laws, the War on Drugs, why no public health care, why wages constantly not keeping up with inflation, etc.
Any vet should know by now there is something wrong with the Pentagon and the whole Military Industrial Complex.
And it is not just liberals complaining. It was Eisenhower who first warned us about the Military Industrial Complex taking over and reducing our rights and wages.
The brownshirts worked for the corporations.
The corporations are the source of the problem.
Antifa works for the people.
So antifa is not like the brownshirts and is not the main problem, yet.

Antifa "works" for the people, huh? You are as looney as those who believe that Che' Gueverra was "working" for the Cuban people as he murdered them.......

You are one of the sheep and a useful idiot. Nothing more than that.

You need to check your history more.
Che Guevara was a physician in Argentina, part the wealthy elite. But he finally had enough of the corruption and turned into someone who wanted to help the people.
US companies were getting dictators installed with the help of the US military, all over South American and Central America.
Che Guevara was only in Cuba to help with the revolution there, and left for Venezuela after that, where he was killed.
He was one of the most dedicated and sacrificing heros of the 20th century.
Unlike US troops, he never murdered civilians.

Why do you think you know more about Antifa than someone who actually meets them, talks to them, and sees them in action?

And while in Cuba he was put in charge of La Cabaña prison where it is said he oversaw or personally committed hundreds of executions of “political dissidents”. These included journalists, businessmen and merchants and on one occasion, a fourteen year old boy.

Che is not the angel you would have him to be.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

I'll tell you what big shot, I'm an old man, a combat veteran. Point out one of these assholes - these "ANTIFA" assholes that are nothing more than Brown Shirts, and I will KICK his punk ass.

The SA brownshirts in Germany were a minority trying to intimidate the majority.
Antifa is the opposite, trying to get rights for the majority, which have been stolen by a minority.
Don't believe me?
Then why did we invade Iraq on WMD lies, why are there millions incarcertated on the illegal War on Drugs, why are tens of millions prevented from voting by 3 strikes laws, the War on Drugs, why no public health care, why wages constantly not keeping up with inflation, etc.
Any vet should know by now there is something wrong with the Pentagon and the whole Military Industrial Complex.
And it is not just liberals complaining. It was Eisenhower who first warned us about the Military Industrial Complex taking over and reducing our rights and wages.
The brownshirts worked for the corporations.
The corporations are the source of the problem.
Antifa works for the people.
So antifa is not like the brownshirts and is not the main problem, yet.

Antifa "works" for the people, huh? You are as looney as those who believe that Che' Gueverra was "working" for the Cuban people as he murdered them.......

You are one of the sheep and a useful idiot. Nothing more than that.

You need to check your history more.
Che Guevara was a physician in Argentina, part the wealthy elite. But he finally had enough of the corruption and turned into someone who wanted to help the people.
US companies were getting dictators installed with the help of the US military, all over South American and Central America.
Che Guevara was only in Cuba to help with the revolution there, and left for Venezuela after that, where he was killed.
He was one of the most dedicated and sacrificing heros of the 20th century.
Unlike US troops, he never murdered civilians.

Why do you think you know more about Antifa than someone who actually meets them, talks to them, and sees them in action?

And while in Cuba he was put in charge of La Cabaña prison where it is said he oversaw or personally committed hundreds of executions of “political dissidents”. These included journalists, businessmen and merchants and on one occasion, a fourteen year old boy.

Che is not the angel you would have him to be.

Indeed. I cringe each time I see one of these ass wipes walking around with a Che' shirt on. Makes me sick how stupid some people can be.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Nobody gives a fuck, dude

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